Thursday, December 5, 2013

Error in blog on Edward Blake posted today

I made an error on my blog today for Edward Blake which is now corrected but in case you have not reread it I am inserting this correction into a blog.

Correcting an error on my part posted earlier, George Blake married Hester Miller who was from Wroughton. They married in St Mary's Chapel Walcot:

No. 806. George Blake of this parish a Bachelor and Esther Miller of this Parish a Spinster were Married in this Chapel by Banns this twenty-seventh Day of August in the Year One thousand seven hundred and ninety eight by me Gains Barry Curate.

Details for Hester Miller also from my correspondent: daughter of George Miller and Betty. Baptized on the 8th December 1769 at Wroughton, Wiltshire. Her sister Jane was baptized on the same day.

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