Saturday, November 30, 2013

Blake yDNA study - two new results

There are two new results in the Blake yDNA study:

and I have not yet placed them into any of the groups.

Assigning all the R1b to Ireland has now proven to be somewhat problematic and this was the result of the work of an earlier co-administrator of the Blake yDNA project. It is now possible, due to the excellent work of three members of the Galway Blake family, to separate out this Blake family in Ireland with known roots having descended from Richard Caddell also known as Richard Blake in Galway. This will be exceedingly helpful to those tracing back in the Galway Blake lines. Because of marriage contracts and as a result of particular wills there may be other lines that belong to this family and I do hope to hear from any one who does descend from the Galway Blake lines but does not match the known groupings for Towerhill and Kiltolla.

Kit number 296470 has Germany as the place of origin of his Blake line with Robert B Blake named as born in 1776 and died in 1853 and belonging to R1a1a. The Blake family in Norfolk is also in the R1a1a line but with just 12 markers showing thus far there are two differences - DYS385b and DYS389I and will wait for the next set of markers to come. This tester is extremely interesting though and will try to discover his Germany ancestry. The Norfolk Blake family is very very ancient to Norfolk at least back into the 1300s.

Kit number 300488 has markers which show a closeness to the Irish Group I Irish Ancestry (Supplementary) but has known East Anglia ancestry and again Blake lines in East Anglia have deep ancestry there going back to the 1400s and 1300s. It is this particular tester that is inclining me to look at the Group I in a different way.

In both cases there are more markers to come so I shall leave them ungrouped for the moment.

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