Thursday, September 12, 2013

Will of William Blake, Esquire, of Blandford Forum, Dorset - The National Archives PROB 11/1227/194, probated 24 Jan 1793

The testator William Blake is the son of the Reverend Malachi Blake whose will was blogged earlier, namely:

This will does prove to be rather interesting in the names that he mentions as it draws together all the individuals to whom William is related although he does not mention kinship to the Reverend William Blake of Crewkerne.

Names mentioned in the will:

William Blake of Blandford Forum, Dorset, testator
Hannah Blake of Blandford Forum, Dorset, wife, executrix and trustee
The Reverend Mr John Basket, land owner
William Tice of Blandford Forum, nephew
William Fisher, second son of Mrs Sarah Fisher, nephew
Mrs. Sarah Fisher, sister
The Reverend William Blake of Crewkerne, Somerset, Clerk, trustee
Reverend Henry Field of Blandford Forum, brother in law, trustee
Elizabeth Gillibrand, wife of The Reverend Joseph Gillibrand of Edmonton, Middlesex, sister
The Reverend Joseph Gillibrand of Edmonton, Middlesex, brother in law
Elizabeth Blake, sister
Malachi Tice, nephew
Samuel Tice, nephew
John Tice, nephew
Sarah Field, wife of Henry Field, niece
Mary James, wife of Robert James of Chard, Somerset, niece
Robert James of Chard, apothecary, husband of Mary James
Suzey (Susannah) Budden, wife of Thomas Budden of Blandford Forum, niece
Thomas Budden of Blandford Forum, husband of Suzey Budden, maltster
Robert Fisher, son of Mrs Sarah Fisher, nephew
Thomas Fisher, son of Mrs Sarah Fisher, nephew
Samuel Bellows of Bere Regis, shopkeeper
The Reverend Mr Armstrong of Bath
Thomas Scadding of Henley, Taunton Dean, Somerset, tenant
Jenry Eames of Starson, Somerset, tenant
William Fisher, second son of Robert Fisher, great nephew
Ann Fisher, wife of Robert Fisher (great nephew), deceased
Malachi Blake, deceased, father
Lord Rivers, land owner
Joseph Hardy, tenant
Thomas Fisher of Dorchester, grocer, nephew (son of Mrs. Sarah Fisher)
Mr. Best, land owner
John Symonds, tenant
Ann Locker of Charlton Marshall, tanner, tenant
Richard Frampton of Charlton Parva, tenant
Robert Fisher, son of Robert Fisher, great nephew
Ambrose Weston, Fenchurch Street, London, Attorney at law, witness
George Weston, Clerk to Ambrose Weston, witness
Wm Winn, Clerk to Ambrose Weston, witness
Richard Walkden, property owner
The Reverend Samuel Tice of Edmonton, nephew
Mrs. Sarah Tice, wife of the Reverend Samuel Tice of Edmonton
Reverend Mr. William Gellibrand, son of Reverend Mr. Joseph Gellibrand of Edmonton, great nephew
Wm Hayward, Clerk to Mr. Ambrose Weston, witness
John Nachay, Clerk to Mr. Ambrose Weston, witness
Ann Fisher, daughter of Robert Fisher, great niece
Sarah Fisher, daughter of Robert Fisher, great niece
Thomas Fisher, son of Robert Fisher, great nephew
Susannah Button, niece
H Percival of Bath, Attorney at Law, witness
Hippesley Brue, Clerk to Mr. Percival, witness
Mrs. MaryTice, deceased, sister
Thomas Gellibrand, son of Reverend Mr, Joseph Gellibrand, great great nephew
Mrs. [Elizabeth] Gellibrand, wife of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Gellibrand, daughter of Mrs. Mary Tice
William Tice, son of Benjamin Tice (his nephew), great nephew
Malachi Fisher, son of William Fisher (his nephew), great nephew
Thomas Fisher, son of Thomas Fisher (his nephew), great nephew
William Budden son of Thomas Budden (his nephew), great nephew
Gabriel Tirrard, servant
Geo: Bodley junior, Clerk to Mr. Ambrose Weston, witness

Blandford Forum Protestant Dissenters Births and Baptisms at Blandford Forum 1785 – 1808

William son of Thomas Budden and his wife Susanna baptized 3 Jun 1785, born 16 Apr 17John son of Thomas Budden and his wife Susanna baptized 1 Oct 1786, born 1 Sep 1786
Hannah daughter of Thomas Budden/his wife Susanna baptized 14 Sep 1790, born 6 Aug 1790
Henry son of Thomas Budden and his wife Susanna baptized 19 Feb 1792, born 13 Jan 1792

Next week I will be blogging on the relationship between the Blake families in Blandford Dorset and various places in Somerset including Bridgwater.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Sep 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1227/
Testator: William Blake, Esquire
Place: Blandford Forum, Dorset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 22 Jun 1785, probated 24 Jan 1793
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: Esq[ui]re

1    I William Blake of Blandford
2    Forum in the County of Dorset Esquire being in good
3    health and of sound mind memory and understanding
4    thanks be to God for the same do make publish and
5    declare this to be my last Will and Testament in
6    manner and form following that is to say First I do
7    hereby ratify and confirm a Bond given and entered
8    into by me previous to and in consideration of
9    my Marriage with my present dear and well beloved
10    Wife Hannah Blake and I give devise and Bequeath
11    all that my Messuage or Tenement and Premises
12    with the appurtenances wherein I now live situate in the
13    Market Place in Blandford Forum aforesaid and which
14    I purchased of The Reverend Mr. John Basket unto my
15    said Wife Hannah Blake to hold to her and her Assigns
16    for and during the term of her natural life and from and
17    immediately after her decease I give and devise and
18    bequeath the same to my Nephew William Tice of
19    Blandford Forum aforesaid for and during the term of
    [Page 2]
20    his natural life (and it is my desire that no door
21    May be ever made out of that Room called the
22    Ford parlous into the other parlour other then
23    what is now and shall be standing at my decease)
24    and from and immediately after his decease I give
25    devise and bequeath the said Messuage and Premises
26    to my Nephew William Fisher second Son of my
27    Sister Sarah Fisher and to his heirs forever Also I
28    give and bequeath to my said dear Wife Hannah
29    Blake The Reverend William Blake of Crewkhene in
30    the County of Somerset Clerk and the Reverend Henry
31    Field of Blandford Forum aforesaid Clerk the Sum of
32    Sixteen thousand pounds of lawful money of Great
33    Britain upon trust that they and the Survivors
34    of them or the Executors or Administrators of such
35    survivor do and shall place out the same in the
36    Publick Stocks or Funds or Government or Real Securities
37    at Interest or that they do appropriate and
38    set apart for that purpose any real Securities
39    wherein any part of my Personal Estate may be
40    invested at the time of my decease and continue the
41    same thereon or otherwise at their discretion and
42    shall and do pay the Interest and dividends thereof
43    from time to time unto my said Wife Hannah
44    Blake and her assigns during her natural life and
45    after her decease I give and bequeath the said sum
46    of Sixteen thousand pounds so directed to be laid
47    out and invested as aforesaid unto all my own
48    Nephews and Nieces that shall be living at the time
49    of the decease of my said Wife equally to be divided
50    between them share and share alike and if but
51    oone then I give the whole to such
52    one Child Subject nevertheless to the proviso hereinafter
53    contained in favour of any Children which any of
54    them may have at their deaths Also I give and
55    bequeath to the said Hannah Blake William Blake
56    and Henry Field the Sum of twelve hundred pounds
57    of like lawful money of Great Britain upon trust
58    that they my said Trustees and the Survivors and
59    Survivor of them and the Executors or adm[inistrat]ors of
60    such Survivor do and shall put and place or continue
61    the same out at Interest in the Public Stocks or
62    Funds or Government or real Securities as is hereinbefore
63    directed concerning the before mentioned Sum of
64    money bequeathed in trust as aforesaid and shall and
65    do pay the Interest and dividends of the Said Sum
66    of Twelve hundred pounds to my Niece Elizabeth
67    Gillibrand the Wife of The Reverend Joseph Gillibrand
68    of Edmonton in the County of Middlesex during her
69    natural life the same to be paid into her own hands
70    for her own Sole and separate
71    use and not to be Subject or liable to the Debts
    [Page 3]
72    control Intermeddling or Engagements of her present
73    or any future husband and her receipt alone
74    notwithstanding her present or any future Coverture
75    shall be good and sufficient discharges to my said
76    Trustees for the same or such part or parts thereof
77    as by such receipts shall be acknowledged or expressed
78    to be received And from and immediately after the
79    decease of the said Elizabeth Gillibrand then upon
80    trust to transfer pay and dispose of the said Sum of
81    twelve hundred pounds or the Securities in or upon which
82    the same shall be invested unto and amongst all
83    and every the Child and Children of the said Elizabeth
84    Gillibrand now born or hereafter to be born
85    share and share alike to be paid to them at their
86    respective ages of twenty one years And I hereby
87    direct that the Interest and dividends thereof in the
88    mean time shall accumulate for their proper use and
89    benefit and be paid to them with the said principal
90    monies And in case any of such Children shall die
91    before they shall attain the age of twenty one years
92    without leaving issue lawfully begotten then the share of him her or
93    them so dying shall go and be paid to the Survivor
94    or Survivors of them in manner and at the times
95    hereinbefore mentioned Also I give and bequeath unto
96    the said Joseph Gillibrand the Sum of Five hundred
97    pounds to and for his own use and benefit Also I
98    give and bequeath unto the said Hannah Blake
99    William Blake and Henry Field the Sum of Fifty pounds a year
100    short annuities purchased by me in the year one
101    thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Eight upon trust
102    that they the said Trustees and the Survivors and
103    Survivor of them his or her Executors and Adm[inistrat]ors do
104    and shall pay the said Annuity and the dividends
105    thereof unto my Sister Elizabeth Blake and her
106    assigns for and during the term of her natural life
107    and from and after her decease I do hereby order
108    and direct that the same Annuity shall sink
109    into the residue of my Personal Estate Also I give
110    and bequeath to the said Hannah Blake William
111    Blake and Henry Field the further Sum of Eight
112    hundred pounds Upon trust that they and the
113    Survivors and Survivor of them do and shall put
114    and place or continue the same out at Interest in the
115    Publick Stocks or Funds or on Government or real
116    Securities in like manner as is hereinbefore directed
117    concerning the other Monies hereby bequeathed in
118    trust as aforesaid and shall and do pay the
119    interest and dividends thereof unto my Sister Sarah
120    Fisher and her Assigns for the term of
121    her natural life and from and immediately after
122    her decease then upon trust and I hereby Give the
123    same unto and between such of her Children as
    [Page 4]
124    shall be living at the time of her decease if more
125    than one share and share alike and if but one
126    then the whole to such one Child Subject ne[v]ertheless
127    to the proviso hereinafter contained in favour of
128    the children of any of them who may die in my
129    lifetime Also I give and bequeath to my said Sister
130    Sarah Fisher the Sum of Four hundred pounds to
131    and for her own use and benefit Also I give and
132    bequeath to my Nephew Malachi Tice the Sum of
133    One thousand pounds to and for his own use and
134    benefit Also I give and bequeath to my Nephew
135    William Tice the Sum of Twelve hundred pounds
136    to and for his own use and benefit Also I give
137    and bequeath to the said Hannah Blake William
138    Blake and Henry Field the Sum of One thousand
139    pounds upon trust that they my said trustees and
140    the Survivors or Survivor of them or the Executors
141    or Administrators of such Survivor shall and do
142    put and place or continue the same out at Interest on
143    the Publick Stocks or Funds or on Government or real Securities in like manner as is
144    hereinbefore directed concerning the said other Monies
145    hereby bequeathed In trust as aforesaid upon trust
146    that my said trustees and the Survivors and Survivor
147    of them and the Executors and Adm[inistrat]ors of such Survivor
148    shall and do pay the Interest thereof to my Nephew
149    Samuel Tice for and during the term of his natural
150    life and from and immediately after his decease then
151    upon trust for all and every his the said Samuel
152    Tices own children if any who shall be living at
153    the time of his decease share and share alike to
154    be paid to them at their respective Ages of twenty
155    one years And in Case any of them shall die under
156    that age then the part of share of him her or
157    them so dying shall go and be paid to the Survivors
158    or Survivor of them and if the said Samuel Tice
159    shall die without leaving any Child or Children of his
160    own then upon trust for all and every the next
161    of Kin of the said Samuel Tice in such parts and
162    proportions and in such manner in every respect as
163    he shall by deed or Will appoint provided Nevertheless
164    that it shall be lawful to and for the said Samuel
165    Tice by any deed or Will to appoint the Interest
166    of the said Sum of One Thousand pounds or any
167    part thereof to be paid to his present or any future
168    Wife or Wives he may marry for her or their natural
169    life or lives Also I give and bequeath to my
170    Nephew John Tice the Sum of one thousand
171    pounds to and for his own use and benefit provided
172    always and I do hereby direct and declare that in
173    case of the death of any of my said last mentioned
174    Nephews the said Malachi Tice William
175    Tice Samuel Tice and John Tice without Issue of
    [Page 5]
176    their bodies lawfully begotten then I give the Legacy
177    or Legacies of him or them so dying leaving no Issue
178    unto all my said last mentioned Nephews to be
179    divided between them share and share alike and if
181    that shall be but one such Surviving Nephew then
182    I give the whole of the said last mentioned Legacies
183    to such one Nephew Also I give and bequeath to the
184    said Hannah Blake William Blake
185    and Henry Field the Sum of one thousand pounds
186    of lawful money of Great Britain upon trust that
187    they or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the
188    Executors of Administrators of such Survivor do and
189    shall place or continue the same out at Interest in
190    the Public Stocks or Funds
191    or on Government or
192    real Securities in like manner as is hereinbefore
193    directed concerning the other Monies hereby bequeathed
194    In trust as aforesaid and shall and do pay the
195    Interest and dividends thereof to my Niece Sarah
196    Field the wife of the said Henry Field for and during
197    the term of her natural life unto her own
198    hands for her own separate use And I do hereby
199    direct that the same shall not be Subject or
200    liable to the debts control or Engagements of her
201    said present or any after taken husband And that
202    her receipts alone Signed with her own hand
203    shall from time to time notwithstanding her
204    present or any future Coverture Be Sufficient discharges
205    to my said Trustees for the same and from and
206    after her death then upon trust to transfer pay
207    and dispose of the said Sum of one thousand
208    pounds or the Securities in or upon which the same
209    shall be laid out and Invested to and among all
210    and every the Child and Children of the said Sarah
211    Field that shall be living at the time of her
212    decease share and share alike to be paid to them
213    at their respective Ages of twenty one years and if
214    but one such Child shall live to attain the age
215    of Twenty one years then I give the whole of the
216    said Sum of one thousand pounds to such one
217    Child and I do hereby direct that the Interest and
218    dividends thereof or
219    of such part thereof as my said Trustees shall
220    think proper shall be applied by them in or
221    towards the respective Maintenance and Education
222    of all and every the Child and Children of the
223    said Sarah Field in equal shares and proportions
224    until they have respectively become intitled as aforesaid
225    to receive their shares of the said last mentioned
226    Sum of Money and in case any of such children
227    shall die before their ages of twenty one years
228    without leaving Issue of their bodies lawfully begotten
    [Page 6]
229    then the share or shares of him her or them so
230    dying shall go and be paid to the Survivors or
231    Survivor of them equally share and share alike in
232    the like manner as their original shares and the
233    Interest or dividends of such shares so accruing by
234    Survivorship shall be applicable for and towards the
235    respective Maintenance and Education of such children
236    respectively at the discretion of my said Trustees
237    also I give and bequeath to the said Henry Field
238    the Sum of Five hundred pounds to and for his own
239    use and benefit Also I give and bequeath to the
240    said Hannah Blake William Blake and Henry Field
241    the Sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of
242    Great Britain upon trust that they or the Survivors
243    or Survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators
244    of such Survivor do and shall put and place or
245    continue the same out at Interest in the Publick
246    Stocks or Funds or Government or real Securities as
247    is hereinbefore directed concerning the other Monies
248    hereby before bequeathed In trust as aforesaid and do
249    and shall pay the Interest thereof to my Niece
250    Mary James the wife of Robert James of Chard in
251    the County of Somerset Apothecary into her own
252    hands during the term of her natural life for her
253    own Sole and separate use and I do hereby direct that
254    the same shall not be Subject or liable to the debt
255    control or Engagements of her said present or any
256    after taken husband and that her receipts alone Signed
257    with her own hand shall from time to time notwithstanding
258    her present or any future Coverture be sufficient
259    discharges to my said Trustees for the same and
260    from and after her death then upon trust to transfer
261    pay and dispose of the whole Sum of One Thousand pounds
262    or the Securities in or upon which the same shall
263    be laid out and invested to and among all and
264    every the Child and Children of the said Mary James
265    that shall be living at the time of her decease
266    share and share alike to be paid to them at their
267    respective ages of twenty one years and if but one
268    such Child shall live to attain the age of Twenty
269    One years then I give the whole to
270    such one Child and I do hereby direct my said
271    trustees to apply the Interest and dividends of the
272    said last mentioned Legacy in or towards the care and
273    Maintenance and Education of the said Child or
274    Children of the said Mary James in like manner as
275    is hereinbefore directed concerning the Legacy bequeathed
276    to my Niece Sarah Field and her Children and
277    that such Children shall have such and the like
278    benefit of Survivorship in respect to the Legacy
279    bequeathed to them as aforesaid as is hereinbefore
280    directed concerning the said last mentioned Legacy
    [Page 7]
281    in favour of the said Children of the said Sarah Field
282    Also I give and bequeath to the said Robert James
283    the Sum of Five hundred pounds to and for his own
284    use and benefit Also I give and bequeath to the said
285    Hannah Blake William Blake and Henry Field the
286    Sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of
287    Great Britain upon trust that they or the Survivors
288    or Survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators
289    of such Survivor do and shall put and place or continue
290    the same out at Interest in the publick Stocks or
291    Funds or on Government or real Securities in like
292    manner as is hereinbefore directed concerning the other
293    monies hereby bequeathed In trust as aforesaid and
294    do and shall pay the Interest thereof to my Niece
295    Suzey Budden Wife of Thomas Budden of Blandford
296    Forum aforesaid Malster into her own hands
297    during the term of her natural life for her own sole
298    and separate use And I do hereby direct that the
299    same shall not be Subject or liable to the debts control
300    or Engagements of her said present or any after taken
301    husband and that her receipts alone Signed with
302    her own hand shall from time to time notwithstanding
303    her present or any future Coverture be sufficient
304    discharges to my said Trustees for the same and from
305    and after her death then upon trust to transfer
306    pay and dispose of the said Sum of one thousand
307    pounds or the Securities in or upon which the
308    same shall be laid out and invested to and among
309    all and every the Child and Children of the said
310    Suzey Budden that shall be living at the time of
311    her death share and share alike to be paid to
312    them at their respective ages of twenty one years
313    and if but one such Child shall live to attain the
314    age of Twenty one years then I give the
315    whole to such one Child and I do hereby direct my
316    said Trustees to apply the Interest and dividends
317    of the said last mentioned Legacy in or towards
318    the Maintenance and Education of the Child or
319    Children of the said Suzey Budden in like manner
320    as is hereinbefore directed concerning the Legacies
321    bequeathed to my Nieces Sarah Field and Mary
322    James and their Children and that such Children
323    shall have such and the like benefit of Survivorship
324    in respect to the Legacy bequeathed to them as
325    aforesaid as is hereinbefore directed concerning the
326    said last mentioned Legacys in favour of the said
327    Children of the said Sarah Field and Mary James
328    respectively as aforesaid Also I give and bequeath to
329    the said Thomas Budden the husband of the said
330    Suzey Budden the Sum of Five hundred pounds of
331    lawful money of Great Britain to and for his own
    [Page 8]
332    use and benefit Also I give and bequeath to my
333    nephew Robert Fisher the Sum of twelve hundred
334    pounds of lawful money of great Britain Also I
335    give and bequeath to my Nephew William Fisher
336    the Sum of twelve hundred pounds of lawful money
337    of Great Britain also I give and bequeath to my
338    Nephew Thomas Fisher the Sum of twelve hundred
339    pounds of lawful money of Great Britain provided
340    always and I do hereby direct and declare that in case
341    of the death of any or either of my last mentioned
342    Nephews the said Robert Fisher William Fisher and
343    Thomas Fisher in my lifetime leaving no Issue of
344    their bodies lawfully begotten then I give the Legacy or
345    Legacies of him or them so dying leaving no Issue
346    unto the Survivors or Survivor of them my said
347    Nephews last mentioned equally to be divided between
348    my said Nephews share and share alike And if
349    there shall be but one such Surviving Nephew then
350    I give the whole of the said last mentioned Legacies to
351    such one Nephew Also I give and bequeath to my said
352    Wife Hannah Blake all and singular my household
353    Goods Linen plate china ware Chariot and horses also
354    all my Library of Books to and for her own use
355    and benefit Also I give and bequeath unto the
356    Trustees or Feoffees who shall be living at the time
357    of my death of the Meeting house or Society or Congregation
358    of Protestant Dissenters of the Presbyterian denomination
359    now assembling for Religious Worship at Blandford
360    Forum aforesaid the Sum of Two hundred pounds
361    of lawful money of Great Britain upon trust to be
362    by them and their successors for the time being
363    placed and continued out at Interest in their own names
364    or in the name or names of such person or persons as they
365    shall think fit in the publick Funds or Government
366    Securities or otherwise employ and improve the same in
367    such manner as the said Trustees for the time being
368    shall in their discretion think proper and the Interest
369    and dividends thereof to be by them annually paid
370    unto the Minister for the time being of the same
371    Society or Congregation forever or for so long a time
372    as the said Society or Congregation shall continue to
373    assemble or meet together for the Worship of God in
374    Blandford aforesaid Also I give and bequeath to my
375    house Maid Mary Symms the Sum of Fifteen
376    pounds to be paid to her if she shall be living with
377    me at my death and to any other servant Maid or
378    Maids or Man Servant who may be living
379    with me at the time of my death I give and
380    bequeath the Sum of ten pounds each Also I give
381    and bequeath to my Trustee the Reverend Mr
    [Page 9]
382    William Blake of Creekherne aforesaid the Sum of Fifty
383    pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to and for his
384    own use and benefit also I give and bequeath to
385    my old Servant Samuel Bellows of Bere Regis
386    Shopkeeper the Sum of Fifty pounds if he die before
387    me then I give and bequeath the same to his
388    Child or Children equally share and share alike
389    and if but one I give the whole to such one
390    Child Also I give and bequeath to The Reverend Mr
391    Armstrong of Bath the Sum of Twenty pounds of
392    lawful money of Great Britain And I do hereby
393    order and direct concerning all and every the
394    Legacies hereinbefore given and bequeathed whereof
395    no time of payment is herein otherwise directed
396    or appointed that the same shall be paid and
397    delivered to the respective Legatees and laid out in
398    the public Funds or Government or real Securities
399    within twelve Months next after my decease and
400    provided nevertheless And I do hereby further Will
401    and direct that in case any or other of my Nephews
402    or Nieces shall happen to die in my life time
403    or before such time as my said Nephews and Nieces
404    are to be intitled to receive the Legacies before
405    given then leaving one or more Child or Children
406    lawfully begotten that then and in such case such
407    Child or Children shall be intitled to And I hereby
408    give them such share or Sum of money as his
409    her or their Father or Mother would have been
410    intitled unto if then living such share to be paid to
411    them respectively at their several ages of twenty one
412    years and in the mean time to be put and placed
413    or continued out at Interest by my said Executors
414    and Trustees in the public Funds or Government or
415    real Securities and that the Interest and dividends
416    of any of my Legatees who shall be under Age
417    shall and may be applied and paid towards their
418    respective Maintenance and Education by my said
419    Trustees and Executors until their shares thereof
420    shall become payable (any thing in this my Will
421    contained to the contrary notwithstanding) Also I
422    give devise and bequeath unto my said Nephew
423    Malachi Tice all my part share right Title and
424    Interest whatever the same shall happen to be of in
425    and to the River Dee in the County of Kent with
426    all priviledges advantages and Emoluments thereto
427    belonging To hold to my said Nephew Malachi
428    Tice his heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns
429    forever And whereas by my dormant Surrender bearing
430    date the fourteenth day of October One thousand
431    Seven hundred and Sixty Seven I have Surrendered
432    unto the hands of the Lord of the Manor of
433    Taunton Dean in the County of Somerset all my
    [Page 10]
434    Messuages Tenements Lands and Cottages whatsoever as
435    well Bond Land as ponland and Customary and
436    Fineable within the hundred of Poundesford and
437    Manor of Taunton Dean aforesaid called Henley
438    containing twenty three acres now in the possession of
439    Thomas Scadding to the use and behoof of Hannah
440    Blake my Wife if not otherwise disposed of by my
441    Will Now I do hereby give devise bequeath
442    and dispose of the said Messuages Tenements Lands
443    and Cottages in the Manor of Taunton Dean
444    aforesaid unto my Nephew Malachi Tice for and
445    during the term of his natural life and from and
446    immediately after his death I give devise and bequeath
447    the same unto my said Wife Hannah Blake the
448    said William Blake and Henry Field their heirs and
449    assigns upon Trust for the heirs Male of the body of
450    the said Malachi Tice lawfully begotten forever And
    I give and devise the same unto my Nephew William Tice his heirs and Assigns for ever Also
451    in default of such Issue ^ I give devise and
452    bequeath unto my said Nephew Robert Fisher
453    all that my Leasehold Estate situate lying and
454    being at Hammoon in the County of Dorset Consisting
455    entirely of Land which is now in the possession of
456    Henry Eames of Starson in the said County with
457    the appurtenances To hold to him my said
458    Nephew Robert Fisher for and during the term of
459    his natural life and from and immediately after
460    his death I give and devise the same unto his second
461    Son William Fisher his Executors Administrators and
462    assigns for such Estate term or Interest as I shall
463    have therein at the time of my death in case he
464    shall Survive his Father but in case he shall die
465    before his Father and shall leave Issue of his body
466    lawfully begotten then I give and bequeath the same
467    to such Issue to be taken and Enjoyed by them in
468    like manner and for such Estate and Interest as if
469    the same had descended from their said Father the
470    said William Fisher but in case the said William
471    Fisher shall die in the lifetime of his Father the
472    said Robert Fisher and shall leave no Issue of his
473    body lawfully begotten then and in either of the said cases
474    so happening I give devise and bequeath the said
475    last mentioned Estate unto such other of the
476    Children of the said Robert Fisher by his late Wife
477    Ann Fisher as he the said Robert Fisher shall by
478    any deed in writing executed in the presence of and
479    attested by two Witnesses
480    or by his last Will and Testament in writing executed
481    in the presence of and attested by the like Number
482    of Witnesses shall nominate direct or appoint to take
483    the same in such manner and form and for such
484    Estate or Estates as he the said Robert Fisher shall
    [Page 11]
485    so nominate direct or appoint and in case no such nomination direction or appointment shall be made or
486    in case any such nomination direction or appointment
487    shall be made which shall not be a compleat and
488    absolute disposition of the whole of the said premises
489    or the whole Estate and Interest therein then I give
490    and devise the same or such part of Interest
491    therein concerning which no sufficient appointment
492    shall be made as aforesaid unto and among all
493    and every the Child and Children of the said Robert
494    Fisher by his said late Wife Ann Fisher their
495    Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and assigns for such Estate term
496    or Interest as aforesaid equally share and share alike
497    to take as Tenants in common and not as joint
498    Tenants Subject nevertheless to and charged and
499    chargeable with the payment of the Rent Charges
500    charged upon and made payable out of the same
501    premises to my Sisters in and by the last Will
502    and Testament of my Father Malachi Blake
503    deceased Also I give and bequeath to my said Nephew
504    William Tice and to my Nephew William Fisher
505    all those my two Messuages or Tenements situate
506    at Woodbury Hill in the County of Dorset with the
507    appurtenances thereunto respectively belonging to
508    hold to them my said Nephews William Tice and
509    William Fisher and to their several and respective
510    Heirs Executors adm[inistrat]ors and assigns as Tenants in common
511    and not as joint Tenants forever or for so long time
512    as my Estate and Interest therein shall continue
513    and endure Also I give devise and bequeath unto my
514    said Nephews William Tice and William Fisher all
515    those my Messuages or Tenements called the White
516    Hart House situate in the Market Place at
517    Blandford Forum aforesaid wherein my Nephew
518    William Tice now lives to hold to them my said
519    Nephews William Tice and William Fisher and
520    their assigns during the life of my said Wife save
521    and except the Orchard Garden and Woodhouse now
522    in my own occupation which I hereby Give unto
523    my said dear Wife Hannah Blake and her assigns
524    for and during her natural life together with a
525    free passage to and from the same as is now
526    used by me and after her decease then I give the
527    said Messuages or Tenements called the White
528    Hart House and the said Orchard Garden Wood
529    House and premises to my said Nephew William
530    Fisher his heirs and assigns forever but Subject to
531    the proviso following that is to say that the Trade
532    wherein the said William Tice and William
533    Fisher are now Engaged as partners shall
534    continue to be carried on by the said William
535    Tice and William Fisher in the Shop and Warehouse
536    belonging to the said last mentioned premises
    [Page 12]
537    during their joint lives and during their continuance
538    in Trade he the said William Tice paying to the
539    said William Fisher Twelve pounds per Annum clear
540    of all Taxes for the use and advantage of the said
541    Shop and Wharehouses with the appurtenances as
542    aforesaid and in case the said William Tice shall
543    survive the said William Fisher and carry on the
544    said Trade then that he the said William Tice
545    shall hold and enjoy the said Shop and Warehouses
546    during his life and continuance in Trade paying
547    for the use thereof Fifteen pounds per Annum
548    free of Taxes to the heirs or Assigns of the said
549    William Fisher who shall keep the same in
550    repair And I do hereby direct that all and
551    singular the fixtures in the said Shop and
552    Warehouses shall be held and enjoyed therewith
553    Also I give and bequeath all my Leasehold Estate
554    situate at Ockford Fitzpaine in the County of
555    Dorset and which I purchased of Lord Rivers called
556    Stroud Estate and now let to Joseph Hardy
557    unto my said Wife Hannah Blake the Reverend
558    William Blake and Henry Field upon trust to
559    permit my Nephew Thomas Fisher of Dorchester
560    Grocer to receive the rents and profits thereof during
561    his natural life and from and after his decease
562    I give and bequeath the said Estate unto and
563    among all and every the child and children of the
564    said Thomas Fisher now born or hereafter to be
565    born their Executors adm[inistrat]ors and assigns equally
566    to be divided between them share and share alike
567    to take as Tenants in common and not as joint
568    Tenants and in case the said Thomas Fisher shall
569    happen to die leaving no Issue of his body
570    lawfully begotten then I give and bequeath the
571    said Estate last mentioned unto my Nephew Robert
572    Fisher his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and Assigns Also I
573    give devise and bequeath all that field called
574    the Wall Field which I bought of Mr Best and
575    also the new stable and Coach house built thereon and also all that field lately a Garden and lately in
576    the possession of John Symonds and also the
577    Cottages on the same lately in the possession of
578    the said John Symonds and which he held for
579    his life and which Field and Cottages I lately also
580    purchased of the said Mr Best unto my dear Wife
581    Hannah Blake and her assigns for and during the
582    term of her natural life and from and after her
583    death I give and devise the same to the said
584    William Tice and William Fisher during their joint
585    lives for their joint and equal benefit and advantage
586    share and share alike And in case the said
587    William Fisher shall die in the life time of
588    the said William Tice then I give the same to the
    [Page 13]
589    said William Tice and my said Nephew Robert Fisher
590    during their Joint lives for their Joint and equal
591    benefit and advantage share and share alike and
592    in case the said William Tice shall Survive both
593    the said William Fisher and Robert Fisher then I
594    give and devise the whole of the said last mentioned
595    premises to him for his life and from and after
596    (William Tice to give _______ the same to the said) the death of the said William Fisher and Robert
597    Fisher their heirs and assigns forever as Tenants
598    in common and not as joint Tenants Also I
599    give and bequeath my Leasehold Estate of One
600    Thousand years lying in Charlton Marshall near
601    Blandford Forum aforesaid now occupied by Ann
602    Locker Tanner and also my other Estate being
603    copyhold now occupied by Richard Frampton and
604    which is situate in Charlton Parva unto my
605    Nephew Robert Fisher for his life and from and
606    after his death I give and bequeath the same to
607    his Son Robert Fisher his Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and
608    assigns But in case he shall die in the life time
609    his Father and shall have no Issue of his body
610    lawfully begotten then and in either of the said
611    Cases so happening I give devise and bequeath the
612    said last mentioned Estate unto such other of
613    the children of the said Robert Fisher by his
614    said late Wife Ann Fisher as he the said Robert
615    Fisher by any deed in Writing executed in the
616    presence of and attested by two Witnesses or
617    by his last Will and Testament in Writing
618    executed in the presence of and attested by the
619    like number of Witnesses shall nominate direct
620    or appoint to take the same in such manner
621    and form and for such Estate or Estates as he
622    the said Robert Fisher shall so Nominate direct or
623    appoint and in case no such nomination direction
624    or appointment shall be made or in case any such
625    nomination direction or appointment shall be
626    made which not be a compleat and resolute disposition of the
627    whole of the said premises or the whole Estate
628    and Interest therein then I give and devise the
629    same or such part of Interest therein concerning
630    which no sufficient appointment shall be made
631    as aforesaid unto and among all and every the
632    Child and Children of the said Robert Fisher by
633    his said late Wife Ann Fisher equally share and
634    share alike to take as Tenants in common and
635    not as joint Tenants And as to all the rest and
636    Residue of my Goods Chattels monies and Securities
637    for money debts Effects and personal Estate
638    whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature
639    kind or sort soever and also all other my
640    Freehold Copyhold and Leasehold Messuages Lands
641    Tenements
    [Page 14]
642    Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever whereof or
643    wherein I am or shall be any ways possessed of
644    interested in possession reversion remainder or
645    expectancy where soever situate I do hereby Give
646    devise and bequeath the same and every part
647    thereof unto my said Wife Hannah Blake her
648    heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for
649    ever to and for her own proper and absolute
650    use and disposal And I hereby Will and direct that
651    all and every Sum and Sums of Money Legacy
652    and bequest given and bequeathed by this my
653    Will to my said dear Wife Hannah Blake and
654    her two Sisters Elizabeth Blake and Sarah Fisher
655    shall be paid and laid out to the uses and upon
656    the trusts aforesaid as soon as conveniently may
657    be after my decease and prior to the payment of any
658    other Legacy or Sum of money whatsoever And
659    I do hereby declare what I have by this my Will
660    given to my said Wife is to be over and besides
661    any provision I made for her on my Marriage
662    whether by Bond or otherwise And I do hereby
663    Will and direct that my Trustees and Executrix
664    named for the several purposes of this my Will
665    shall not nor shall any of them or the heirs
666    Executors or Adm[inistrat]ors of them or any of them be
667    answerable or accountable for any money to be
668    received by virtue of or under the trusts hereinbefore
669    declared any otherwise than each person for such
670    Sum or Sums of money as he she or they shall
671    respectively actually receive and that no one of
672    them shall be answerable or accountable for the
673    acts receipts neglects or defaults of the other of them
674    and also that my said Trustees and Executrix
675    and their several heirs Executors and Adm[inistrat]ors
676    shall and may by and out of the Estate and Effects
677    vested in and intrusted with them by and under this
678    my Will retain and reimburse to themselves all
679    costs charges damages and Expences which they
680    respectively shall or may sustain or be put unto
681    in and about the Execution performance and
682    defence of the trusts hereby in them reposed and
683    I do make Constitute and appoint my said
684    Wife Hannah Blake Sole Executrix of this my
685    Will and do hereby expressly revoke and make
686    void to all Intents and Purposes all former
687    Wills and Codicils by me at any time heretofore
688    made and do declare this only to be my last
689    Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said
690    William Blake have to this my Will contained
691    in thirteen Sheets of paper set my hand and
692    Seal this twenty second day of June in the year
693    of Our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Eighty five
    [Page 15]
694    W Blake This writing contained in thirteen
695    sheets of paper was Signed Sealed published and
696    declared by the above named William Blake the Testator as
697    and for his last and Testament on the day of
698    the date in the presence of us who in his
699    presence at his request and in the presence of
700    each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses
701    hereto Ambrose Weston Fenchurch Street London
702    Geo: Weston Wm Winn his Clerks
703    This is a Codicil to the last
704    Will and Testament of me William Blake of Blandford
705    Forum in the County of Dorset Esquire First I
706    hereby confirm my last Will and Testament bearing
707    date on or about the twenty second day of June
708    1785 in every respect except only such particulars
709    as I shall add or alter by this my Codicil and Whereas
710    I have lately purchased two Messuages or Tenements
711    and hereditaments situate at Edmonton in the
712    County of Middlesex of and from Richard Walkden
713    who hath this day conveyed the same to me Now
714    I do hereby give devise and bequeath the same in
715    manner following that is to say I give devise
716    and bequeath the same and every part thereof
717    with their and every of their appurtenances unto
718    my Nephew the Reverend Samuel Tice of Edmonton
719    aforesaid for the term of his natural life And
720    from and immediately after the determination of
721    that Estate in the life time of the said Samuel Tice
722    by Forfeiture or otherwise I give and devise the
723    same to my Wife and her heirs during the life of the
724    said Samuel Tice In trust by the usual ways and
725    means to preserve and support the contingent
726    uses and Estates hereinafter limited from being
727    defeated or destroyed yet Nevertheless to permit and
728    suffer the said Samuel Tice and his assigns to
729    receive and take the rents Issues and profits
730    of the same premises during his life to and for
731    his and their own use and benefit with remainder
732    after the death of the said Samuel Tice to the first
733    Son of the Body of the said Samuel Tice and the
734    heirs of the body of the said first Son lawfully Issuing
735    and in default of such Issue to the second third fourth
736    fifth sixth seventh and all and every other Son
737    and Sons of the body of the said Samuel Tice
738    severally successively and in remainder One after
739    another in order and course as they shall be in
740    seniority of age and priority of birth and the several
741    and respective heirs of the body and bodies of all
742    and every such Son and Sons lawfully issuing every
743    Elder of such Sons and the heirs of his body
    [Page 16]
744    issuing being always preferred and to take
745    before every younger of such Sons and the heirs of
746    his body issuing with remainder to all and every
747    the daughter and daughters of the said Samuel Tice
748    lawfully begotten or to be begotten as Tenants in
749    common and not as Joint Tenants and to their
750    several and respective heirs of their Several and
751    respective Bodies lawfully issuing with cross remainders
752    over to the Survivors or Survivor and her or their
753    issue in case of the death of any of them without
754    issue happening in the life time of any other or
755    others of them or of their or any of their respective
756    issue with remainder to Mrs Sarah Tice the Wife
757    of the said Samuel Tice and her Assigns for her
758    natural life with remainder to the Reverend Mr
759    William Gellibrand Son of The Reverend Mr Joseph
760    Gellibrand of Edmonton his heirs and Assigns for
761    ever And I do hereby declare my Will and meaning
762    to be that in case the said Samuel Tice shall
763    die leaving any Issue as aforesaid then and in
764    such case the said Sarah Tice if she shall be
765    then living shall have receive and take the rents
766    issues and profits of the said premises unto and
767    for her use and benefit of such Issue who shall be
768    interested in the premises for the time being as
769    aforesaid until such Issue shall attain the age
770    of twenty one years to be applied for their his or her
771    benefit at the discretion of the said Sarah Tice
772    without any account to be rendered in respect
773    thereof yet nevertheless that the said Sarah Tice
774    shall by and out of the said Rents Issues and
775    profits keep the said Buildings in Tenantable
776    repair In Testimony whereof I have to this my
777    Codicil to my last Will and Testament set my hand
778    and Seal this twenty first day of July in the year
779    of Our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and
780    Eighty Seven W Blake Signed Sealed published and
781    declared by the above named William Blake as and
782    for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament the day of the date
783    in the presence of us who in his presence at his
784    request and in the presence of each other have
785    hereunto Subscribed Our names as Witnesses hereto
786    Ambrose Weston Fenchurch Street Wm Hayward John
787    Nachay his clerks
788    I William Blake of Blandford in
789    the County of Dorset Esquire do make and declare
790    this to be a Codicil to my last Will and Testament
791    bearing date the twenty first day of July in the year
    [Page 17]
792    of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and
793    Eighty seven and do desire that the same may be
794    taken as part thereof I give unto my Wife Hannah
795    Blake the Reverend William Blake and The Reverend
796    Henry Field the Trustees named in this said last Will
797    and Testament the Sum of Two thousand pounds of
798    lawful money of Great Britain upon the trusts
799    following that is to say In trust for my great Nephews
800    snd Nieces Thomas Fisher William Fisher Robert
801    Fisher Ann Fisher and Sarah Fisher the Sons and daughters
802    of my Nephew Robert Fisher as and when he she
803    or they shall attain his or her age or their respective
804    ages of twenty one years equally to be divided
805    between or amongst them (if more than one) share
806    and share alike his her and their several and
807    respective Executors Administrators and Assigns
808    and in case only one of them my said Great
809    Nephews and Nieces Thomas Fisher William Fisher
810    Robert Fisher Ann Fisher and Sarah Fisher shall
811    live to attain his or her said age of Twenty One years
812    in trust for such one of them only when and as
813    he or she shall attain his or her said Age
814    of Twenty one years his or her Executors Adm[inistrat]ors
815    and assigns and in the mean time and until
816    my said Great Nephews and Nieces shall severally
817    attain his her and their respective Age or ages of
818    twenty one years as aforesaid the Interest dividends
819    profits and proceeds of the said Sum of Two thousand
820    pounds shall be paid and applied by my said
821    Trustees and the Survivor or Survivors of them and the Executors
822    Administrators and assigns of such Survivor for and
823    towards the Maintenance Education or other use
824    and benefit of them my said Great Nephews and
825    Nieces respectively who shall or may be intitled
826    thereto by virtue of this my Codicil (having regard
827    to the Quantum or value of what they will be
828    respectively entitled to under this my Codicil and in
829    case all of them my said Great Nephews and
830    Nieces shall happen to die before he she or they
831    shall have attained his her or their said age or
832    ages of twenty one years as aforesaid then In
833    trust for my two Nephews William Fisher and
834    Thomas Fisher and my Niece Susannah Button
835    equally to be divided between or amongst them share
836    And share alike his her and their several and
837    Respective Executors Administrators and Assigns and to
838    ror and upon no other trust end intent or purpose
839    whatsoever And I do hereby will direct and require my
840    said Trustees and the Survivors or Survivor of them
841    and the Executors Administrators and Assigns of such
842    Survivor in the mean time and until my said
843    Great Nephews and Nieces shall attain his her and their
    [Page 18]
844    said age or ages of twenty one years as aforesaid
845    to place out and continue in their or his or her
846    own names or name the said Sum of two
847    thousand pounds at Interest upon Freehold or Leasehold
848    Messuages Lands Tenements and heredit[ament]s in that
849    part of Great Britain called England by way of
850    Mortgage or upon Government Funds Stocks or Securities
851    in or upon all or any of these Securities as they
852    he or she shall see fit And I do hereby enable
853    and authorize my said Trustees and the Survivors
854    or Survivor of them and the Executors Adm[inistrat]ors and
855    assigns of such Survivor to call in and compel
856    payment of all or any part of the said Sum
857    of Two thousand pounds that may be so placed
858    out at Interest or to
859    charge or alter the Stocks Funds or Securities wherein
860    the same or any part thereof shall be from time
861    to time placed or invested and to place and lay
862    out the same again in their his or her own
863    names or name on other Freehold or Leasehold
864    Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments in
865    that part of Great Britain called England by way
866    of Mortgage or in or upon all or any one of the
867    Securities aforesaid as they or he shall see fit and so
868    from time to time to act and do during the
869    continuance of the several trusts aforesaid And I do
870    hereby declare that they my said Trustees their
871    Executors Administrators or assigns or any of them
871    shall not be answerable for or liable to make
873    good any Casual or involuntary loss which shall
874    or may happen to all or any part or parts of the
875    said trust monies the same happening without
876    his her or their wilful default nor for any more
877    thereof than what shall fairly and honestly come
878    to them or in any of their hands nor shall the
879    one of them be answerable for the other or others
880    of them but each of them for his own Acts deeds
881    and wilful defaults only their joining in Receipts
882    for conformity sake notwithstanding and that it
883    shall and may be lawfull to and for my said
884    Trustees and each and every of them by and out
885    of the said trust Monies to deduct detain and
886    reimburse themselves himself and herself all such
887    sosts charges and expences whatsoever which they
888    or any or either of them shall or may pay
889    bear suffer sustain expend or be put unto for or
890    by reason of the trusts in them reposed or the
891    management or Execution thereof or in any
892    rhing any way incident or relating thereto and
893    shall from time to time by and out of the solid
894    Trust monies be well and sufficient saved kept
895    harmless and indemnified of from and against
    [Page 19]
896    the same and I do hereby ratify and confirm my
897    said Will
898    in Witness whereof I
899    have to the two first sheets of this my Codicil the
900    whole being contained in three Sheets of paper
901    set my hand and to the third and last sheet
902    thereof my hand and Seal this Eighteenth day of
903    February in the year of Our Lord One thousand
904    Seven hundred and Eighty Eight W Blake Signed
905    Sealed published and declared by the said William
906    Blake as and for a Codicil to his last Will and
907    Testament in the presence of us who at his request
908    and in his presence and in the presence of each
909    other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto  H Percival of Bath Att[orne]y at Law Hippesley Brue
910    Clerk to Mr Percival
911    This is a further Codicil to the
912    last Will and Testament of me William Blake
913    of Blandford Forum in the County of Dorset Esquire First
914    I hereby confirm my last Will and Testament bearing
915    date on or about the twenty second day of June
916    one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty five and the
917    foregoing Codicil thereto in every respect except only
918    in such particulars as I shall add to or alter my said
919    Will and former Codicil or either of them by this
920    Codicil and Whereas by my said Will I have given
921    and bequeathed after the decease of my dear Wife
922    Hannah Blake the Sum of Sixteen thousand pounds
923    unto all my own Nephews and Nieces that shall
924    be living at the time of her decease equally to
925    be divided between them share and share alike Now
926    I do hereby declare that the persons intended to take
927    by the said description of my own Nephews and Nieces
928    are the Children of my Sister Mrs Mary Tice deceased
929    and the children of my Sister Mrs Sarah Fisher and
930    whereas by a proviso or Clause contained in my said
931    Will I did direct that in case any or either of my
932    Nephews or Nieces should happen to die in my life
933    time or before such time as my said Nephews and
934    Nieces were to be entitled to receive the Legacies therein
935    before given them leaving one or more Child or
936    Children lawfully begotten that then and in such Case
937    such Child or Children should be intitled such share or Sum of money as his her or their Father or Mother would have been entitled unto if then
938    living such shares to be paid at the times and the
939    Interest and dividends in the meantime as applies in
940    manner therein mentioned and Whereas by virtue of
941    the said Clause or proviso last mentioned Thomas
942    Gillebrand the son of The Reverend Joseph Gillebrand
943    of Edmonton in the County of Middlesex by my Niece
944    his Wife who is one of the daughters of my Sister
945    Tice might in the Event of his Mothers death as
    [Page 20]
946    aforesaid become intitled to some part of parts or
947    the whole of the share of his Mother my said Niece
948    last mentioned But as that would now be contrary
949    to my Will and intention I do hereby declare and direct
950    that the said Thomas Gellibrand shall be totally
951    excluded from having or claiming any benefit
952    interest in the said Sum of Sixteen thousand pounds
953    or any part thereof under and by virtue of my
954    my said Will on the event of his Mothers dying
955    as mentioned in my said Will and I declare and
956    direct that the other Children or Child of my said
957    Niece Mrs Gillebrand shall alone and exclusive of
958    the said Thomas Gillebrand have and enjoy the
959    benefit and advantage of the said proviso or clause
960    above recited in case of my said Niece Mrs Gillebrand
961    dying as aforesaid also I give and bequeath to
962    William Tice Son of my Nephew Benjamin Tice and Malachi
963    Fisher son of my Nephew William Fisher and to
964    Thomas Fisher Son of my Nephew Thomas Fisher
965    and also to William Budden Son of my Nephew
966    Thomas Budden the Sum one hundred pounds
967    three pounds per cent Consolidated Bank Annuities
968    each but if any of them the said William Tice
969    Malachi Fisher Thomas Fisher and William
970    Budden the Legatees last named shall happen to
971    die before they shall respectively attain the age of
972    twenty one years then it is my desire that the
973    said Legacy of One hundred pounds hereby given
974    to him or them so dying shall come and be
975    paid to his Brother or Sister who shall live first
976    to attain the age of Twenty One years And I
977    declare and direct that in the mean time and
978    until they the said William Tice and Malachi
979    Fisher Thomas Fisher and William Budden the
980    Legatees last named shall respectively attain the
981    age of twenty one years the Interest and dividends
982    of their said Legacies shall be paid to their respective
983    parents or shall be retained by the Trustees
984    named in my said Will and be by them paid or
985    applied for the use benefit and advantage of the
986    said respective Legatees last named Also I give
987    and bequeath to my Servant Gabriel Tizzard in
988    case he shall be living with me at the time of
989    my death the Sum of Seventy pounds in
990    addition to what he would in that case be
991    intitled to under and by virtue of my said Will
992    Intestimony whereof I have to this Codicil contained in this
993    sheet and part of the preceeding sheet of paper
994    set my hand and Seal this fifteenth day of July
995    in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven
996    hundred and ninety W Blake Signed Sealed
997    published and declared by the above named William
    [Page 21]
998    Blake on the day of the date as and for a
999    Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the
1000    presence of us who in his presence and at his
1001    request and in the presence of each other have
1002    hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto
1003    Ambrose Weston Fenchurch Street Geo Bodley Jun[io]r His Clerk
1004    This Will was proved at London with three
1005    Codicils on the twenty fourth day of January in the
1006    Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and
1007    Ninety three before the Right honorable Sir William
1008    Wynne knight Doctor of Laws and Master keeper or
1009    Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
1010    lawfully constituted by the Oath of Hannah Blake
1011    Widow the Relict and Sole Executrix named in the
1012    said Will to whom Administration was granted
1013    of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of
1014    the deceased having been first sworn by Commission
1015    duly to administer

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