Saturday, November 16, 2013

Will of Susanna Blake, Wife of Humphry Blake of Bridgwater, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/236/13, probated 17 Sep 1653

Susanna Blake is the testatrix and Humphry Blake of Bridgwater was her second husband according to the Portbury Blake site ( Her first husband was William Sealy and her maiden name was Horwood. She mentions the names of her children from the first marriage namely Samuel Sealy, Elizabeth Sealy, John Sealy and William Sealy.

Her children by Humphry Blake claimed from the Portbury Blake site:

Humphry born circa 1633 and died 1664
William baptized 11 Apr 1634 and married to Mary Sellick
Sarah baptized 3 Apr 1636 and married to (unknown) Doble
Anne born circa 1638 and married to the Reverend John Norman
Robert born circa 1639 at Bridgwater and married to Wilmot (unknown)

But if you then look at the Abstracts of Somerset Wills blogged:

William Sealey, of Bridgwater, Somerset, Merchant. Will dated 27 Mar 1644, proved 10 May 1646, by Susan Sealey, widow. My wife Susan. My eldest son William Sealey, my 2nd son Alexander, my 3rd son John, [and etc]; 4th son Samuel. My daughters Joan [and etc]; Susan, £100 each. Overseers, my father in law Mr. Alexander Horwood, my brother in law Mr. John Horwood. My brother Mr. Edward Sealey. My brother in law Mr. Humphry Blake.

There does seem to be a discrepancy as this is the Susanna Sealy mentioned as the wife of Humphry and her will fits with her husband’s will except in the naming of the daughters although Elizabeth might be included in the etc. He names his father in law and brother in law as does Susanna the present testator. The date of her first husband’s will was 1644 thus leaving in doubt that she was the mother of these children. Interesting that there is the discrepancy in names as Sara is the name of Humphry’s wife rather than Susanna and William does name Humphry Blake as his brother in law. Perhaps this is a case of a sister in law and a sister being mixed or perhaps Humphry’s first wife died and he married his wife’s sister in law.

This seems particularly plausible in that the will of William Sealey, Mercer, of Bridgewater and father of William Sealey above also from the Abstracts of Somerset Wills:

William Sealey, Mercer, of Bridgewater, Somerset. Will dated 18 Feb 1632, proved 24 Mar 1633 (Old Style), by Joan the relict. My sons in law, John Devenish, clerk, & Humphry Blake. My brother Edward Sealey, [and etc] Bartholomew Safford, clerk, Trustees.

Plus Susanna in the attached will mentions her former mother in law as being Joane (mother of her husband William Sealy).

I went back to the will of Humphry Blake of Saint Giles Cripplegate to add this information on the inconsistency to that will as well where Sara is mentioned as the wife of Humphry.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Nov 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/236/13
Testator: Susanna Blake, Wife of Humphry Blake
Place: Bridgwater, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 10 Jan 1652, probated 17 Sep 1653
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Susanna Blake

1    Susanna Blake wife of
2    Humphry Blake of Bridgwater in the County of Somersett beinge weake of
3    body but of sound memory and perfect understanding did by and with the
4    Consent of the Sayd Hymphry her husband make and declare her Last Noncu
5    pative will and Testament The Tenth day of January one thousand six
6    hundred Fifty and two as Followeth First Shee gave and bequeathed unto
7    her Sayd husband for Terme of his life That Chattle Lease of foure and
8    twenty Acres of Land in Puriton which hee formerly gave unto her in
9    marriage which Land Chattle Lease togeather with all her goods Wares house
10    holdstuffe Chattles And t__ Shee had dureing her Widdowhood made over
11    in Trust to her Father Master Alexander Horwood And her brother Master
12    John Horwood To the use of her Last will and Testament The remainder of
13    the Sayd Chattle Lease after her Sayd husbands death that shee gave unto Samuell
14    Sealy her Sonne and his assignes And if the Sayd Samuell should dye
15    before hee attaine the full age of one and twenty yeares Then to the use
16    of all her Children equally amongst them Alsoe Shee gave unto her Sayd
17    husband her best bed perfourmed And both the rings gownes and Silver Tonkin
18    which hee first gave her freely in marriage Further She gave unto her
19    daughter Elizabeth Sealy That hundred pounds now in her brother Horwoods
20    hands which her Father gave onto her as part of her portion Item She gave
21    unto her Sonne John Sealy her Barne in the Castle Baily Item Shee gave
22    unto Elizabeth Keyes her best greene Apron Item by her will Shee appointed
23    all her goods and Chattles Wares householdstufe and Troce or barge to bee
24    Sold after her death for the payment of her debts And the Legacies
25    And the portions given by the will of William Sealy her first
26    husband unto her Children To bee duely payd And that the overplus
27    of all her Sayd goods and Chattles Should bee equally devided amongst
28    all her Children Item her desire will and declaration was That her
29    Sayd husband Humfrey Blake whose Faithfulnes and fitness in that
30    behalf Shee much acknowledged should bee her Executor Tooke this her
31    last will and Noncupative Testament performed and executed aswell
32    for the Satisfaction of the debts and Sommes of monie Shee acknowledged
33    to owe unto him As alsoe for the payment and Satisfaction of all
34    her other iust debts And alsoe that the respective portions given unto
35    her Sayd Children by her Sayd First husbands Will Togeather with the
36    overplus of all her Sayd goods and Chattles might be effectually
37    made good and payd unto them All which particulers were plainely
38    and effectually declared by the Sayd Susanna Blake The day and yeare
39    first above written In presence of us whose names are underwritten
40    Memorandum She alsoe gave unto her Sonne William Sealy all
41    those implements of the house which were Left unto his Father by Joane
42    Sealy his mother which came unto the Sayd Susanna Blake by her
43    first husbands will Elizabeth Keyes who attesteth all the particulars
44    except the portion of one hundred pound to her daughter Elizabeth
45    Sealy Phillip Roode to all the particulars
    [Page 2]
46    This will was proved at Westminster The Seaventeenth
47    day of September in the yeare of our Lord god Accordinge to the Computa[t]ion
48    of the Church of England one thousand Six hundred Fifty and three
49    Before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations
50    Lawfully Authorized by the oath of Humfrey Blake husband of the Sayd
51    deceased And Sole Executor named in this Last will and Testament
52    of the Sayd deceased To whom was committed administration of all
53    and Singular the goods Chattles and debts of the Sayd deceased
54    hee the Sayd Humfrey Blake beinge first Sworne by virtue of a Com-
55    mission well and truly to Administer the Same

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