Friday, November 15, 2013

Will of Roger Blake, Apothecary of Nether Stowey, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/1132/286 , probated 15 Aug 1785

Roger Blake of Nether Stowey is the next testator. He was married to Jane St Albyn 21 Oct 1747 at Nether Stowey and they had two children only John and Robert (both of whom are mentioned in the will). His wife Jane has predeceased him having been buried 29 Mar 1761 at Nether Stowey. The Robert mentioned in the will is the same Robert whose will was probated earlier:

John, the testator’s son was married to Jane (unknown) and they had only one child Jane St Albyn Blake. John was buried in Aug 1786 according to the Portbury Blake website but I do not find that in the Nether Stowey parish registers.

Robert, the son of the testator and his executor, was married to Francis Poole and one of their sons wills was blogged along with that of their father mentioned above:

This is a collateral line to Admiral Robert Blake but daughtered out in his children’s generation as neither of his sons had male children.

Relationship Chart

Admiral Robert Blake [101] is the 2nd cousin 5 times removed of Robert-173 Blake [569]

                                Common Ancestor

                              * Humphrey-21 Blake [1]
                                  (Cir 1499-1558)
                                    * Agnis [2]
                                 (          -1585)
                                   Married  [1]
                    |                                                               |
                    |                                                               |
     * John-27 (the elder) Blake [3]              * Robert-28 Blake [4]
          (Cir 1521-After 1576)                    (Cir 1523-Cir 1592)
               Johan [12]                         Margaret Symonds [22]
            (          -1595)                                        (          -1600)
          Married Cir 1541 [4]                        Married  [5]
                    |                                                                 |
                    |                                                                 |
        * Humphrey-38 Blake [16]                 * Humphry-43 Blake [25]
           (Cir 1556-Cir 1619)                                (Cir 1563-1625)
          Agnus/Ann James [73]           Sarah Swithers formerly Williams [100]
            (          -1645)                                         (          -1638)
        Married 23 Oct 1578 [19]                 Married 5 Oct 1597 [26]
                    |                                                                 |
                    |                                                                 |
         * Humphry-54 Blake [74]              * Admiral Robert Blake [101]
          (Cir 1580-          )                                       (1598-1657)
          Elizabeth Giles [129]
              Married  [33]
   * Humphry-77 the elder Blake [131]
          Elizabeth Upton [205]
            (          -1683)
              Married  [57]
         * Roger-105 Blake [210]
          Susannah Taylor [226]
            (          -1718)
            Married 1672 [62]
    * Reverend Roger-129 Blake [225]
              Unknown [477]
             Married  [165]
    * Reverend Roger-150 Blake [481]
           Jane St Albyn [567]
        Married 21 Oct 1747 [197]
        * Robert-173 Blake [569]

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 30 Oct 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1132/286
Testator: Roger Blake, Apothecary
Place: Nether Stowey, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 30 Sep 1780, probated 15 Aug 1785
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Roger
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Roger Blake of Nether Stowey in the County of Somerset
3    Apothecary do now make and ordain this my last Will
4    and Testament in manner following First to my son John
5    Blake I give and bequeath the sum of two hundred and
6    fifty pounds to be paid by my Executor herein after named
7    within twelve Months after my decease and also the sum
8    of twenty pounds for Suits of Mourning for himself and
9    his Wife together with his Mothers and my picture, To
10    my son Robert Blake I give and bequeath a
11    Tenement called Pilberts situate in Nether Stowey consisting
12    of an house Garden and Orchard to And likewise all
13    other Lands in Fee Simple of which I am or may be
14    possessed at the time of my decease I give the same
15    to him and his heirs for ever And also my Leasehold
16    Estate in the parish of Crowcomb And also all my
17    Leasehold property in the parish of Stowey together
18    with all my Goods Furniture debts due to me and
19    Chattels of what kind soever I give to my Maid
20    Servant Elizabeth Sayer (if living with me at the time
21    of my decease) the sum of ten pounds and a Suit of
22    Mourning And I do hereby constitute and appoint my
23    son Robert Blake whole and sole Executor and Residuary
24    Legatee of this my last Will and Testament In witness
25    whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 30th
26    day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand
27    seven hundred and eighty Roger Blake (Seal) Signed Sealed
28    published and declared by the above named Testator Roger
29    Blake as his last will and Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names in the presence of the said testator Jenkins Buller
30    Tho[ma]s Poole, John Seager
31    This Will was proved at London the fifth
32    day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand
33    seven hundred and eighty five before the Right Worshipful
34    Peter Calvert doctor of Laws Master keeper or Commissary
35    of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
36    by the Oath of Robert Blake the Son of the deceased and
37    sole Executor named in the said Will to whom adm[inistrati]on
38    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels
39    and Credits of the said deceased his having been first
40    sworn by Commission duly to administer

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