Monday, November 18, 2013

Doctor William Blake, Doctor of Laws of Bridgwater, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/325/496, probated 30 Nov 1667

The testator is Doctor William Blake, Doctor of Laws, of Bridgwater and he is known. He was a brother to Admiral Robert Blake and hence a son of Humphry Blake and Sarah Swithers formerly Williams. He was baptized at Bridgwater 28 Feb 1602 and buried at Bridgwater 5 Nov 1667.

There are seven William Blake wills’s for Somerset in total. I have transcribed two of them earlier, namely, William Blake, Yeoman of Wembdon and William Blake, Yeoman of Bishops Lydeard. The remaining ones are for William Blake of Taunton 1773, Reverend William Blake, Clerk of Crewkerne 1799, Reverend William Blake of Crewkerne 1821 and William Blake of Upton 1832.

William names all of his siblings with the exception of Samuel and Robert who have predeceased him as well as several infant children whose names were reused, namely: Humphrey, George (also is deceased but named him and his children (not yet married) living in Plymouth, Devon), Nicholas, Benjamin, Bridget and Alexander. He does name the descendants of his unnamed sister who was married to (unknown) Gorges and they live in Fowey Cornwall.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Nov 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/325/496
Testator: Doctor William Blake, Doctor of Laws
Place: Bridgwater, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 24 Oct 1667, probated 30 Nov 1667
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T: Willimj
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    W[ilia]m Blake of Bridgewater in the County of Sommerset doctor of Lawes being at
3    this present sicke in body but of sound and perfect memory doe make
4    my last will and Testament in forme and manner following First I beque-
5    ath my immortall soule unto the hands of God my heavenly Father in hope
6    of salva[t]ion by the only merritts of Jesus Christ who dyed for my sinnes
7    and my body to the earth out of which it was formed in assured hope of re-
8    surrection unto eternall life at the last day Item I give unto the poore
9    of Bridgwater one hundred pounds to be disposed at the discre[t]ion of the
10    Mayor for the tyme being and my executors hereunder named Item I
11    give to my brother Hymfre Blake Tenne pounds Item I give to my bro-
12    ther Nicholas Blake Fiftie pounds Item I give to my brother Beniamyn
13    Blake fiftie pounds Item I give to my brother Alexander Blake fifty
14    pounds Item I give to George Blake Robert Blake Sarah Blake Eliza-
15    beth Blake and Bridgett Blake children of my brother George Blake
16    of Plymouth deceased Fifty pounds equally to be devided amongst
17    them Item I give forty pounds to the Two children of my neece Gorges
18    of Fowey in the County of Cornwall deceased Item I give to my sister
19    Bowdich of Chardstocke in the Countie of Dorset Tenne pounds Item
20    I give five pounds to my neece Sarah Blake daughter of my bro-
21    ther Humfrie Item I give Tenne pounds To my Neece
22    Brigitt Chappell Item I give Thirtie shillings To Fanny Tibbs
23    of Bridgwater Item I give Thirty shillings to Jane Pitts servant
24    to my brother Beniamyn Item I give Thirtie shillings to Joane
25    Witheridge apprentice to my brother Beniamyn Item I give my
26    Farme at Knoll in the parish of Bawdrip both leases and Fee to
27    to my brothers Nicholas Blake and Beniamyn Blake for raising
28    of all the Legacies given upon this my last will and Testament and
29    to their heires forever Item I give all my Plate to my Neece
30    Sarah
    [Page 2]
31    Sarah Blake daughter of my brother Beniamyn Blake Item all the rest of my
32    goods and chattels I give to my brothers Nicholas Blake and Beniamyn
33    Blake whome I doe make and appointe executors of this my last will and
34    Testament In witness, whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale And
35    doe make publica[t]ion accordingly this fowre and Twentieth day of October
36    in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand six hundred sixty and seaven
37    William Blake Signed sealed and published in the presence of Humphrey
38    Steare Jos: Webber Junior Ambrose Steare

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