Thursday, November 14, 2013

Will of Robert Blake of Churchill, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/1861/275, probated 19 May 1836

Robert Blake is the testator and is already known. He is married to Francis Poole and there are a number of wills which mention this family. This is a collateral line to Admiral Robert Blake.

The will of his youngest son John was blogged:

He remembers his sisters Francis, Jane and Elizabeth in his will. His elder brother Robert is already deceased at the time of his death. There are no Blake surname descendants to this family as only the daughter Jane has children.

Robert, the testator, was the son of Reverend Roger Blake and Jane St Albyn and they married 21 Oct 1747 at Nether Stowey. The father of Roger was also Reverend Roger Blake but wife is unknown thus far. The father of this Roger was also Roger Blake married to Susannah Taylor and they had a large family of eleven children. This Roger was the son of Humphry Blake the elder and Elizabeth Upon then back to Humphry Blake and Elizabeth Giles continuing back to Humphrey Blake and Agnus/Ann James who married 23 Oct 1578 at Over Stowey. This Humphrey the son of John Blake the elder and Johan and thence back to the founder Humphrey Blake and his wife Agnis.

Relationship Chart

Admiral Robert Blake [101] is the 2nd cousin 5 times removed of Robert-173 Blake [569]

                                Common Ancestor

                              * Humphrey-21 Blake [1]
                                  (Cir 1499-1558)
                                    * Agnis [2]
                                 (          -1585)
                                   Married  [1]
                    |                                                                       |
                    |                                                                       |
     * John-27 (the elder) Blake [3]                  * Robert-28 Blake [4]
          (Cir 1521-After 1576)                             (Cir 1523-Cir 1592)
               Johan [12]                                         Margaret Symonds [22]
            (          -1595)                                                (          -1600)
          Married Cir 1541 [4]                                             Married  [5]
                    |                                                                        |
                    |                                                                        |
        * Humphrey-38 Blake [16]                       * Humphry-43 Blake [25]
           (Cir 1556-Cir 1619)                                             (Cir 1563-1625)
          Agnus/Ann James [73]                      Sarah Swithers formerly Williams [100]
            (          -1645)                                                      (          -1638)
        Married 23 Oct 1578 [19]                                    Married 5 Oct 1597 [26]
                    |                                                                       |
                    |                                                                        |
         * Humphry-54 Blake [74]                    * Admiral Robert Blake [101]
          (Cir 1580-          )                                            (1598-1657)
          Elizabeth Giles [129]
              Married  [33]
   * Humphry-77 the elder Blake [131]
          Elizabeth Upton [205]
            (          -1683)
              Married  [57]
         * Roger-105 Blake [210]
          Susannah Taylor [226]
            (          -1718)
            Married 1672 [62]
    * Reverend Roger-129 Blake [225]
              Unknown [477]
             Married  [165]
    * Reverend Roger-150 Blake [481]
           Jane St Albyn [567]
        Married 21 Oct 1747 [197]
        * Robert-173 Blake [569]

Nether Stowey Parish Registers ( ) 1 miles NE of Overstowey)

Robert Blake son of Robert and Frances 27 Dec 1787
Frances St Albyn daughter of Robert and Frances 12 Feb 1789
Jane Blake daughter of Robert and Frances 20 Aug 1790
Elizabeth Blake daughter of Robert and Frances 26 Oct 1791


Robert Blake and Frances Poole 23 Nov 1786


Rev. Robert Blake 19 Jun 1820, 32 y, Churchill
Rev. John Blake 16 Mar 1832, 34 y, B. Lydeard
Robert Blake 11 Mar 1836, 85 y, Churchill
Frances Blake 8 Nov 1848, 88 y, Churchill

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 30 Oct 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1861/275
Testator: Robert Blake
Place: Churchill, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 19 Feb 1836, probated 19 May 1836
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Robert
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 8

1    I Robert Blake of Churchill in the County
2    of Somerset do declare this to be my last will and testament I hereby give to
3    William Atkinson of the City of Bristol should his present wife my daughter
4    Jane die before him a clear annuity of fifty pounds from the decease of my
5    said daughter Jane to be paid him by my wife hereafter Named or she
6    being dead or at her decease by my daughter Elizabeth also hereafter named
7    or her heirs executors admors or assigns for and during his natural life I
8    hereby give to my dear wife Frances Blake my Cottage and Orchard at
9    Churchill Green and also the Sum of one thousand pounds and also all
10    the money I may have by me at the time of my decease and also all
11    rents dividends or interests of monies or balance in Bankers
12    hands then due or shall become due during her lifetime and also all
13    plate linen and china alis also all my goods and furniture and stock
14    if any and out door property if any and every kind to her my said wife
15    her heirs executors admors and assigns for ever I also hereby give to my said
    [Page 2]
16    wife the whole or entire income of all the property I shall die possessed of for
17    and during her natural life subject to William Atkinsons contingent annuity
18    is hereby give to my daughter Elizabeth and such other trustee or trustees as she
19    I hereby empowerd to elect appoint or exchange one or more at any time
20    or from time to time either to act in conjunction with or to succeed her the
21    following * hereby vested property in trust nevertheless for my daughters Frances
22    St Albyn and Jane and Elizabeth Frances and Jane for their lives with
23    reversion to Elizabeth
24    The vested property for Frances St Albyn
25    * Sixteen acres of land late Mr James Gawes in Mark Liberty Moor and also
26    fifteen acres of land 2 fields late Jonas Coles also in Mark Liberty Moor and
27    also the sum of six hundred pounds
28    The vested property for Jane
29    * all my estate at Bicknoller held by Copy of Court Roll under the Dean and
30    Chapter of Wells for her own life and others and also seven acres of land in Land Moor
31    and parish of Huntspill late B[a]wderips and also a field ab[ou]t 4 acres at Woolavington
32    lately bought of Miss Hales and also the sum of eight hundred pounds
33    The entire or whole neat income of all the vested property as well as all
34    other the property I shall die possessed of to be received by my said wife for
35    and during her natural life and from and after her decease a whole or entire
36    neat income of the said vested property to be paid by the said trustees or trustee
37    into the hands of my said daughters Frances St Albyn and Jane and their
38    receipts _ing be accepted in discharge thereof and should my said daughters
39    Frances St Albyn and Jane or either of them die before their sister Elizabeth
40    the said recited property of either or both so dying shall be considered as
41    having vested at the time of their or either of their decease to their sister
42    Elizabeth her heirs executors admors and assigns for ever but subject to the
43    payment of half the neat income of the said recited property of the deceased
44    to the surviving sister for her life all the rest residue and
45    remainder of the property I shall die possessed of both real and
46    personal I hereby give to my said daughter Elizabeth her heirs executors
47    admors and assigns for ever I hereby appoint my dear wife and my daughter
48    Elizabeth joint Executrixes to this my last will and testament Robert
49    Blake Signed sealed and declared to be my last will and testament this
50    eighteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six in the
51    presence of us as witnesses Joseph Curtis Susan Hemans
52    Thomas Shorland
53    Proved at London 19th May 1836 before the Judge by the Oaths
54    of Frances Blake widow the relict and Elizabeth Blake Spinster the daughter
55    the executrixes to whom administration was granted having been first sworn
56    in Comon duly to admr

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