Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Comment - Anglo Celtic Roots

John Reid in his blog Anglo-Celtic Roots ( mentioned my testing at BritainsDNA. The following is my comment back to him in that regard:

The All my Ancestry results have now come in at BritainsDNA for my brother and I may blog on them tomorrow. They are most interesting. Again the Family Finder results at FT DNA and the All my Ancestry results are complimentary. However the ancestral depth is much greater with the BritainsDNA results. My brother at FT DNA showed only European ancestry (including the British Isles) as 100% whereas I showed 93% Orcadian (British Isles only) and 7% Middle East (which includes up into the Steppes (Ukraine/Georgia/Ossettia). The All My Ancestry did pick up the Middle East ancestry for my brother albeit in very very small amounts. The colour charts in All My Ancestry are fabulous actually. Since I tested my brother at Ethnoancestry they offered the opportunity to do all the testing at a reduced price last July.

I am tempted to do my DNA at BritainsDNA as well just to see the differences between the two of us (we are full siblings). I shall save my nickles (can not say pennies anymore!).

I need to have a little more understanding of one section where the 22 chromosome pairs are separated into two lines each one representing one of our parents. The one set shows only European/British whilst the other set contains mostly European/British with a few spots of Middle East/Steppes information. This is called chromosome painting and is unique to BritainsDNA I believe.

All in all, I am very pleased with the results from BritainsDNA. They found 287 SNPs of which a number are new so will need to be added to the yDNA chart for I2a1b2 at ISOGG once there are sufficient results to give us the new picture for this haplogroup.

Ken Nordvedt, well known genetic genealogist, first placed our line into ancient British DNA called Isles B4 back in 2009 and BritainsDNA has verified this placement. That has made me rethink my Blake line at Andover, Hampshire. I suspect now that my line there greatly precedes surnames and at some point my ancestor selected the surname Blake possibly a male in my line married into a Blake family and simply took his wife's surname as his own. Since I can trace back to the late 1400s and the surname Blake was being used it was prior to that time.

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