Saturday, September 7, 2013

Will of Samuel Blake, Yeoman, of Blackmarsh Farm near Sherborne, Dorset - The National Archives PROB 11/2155/372, probated 16 Jul 1852

Samuel Blake is the Testator and he was a farmer at Blackmarsh Farm near Sherborne, Dorset.

On the 1851 Census Samuel Blake is a retired farmer living in Sherborne. He lists himself as married and that he was born in Ringwood, Hampshire and he is 76 years of age (born circa 1775).

On the 1841 Census Samuel is a yeoman at Blackmarsh Farm. Living with him are two servants and two people named as independent – Mary Hynes 65 years not born in Dorset and William Trenchard 20 years not born in Dorset (witnessed his will 7 Jan 1842).

There is a marriage between Samuel Blake and Elizabeth Newell 20 Jun 1799 at Romsey, Hampshire (this appears to be a patron entry however I03680-7).

Names mentioned in the will:

Elizabeth Blake of Romsey, Hampshire, sister
William Blake of Devonport, Devon, brewer, brother
Harriet Leach of Liverpool, sister
Stephen Leach of Liverpool, brother in law
Lucy Read of Liverpool, sister
Samuel Read of Liverpool, Schoolmaster, brother in law
Elizabeth Holden of Colesbera, South Africa, niece
Reverend W. C. Holden of Colesbera, South Africa, Wesleyan Missionary, nephew in law
Mary Newell, Ilminster, Somerset, niece
James Blake of Portsmouth, Hampshire, Brewer, brother
Catherine Blake, daughter of Thomas Blake of Cowes, Isle of Wight, niece
Thomas Blake of Cowes, Isle of Wight, brewer, brother
Sarah Jackson of Romsey, Hampshire, sister, deceased
Thomas Blake of Sherborne, Dorset, hatter, cousin

Sarah Jackson is the only deceased sibling and she was likely buried 12 Jul 1824 at Romsey Independent, in Hampshire. A child was buried that same year surname Jackson and not named.

Samuel Blake Jackson was baptized 19 Mar 1817 at Abbey Independent, Romsey, Hampshire son of Samuel Jackson and Sarah Blake (Family Search C06955-1).

On the 1841 Census I found Samuel Jackson 60 years of age and a druggist living in Romsey with his daughters Lucy 20 and Eliza 20. This is perhaps the husband of Sarah Jackson (deceased).

On the 1851 Census Samuel Jackson is retired druggist living at South Stoneham and his daughter Eliza is living with him. She was born at Romsey.

Children born to Samuel and Sarah Jackson and baptized at Abbey-Independent, Romsey:

Mary baptized 3 Jun 1811 (born 16 Feb 1811)
Samuel baptized 13 Dec 1812 (born 5 Oct 1812)
Sarah baptized 21 Aug 1814 (born 20 Apr 1814)
Samuel Blake baptized 19 Mar 1817 (born 3 Sep 1816)
Lucy baptized 28 Jun 1818 (born 9 Mar 1818)
Eliza baptized 6 Aug 1820

Stephen Leach married Harriot Blake 13 Nov 1804 at Romsey, Hampshire (FamilySearch M13669-3).
On the 1851 census Stephen and Harriet are living in Liverpool at 106 Falkner Street and he is a retired auctioner. Harriet is 66 years of age born at Romsey circa 1785. They have one daughter living at home Harriet 38 years of age born at Romsey and Stephen is also born at Romsey. They have their daughter Harriet 38 years of age, their son Charles  35 years of age, their daughter Lucy 26 years of age and their grandson Stephen Leach is three years old. All are born at Romsey except Stephen who was born at Portsea.

Samuel Hardwell Read married Lucy Blake 21 June 1815 at Chitterne All Saints, Wiltshire (FamilySearch M15498-1).

On the 1841 census at Wirrall Cheshire, Samuel Read 72 years of age and a teacher is listed with Lucy Read 46 years of age (born circa 1795) and their daughter Mary 15 years and Frederick 8 years. Could not find them on the 1851 census.

William Clifford Holden married Elizabeth Newell sep quarter 1839 at Sherborne, Dorset.

An interesting website on South Africa mentions the Rev W C Holden:

In 1847 Rev W C Holden arrived in Durban to take charge of the Methodist Mission in the Colony …….. .  A personal webpage on Geni has his date of death as 16 Oct 1897 in Grahamstown, Western District, Eastern Cape, South Africa. It appears Elizabeth died before him as a second wife is mentioned as stepmother.

A son of this couple (W.C. Holden and Elizabeth Newell) was named John Samuel Blake Holden in 1853.

I found a personal webpage that mentions the christening of one of the children of their family in South Africa 14 Oct 1870 ( ).

Baptism of Catherine Blake daughter of Thomas Blake and Sarah Beazley 12 Mar 1820 at Congregational Church, Cowes, Hampshire (Family Search C16696-1).

Other children baptized to Thomas Blake and Sarah Beazley at Congregational Church, Cowes:

Louisa baptized 12 Mar 1820 (born 18 Oct 1816)
Emily baptized 1 Jul 1822
Julia baptized 1 Jul 1822

Marriage of Thomas Blake and Sarah Beazley 19 Jul 1808 at Alverstoke, Hampshire.

On the 1851 Census Thomas Blake is a widower 71 years of age on the Isle of Wight and he was born at Ringwood Hampshire. He is still listed as a Brewer. Living with him is his daughter Julia 25 years of age and she was born at West Cowes. Visiting from the Cape of Good hope is Julia Busby. On the 1861 Census at West Cowes Thomas Blake a widower 81 years a Brewer employing 2 men and born at Ringwood. Visiting him is Isabella Byles a widow of 51 years born at Portsea and a servant Seliza Heath 27 years.

The siblings of Samuel as noted in the will with the exception of John and his addition will be obvious in a few lines below.

William born circa 1774
Samuel born circa 1775 Ringwood Hampshire
Elizabeth born circa 1779
John born circa 1779
Thomas born circa 1780 Ringwood Hampshire
Harriet born circa 1785 Romsey Hampshire
Charles born 3 Jun 1786 Romsey Hampshire
Sarah born 18 Jan 1788 Romsey Hampshire (baptized 19 May 1788)
Mary born 18 Feb 1790 Romsey Hampshire (buried Lyndhurst 7 Jan 1799)
Lucy born 30 Jul 1794 Romsey Hampshire

Possible baptisms for William 12 Mar 1775 at Lymington, Elizabeth 23 Aug 1779 at Lymington and John 1 Mar 1780 at Lymington. All these on Family Search but  no parents listed. No baptism found for James at Lymington.

It is 9 miles (ENE) to Lyndhurst, Hampshire and 8 miles (S) to Christchurch and 16 miles (NE) to Romsey and 13 miles (ESE) to Lymington.

I can not find John or William on the census at the moment. I believe on the 1841 census Elizabeth is visiting with William Newell on the Isle of Wight. He is a farmer there. With her is an Ann Blake 20 years of age (possibly a niece?). I believe it is Birchmore Farm. James Blake is perhaps at Droxford with a year of birth circa 1777 but no evidence for that other than this listing.

Searching the Non Conformist and non parochial registers on Ancestry I found the baptism for Lucy Blake at Romsey Hampshire and daughter of Samuel Blake and Mary Blake. A good starting point having the father of this group. Lucy was born 30 Jul 1794. Another handy piece of information Mary Blake, wife of Samuel Blake, was buried in the Protestant Dissenters burying ground at Lyndhurst 7 Dec 1794 aged 47 years. This is perhaps Samuel Blake marrying Mary Earle 9 Aug 1773 in Hampshire.

There was another son Charles born 3 Jun 1786 and baptized 11 Jan 1787 at Romsey.

There was another daughter Mary born 18 Feb 1790 and baptized the same day at Romsey. She was buried 7 Jan 1799 at Lyndhurst.

A little more sleuthing and I believe I have found the parents of Samuel (and all his siblings). Samuel Blake of Christchurch, BrandyMerchant, left his will which was probated 13 Feb 1812


 in which he mentions two of his sons and his four daughters Elizabeth, Harriet, Sarah and Lucy. The two sons he mentions with regard to his business are John and Samuel. Mentioned in the probate as executors are John and William Blake sons. I have not yet found a John Blake as a child of Samuel and Mary but will  have another look. Sons not mentioned James and Thomas. In the will there was a partnership between Samuel and his two sons John and Samuel as Malsters and Common Brewers Farmers dealers and chapmen at Sherborne. It does appear as if Samuel has followed the will and carried on the business restablishing himself after closure. But what happened to John? A mystery to solve. Indeed he mentions Lucy is not yet 21 (she was born in 1794 so would be 18 at the time of probate. 

Also interesting Samuel mentions a cousin Thomas Blake of Sherborne which would indicate that the father Samuel had a brother possibly. Thomas appears on the 1851 census at Newland in Sherborne as a retired hat manufacturer. He is a widower with a daughter Eliza 43 years of age and he is 81 years of age. He was born at Sherborne. There is a house servant Harriot Sansom living there as well. From Family Search there is a baptism for Eliza Blake daughter of Thomas and Ann Blake and baptized 25 Dec 1806 at the Union Chapel and Long Street Meeting-Independent, Sherborne, Dorset. Thomas also appears on the 1841 census as a 71 year old hatter with daughter Eliza 26, son Samuel 25 and Ann 21 still with a female servant Emily Gerrand 18 years of age. Peeking ahead at the will for this Thomas he married Ann Hine 11 Jul 1796 at Beaminster, Dorset.

Are there any male descendants of this line with the Blake surname? Thomas, cousin to Samuel, does have a son Samuel. When I do the will of Thomas I will see if I can trace down that line a little further in the census.

There are three Blake males listed in the 1807 Dorset Poll Book – John Blake at Sherborn (Abbots Fee), Thomas Blake at Sherborne (Houndstreet) and William Blake at Portsea (Poole).

The OPC Dorset site has a number of Blake entries for Sherborne and I will extract them when I do the will of Thomas Blake at Sherborne.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Sep 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2155/372
Testator: Samuel Blake, Yeoman
Place: Blackmarsh Farm near Sherborne, Dorset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 7 Jan 1842, probated 16 Jul 1852
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Samuel
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 23

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Samuel Blake of Blackmarsh Farm near Sherborne in
3    the County of Dorset yeoman I direct that all my just debts funeral
4    and testamentary expences and the costs and charges of proving
5    this my Will may be fully paid and satisfied I give and bequeath
6    all my personal estate of every sort and kind except the Bible
7    hereinafter specifically bequeathed unto my Executors hereinafter
8    named upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my
9    decease to convert the whole into money and out of the produce
10    thereof to purchase into their own names the sum of four hundred
11    pounds stock three per cent consolidated bank annuities and
12    receive the dividends thereof and pay the same when so received
13    unto my Sister Elizabeth Blake of Romsey in the County of Hants
14    spinster during the term of her natural life and I direct that until
15    my said Executors shall have made the investment hereinbefore
16    directed that the interest which would have been received from the
17    said stock had the investment been made shall be payable out
18    of my residuary personal estate And I further direct that a sum
19    proportionate to such part of the current half year as shall have
20    elapsed at the death of my said Sister shall be paid to her executors or
21    administrators and immediately after the decease of my said Sister
22    Elizabeth Blake I give and bequeath unto my brothers William
23    Blake of Devonport in the County of Devon Brewer one moiety or
24    half part of the said sum of four hundred pounds stock herein before
25    directed to be invested and as to one fourth part of share of the said
26    sum of four hundred pounds stock I direct my Trustees to hold the
27    Same upon the like trusts as are hereinafter declared concerning
28    the one sixth of the residue given to them for the benefit of my
29    Sister Harriet Leach wife of Stephen Leach of Liverpool in the
30    County of Lancaster and her daughters And as to the remaining
31    one fourth part or share of the said sum of four hundred pounds
32    stock I direct my said Trustees to hold the same upon the like trusts
33    as are hereinafter declared concerning the one sixth of the residue
34    given to them for the benefit of my Sister Lucy Read Wife of
35    Samuel Read of Liverpool aforesaid Schoolmaster her husband
36    and children And I direct that the legacy duly payable in respect of
37    the aforesaid amount of four hundred pounds stock be paid by my
38    Executors out of my residuary personal estate I give and bequeath
39    unto my niece Elizabeth Holden wife of The Reverend W. C. Holden
40    now a Missionary at Colesbera South Africa the sum of Two
41    hundred and fifty pounds but in case of the death of the said
42    Elizabeth Holden in my life time leaving a child or children living at
43    my decease I give and bequeath the same sum of Two hundred
44    and fifty pounds unto my trustees upon trust to invest the same
45    in their own names in the purchase of three per cent consolidated
46    Bank annuities and to accumulate the dividends by half yearly
47    investments
    [Page 2]
48    investments upon the same securities in the nature of compound
49    interest and upon further trust to divide the said stock accumulated as well
50    as original unto and equally between such of the children of the said
51    Elizabeth Holden as shall live to attain the age of twenty one years or if
52    there shall be but one such attaining Child than to such only child his or
53    her executors administrators and assigns But if there shall be no child
54    living as aforesaid or being any shall die under the age of twenty one
55    years then I give and bequeath the said sum of two hundred and
56    fifty pounds unto Mary Newell of Ilminster in the County of Somerset
57    spinster her executors administrators and assigns I give and bequeath
58    unto such of the children of my brother James Blake of Portsmouth in
59    the County of hants Brewer living at my decease the sum of five pounds But
60    in case any child or children of my said brother shall at my death be
61    under the age of twenty one years then I direct that the legacy or
62    legacies of such child or children so under age be paid to my brother
63    the said James Blake as a Trustee for his said children and the
64    receipt of my said brother shall be a good discharge to my Executors
65    for the same I give and bequeath unto my Niece Catharine Blake
66    daughter of my brother Thomas Blake of Cowes in the Isle of
67    Wight Brewer my Baxters comprehensive Bible And as to all the
68    rest, residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects I
69    direct that the same may be divided into six equal parts or shares
70    and as to one of such six parts or shares I give and bequeath the
71    same unto my said brother William Blake to and for his own use
72    and benefit and as to one other of such six equal parts or shares I
73    give and bequeath the same unto my said brother Thomas Blake
74    to and for his own use and benefit and as to one other of such six
75    equal parts or shares I give and bequeath the same unto my
76    Trustees for the time being their executors administrators and assigns
77    upon trust to invest the same in their own names in the purchase
78    of three percent consolidated bank annuities and upon trust to
79    stand possessed of the same and permit my said Sister Harriet Leach
80    to enjoy the annual income thereof for her life but so that during her
81    present and any future coverture my said Trustees shall pay such
82    income as the same shall become due and not by way of anticipa-
83    tion into her proper hands and for her sole use free from marital
84    control for which payments her receipts shall be good discharges to my
85    said Trustees and immediately after the decease of my said Sister
86    Harriet Leach upon trust to divide the principal stock unto and equally
87    between such of her daughters as shall be living at her decease But
88    in case there should be but on daughter living then to such only
89    daughter her executors administrators and assigns and as to one other
90    of such six equal parts or shares I give and bequeath the same unto
91    my Trustees for the time being their executors administrators and
92    assigns upon trust to invest the same in their own names in the
93    purchase of three per cent consolidated Bank annuities and upon
94    trust to stand possessed of the same and permit my said Sister Lucy
95    Read to enjoy the annual income thereof for her life but so that during
96    her present or any future coverture my said trustees shall pay such
97    income as the same shall become due and not by way of anticipa-
98    tion into her proper hands for her sole use free from marital control
99    for which payments her receipts shall be good discharges to my said Trustees
100    and after her decease upon trust to pay the annual income thereof
101    to her husband for life and immediately after the decease of the survi-
102    vor of them my said Sister Lucy Read and of her husband upon
103    trust to divide the principal stock unto and equally between such of
104    the children of my said Sister Lucy Read as shall be living at the
    [Page 3]
105    decease of the survivor of them the said Lucy Read and her said
106    husband and as to one other of such six equal parts or shares I give
107    and bequeath the same unto and equally between such of the children
108    of my Sister Sarah Jackson late of Romsey in the County of hants
109    deceased as shall be living at my decease And as to the last of such equal
110    six parts or shares I give and bequeath the same unto and equally
111    between such of the children of my Cousin Thomas Blake of Sherborne
112    aforesaid formerly hatter but now out of business as shall be living
113    at the time of my decease And I hereby declare that any interest
114    given to any female under this my Will shall be to and for the
115    separate use and benefit of such individuals respectively And Lastly
116    I devise all Estates vested in me as mortgagee or trustee to my said
117    Trustees their heirs executors administrators and assigns subject to the
118    trusts and equities affecting the same respectively and I direct and
119    declare that the receipts of my Trustees for any money to be paid to
120    them in that Character shall exonerate the persons paying the
121    same from all liability in respect of the application thereof And I
122    declare that if either of my said trustees herein named shall die in my
123    lifetime or shall refuse to accept the trusts of my Will it shall be lawful for
124    the other of them surviving me and accepting such trusts or if neither of
125    them shall survive me and accept the same than for my said brother
126    William Blake his executors or administrators or either of any of
127    them to appoint within six calendar months after my decease a fit
128    person or persons to supply the vacancy or vacancies occasioned by
129    such death or refusal and I further declare that so often as any trustee or
130    Trustees hereinnamed or to be appointed under this power or the preceeding
131    power shall die or desire to be discharged or become unable to act it
132    shall be lawful for the trustees or trustee for the time competent to act or if
133    there shall be no such trustee then for my said brother William Blake
134    his executors or administrators to appoint a fit person or persons to
135    succeed to the office of the deceased retiring or incapacitated trustee or
136    Trustees and by force of every such appointment as aforesaid all the
137    authorities and discretion given to the deceased refusing incapacitated or
138    discharged trustee shall be conferred upon the appointed trustee or
139    Trustees in whom either alone or jointly with the surviving or contin-
140    uing trustees or trustee my trust property shall vest or by proper
141    assurances be vested and on every appointment under the first of then
142    two preceeding powers the appointed trustee or trustees shall be considered
143    ss coming in under my Will in the same manner as if he or they had
144    been therein named instead of the deceased or refusing trustee or trustees
145    and I declare that the trustees or trustee for the time being of my Will
146    shall be responsible only for their or his own respective acts defaults and
147    receipts and be exempt from all liability for involuntary losses and be at
148    liberty to deduct and allow to each other all expences incident to the
149    execution of the trusts of this my Will and I appoint my friends
150    Benjamin Chandler and Silvanus Longman and my brother the said
151    Thomas Blake Executors and Trustees of this my Will And Lastly
152    I revoke all other testamentary dispositions by me at anytime heretofore
153    made In Witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand this seventh
154    day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
155    and forty two Sam. Blake Signed by the said Testator Samuel
156    Blake as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
157    present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the
158    presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
159    Wm Trenchard of Sherborne Dorset Gent:  P B Chandler J[unio]r of
160    Sherborne Dorset Gent.
    [Page 4]
161    Proved at London 16th July 1852 before The Judge by the oath of
162    Silvanus Longman one of the Executors to whom Admon was grant
163    ed having been first sworn by Com[missi]on duly to administer Power
164    reserved of making the like grant to Benjamin Chandler Esquire and
165    Thomas Blake the Brother the other Executors when they shall apply
166    for the same

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