Sunday, September 8, 2013

Will of Susanna Blake heretofore Moore, Wife of John Blake, Gussage All Saints, Dorset - The National Archives PROB 11/870/ , probated 10 Nov 1761

Susanna Blake (formerly Moore) is the testatrix of the will below. She is married to John Blake and they live at Gusage All Saints, Dorset. According to the will below, Susanna Moore married John Blake after 21 Jan 1752 as a pre-nuptial agreement was signed on that date. They do not appear to have had any children; I did not find any Blake surnames searching on the Gussage All Saints OPC website where there are baptisms from 1701 to 1812. Nor are their burials listed on this website.

However I did find the burial of Susanna Blake on the Gussage St Michael OPC website. Susanna was 61 years of age and buried 2 Aug 1760. Her husband John Blake also aged 61 years was buried 31 Jan 1761 was also buried at Gussage St Michael. Obviously this couple was older when they married. They are the only Blake burials registered there between 1654 and 1812.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Sep 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/870/183
Testator: Susanna Blake heretofore Moore, Wife
Place: Gussage All Saints, Dorset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 16 Jul 1760, probated 10 Nov 1761
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Susanna Blake
[Margin]: heretofore Moore

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Susanna Blake Wife of John Blake of Gussage All
3    Saints in the County of Dorsett Malster doe make my last Will
4    and Testament in manner and form following Whereas in and by
5    a certain Indenture Tripartite bearing date on or about the twenty
6    first day of January one thousand seven hundred and fifty two
7    made between myself by my then Name of Susanna Moore
8    of the first part Henry Edwards and Richard Dean of the second
9    part and the said John Blake my present husband of the third
10    part made previous to and in order to my Marriage with the said
11    John Blake two several Bonds or Obligations from Robert Bowles
12    Esquire and the Honourable and Reverend Thomas Howe for the
13    payment of one hundred pounds cash are thereby assigned to the
    [Page 2]
14    said Henry Edwards and Richard Dean their Executors administrators
15    and Assigns in manner therein expressed Upon Trust (amongst
16    other things) that in Case I should dye in the life time of the said
17    John Blake that they the said Henry Edwards and Richard Dean
18    should Transfer pay and dispose of the said one hundred pounds
19    and one hundred pounds and the interest and produce thereof to
20    such person or persons and in such sort manner and proportions
21    as I notwithstanding my Coverture should by any deed or deeds
22    in Writing or by my last Will and Testament in Writing or by
23    any Writing purporting to be my last Will and Testament under
24    my hand and Seal Executed in the presence of two or more creditable
25    Witnesses direct limit and appoint as in and By the said in part
26    recited Indenture relation being therein to had it doth and may
27    more fully and at large appear And Whereas the said one
28    hundred pounds due from the said Robert Bowles was in or about
29    the Month of April one thousand seven hundred and fifty six
30    paid into the said Henry Edwards and Richard Dean and on
31    the first day of May following was by them lent and placed out
32    at interest to my said husband upon his bond of that date by and
33    with my Consent and approbation upon the Trusts and to and for
34    the uses intents and purposes mentioned and contained in the said
35    Tridenture Tripartite and the other one hundred pounds still
36    remains due and owing from the said Thomas Howe Now in
37    testimony of the love and Affection which I have and bear towards
38    the said John Blake my husband and by Virtue of the power and
39    authority to me reserved and given in and by the said in part
40    recited Indenture and of all other powers and Authorities any wise
41    enabling me thereunto I the said Susanna Blake do by this my
42    last Will and Testament or Writing purporting my last Will
43    and Testament by me under my hand and Seal published and
44    declared in the presence of John Young and James Flipping whose
45    names are hereunder written as Witnesses hereto Give bequeath
46    direct limit and appoint the said two several Sums of one hundred
47    pounds and one hundred pounds and the interest thereof unto my
48    said husband for and during the term of his natural life and I hereby
49    direct the said Henry Edwards and Richard Dean to pay him the
50    interest of the said one hundred pounds due from the said Thomas
51    Howe accordingly or permit him to receive the same and from and
52    after the decease of my said husband I Give and bequeath the said
53    two several Sums of one hundred pounds and one hundred pounds
54    (or such part thereof as shall be left and in being at the time
55    of his death as hereinafter is mentioned) together with the Securities
56    for the same unto my Nephew Francis Russell of Magdalen
57    College Cambridge Son of my late Sister Rebecca Russell his
58    Executor and Administrators but it is my express Will desire and
59    meaning that if by sickness or other infirmities my said husband
60    shall in the opinion of the said Henry Edwards and Richard Dean
61    have need or occasion of all or any part of the said principal
62    sums of one hundred pounds and one hundred pounds then I do
63    hereby order and direct that the said Trustees shall and do
64    permit him to receive have and take the same (notwithstanding
65    the above bequest to the said Francis Russell) to and for his
    [Page 3]
66    own use and that they the said Trustees shall not be any ways
67    liable answerable or accountable to the said Francis Russell
68    or any one else for the same and I do hereby acquit and
69    discharge them thereof it being my intention that the said Francis
70    Russell under this my Will shall have or be entitled to have or
71    receive no more of the said Several Sums of one hundred pounds
72    and one hundred pounds than my said husband shall leave
73    at his death In Witness whereof I the said Susanna Blake
74    have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal
75    the sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
76    seven hundred and sixty Susanna Blake Signed Sealed and
77    published and declared by the said Susanna Blake the Testatrix
78    as and for her last Will and Testament and the words his Executors
79    and Administrators being first interlined in the presence of us who
80    at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other
81    have hereunto set and Subscribed our Names as Witnesses John
82    Young James Flipping
83    On the tenth day of November in the year of our Lord
84    one thousand seven hundred and sixty one Letters of Administration
85    (with the last Will and Testament annexed) of Susannah Blake
86    Heretofore Moore (Wife of John Blake) late of Gussage all
87    Saints in the County of Dorset deceased were granted to Francis
88    Russell the Nephew next of kin and Residuary Legatee substituted
89    in the said Will he having been first sworn duly to administer
90    for that there is no Executor named in the said Will and the
91    said John Blake the husband and Universal Legatee for life
92    named in the said Will Survived the Testatrix but died without
93    taking upon him Letters of Administration (with the said Will
94    annexed) of the Goods of the said deceased.

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