Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Will of William Blake of Taunton, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/984/381, probated 8 Feb 1773

This William Blake, testator, is also a known Blake line. William was the son of the Reverend Malachi Blake and Mary Mico. Note the reference to the Mico family in his will below. He married Jane A’Court 21 Oct 1712 at Yeovil and they had seven children including the two sons mentioned in the will Malachi and William plus five daughters although Jane and Catherine predeceased him (Jane, the eldest,  was baptized 2 May 1714 and buried 15 Jan 1757 at Taunton and Catherine died as a six year old in 1731). Abigail also mentioned in the will below was baptized 11 Jun 1715 and buried 23 Oct 1792 at Taunton. Mary the third daughter was baptized 26 Sep 1717 and buried 26 Nov 1807 at Taunton, she married Samuel Reed circa 1760. Susannah was baptized 2 Aug 1720 and buried 25 Mar 1796 and married to Thomas Towell September 1759. 

Reverend Malachi Blake, father of the testator, was the son of John Blake and Mary Wilkins. This John was the son of John Blake and Elizabeth (unknown). Continuing back this John was the son of William Blake and Anne (unknown) and William was the son of John Blake the elder and Johan (unknown) John was the eldest son of Humphrey Blake of Over Stowey. As such, this line is collateral to the Admiral Blake line.

His son Malachi Blake’s will was blogged earlier:


Relationship Chart

Admiral Robert Blake [101] is the 2nd cousin 3 times removed of William-140 Blake [419]

                                Common Ancestor

                              * Humphrey-21 Blake [1]
                                  (Cir 1499-1558)
                                    * Agnis [2]
                                 (          -1585)
                                   Married  [1]
                    |                                                             |
                    |                                                             |
     * John-27 (the elder) Blake [3]              * Robert-28 Blake [4]
          (Cir 1521-After 1576)                       (Cir 1523-Cir 1592)
               Johan [12]                                 Margaret Symonds [22]
            (          -1595)                                     (          -1600)
          Married Cir 1541 [4]                                   Married  [5]
                    |                                                              |
                    |                                                              |
         * William-39 Blake [18]                   * Humphry-43 Blake [25]
           (Cir 1559-Cir 1642)                                 (Cir 1563-1625)
                Anne [84]                             Sarah Swithers formerly Williams [100]
            (          -1644)                                                (          -1638)
              Married  [21]                                        Married 5 Oct 1597 [26]
                    |                                                               |
                    |                                                               |
          * John-59 Blake [88]                            * Admiral Robert Blake [101]
               (1597-1645)                                                (1598-1657)
             Elizabeth [155]
              Married  [38]
          * John-86 Blake [158]
           Mary Wilkins [276]
        Married 20 Jun 1648 [84]
   * Reverend Malachi-112 Blake [278]
             Mary Mico [414]
             Married  [140]
        * William-140 Blake [419]

William was a woolstapler.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Nov 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/984/381
Testator: William Blake
Place: Taunton, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 27 Sep 1764, probated 8 Feb 1773
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake

1    This is the last Will
2    and Testament of me William Blake of Taunton
3    in the County of Somerset made this Twenty Seventh
4    day of September in the fourth year of the Reign of
5    our Sovereigne Lord King George the Third in the
6    year of our Lord 1764 I Will that after my decease
7    my loving Wife Jane Blake Shall Enjoy the Effects
8    and the whole Interest of what moneys I am
9    now or Shall be possessed of During her natural
10    life, After the decease of my Wife the foresaid
11    Jane Blake I do Will and order that the moneys
12    the Interest of which She enjoyed and which I
13    died possessed of shallbe disposed of in the following
14    manner One hundred pounds of Good and lawful
15    Money I do Give and bequeath to my Daughter
16    Abigail Blake One hundred and fifty pounds of the
17    above moneys I do Give and bequeath to my Old
18    Friend and Creditor Mr [blank] Mico Merchant
19    in London If the said Mr Joseph Mico should
20    dye before me or my Wife Jane Blake then the
21    One hundred and fifty pounds to be paid to his next
22    rightful heir I do further Will that whatever
23    shall remain of my Moneys which I shall dye
24    possessed of Shall be Disposed of as my Executors
25    shall Direct of think proper I Do Appoint my
26    two Sons Malachi Blake of Taunton Somerset
27    shire and William Blake of Crewkerne
28    Somersetshire to be the Executors of this my
29    last Will and Testament In Witness whereof
30    I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day
31    and year above written Wm Blake, Signed Sealed
32    and delivered in the presence of us Edw Bartloe
33    Sarah Bartloe
34    Tis the desire of my Father the forementioned
35    William Blake that his daughter Abigail Blake
36    may have five Guineas of his money after his
37    decease over and above the One hundred pounds
38    herein mentioned Mal. Blake Feb 22nd 1769
39    8th Feb 1773
40    Appeared personally Malachi Blake of
41    the City of Bath in the County of Somerset Gent
42    and made Oath that he is one of the Sons and
43    Executors named in the last Will and Testament
44    of William Blake late of Taunton in the aforesaid
45    County of Somerset deceased who died in the Month
46    of January 1772 the said Will with a Codicil thereto
47    being now hereunto annexed such Will bearing
48    date the Twenty Seventh Day of the Month of
49    September in the year of our Lord one thousand
50    Seven hundred and Sixty four and the said Codicil
    [Page 2]
51    being written underneath the said Will and of the
52    Tenor following “Tis the desire of my Father the
53    forementioned William Blake that his Daughter
54    Abigail Blake may have five Guineas of his
55    money after his decease over and above the one
56    hundred pounds herein mentioned” and thus subscribed
57    “Mal. Blake” and thus dated Feb 22nd 1769 Lastly
58    this deponent maketh Oath that the said recited
59    Codicil and the said recited Subscription and date
60    thereto was and is all of the proper hand writings
61    subscribing and dating of him the Deponent and
62    that he so wrote the same pursuant to the Express
63    Desire and directions of him the said William Blake
64    his late Father deceased Mali. Blake the day
65    aforesaid the said Malachi Blake was Sworn to the
66    truth of the before written affidavit before me
67    And. Colter Ducarel Surrogate present Geo.
68    Gostling Not. publick
69    This Will was proved at London with a
70    Codicil the Eighth Day of February in the year
71    of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and
72    Seventy there before the Worshipful Andrew
73    Colter Ducarel Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of
74    the Right Worshipful George Hay also Doctor
75    of Laws Master keeper or Commissary of the
76    prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
77    by the Oath of Malachi Blake the Son of the deceased and one
78    of the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was
79    Granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels
80    and Credits of the said deceased he having been first
81    Sworn duly to administer power reserved of
82    making the like Grant to William Blake the
83    Son also of the said deceased and the other Executor named in the said will when he shall
84    apply for the same

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