Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Will of Isaac Blake, Chandler, New Sarum, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/573/227, probated 29 Mar 1720

Isaac Blake is the Testator. There is a baptism for an Ann Blake daughter of Isaac and Ann Blake baptized at St Thomas Salisbury 10 May 1693.

Isaac identifies his sister as Ann King and his uncle as Nicholas Blake with sons William, Thomas, Edward and Benjamin.

Children baptized to Benjamin and Ann King at Saint Thomas Salisbury (Family Search):

Ann baptized 11 Mar 1676
Elizabeth baptized 18 Jul 1680
Mary baptized 19 Mar 1681

Children of his sister Ann King mentioned in the will Ann, Elizabeth and Mary in that order when they are listed together although listed differently as well within the will.

There is a Benjamin Blake baptized 9 Apr 1679 at St Edmunds Salisbury with father Nicholas and mother Mary.

Other children baptized to this couple at St Edmunds Salisbury:

Thomas baptized 22 Jan 1674
James baptized June 1676

I did not find a William or an Edward as sons of Nicholas.

There is a Nicholas Blake baptized 16 Feb 1639 at St Edmunds Salisbury with father Thomas Blake. There is also a Thomas Blake baptized 8 Nov 1650 at St Edmunds Salisbury with parents Thomas and Ann Blake and a Sara Blake baptized 22 Apr 1644 at St Edmunds Salisbury with father Thomas.

I need to do a little research on the sons of Nicholas Blake (uncle of the testator) who would presumably have been contemporaries of Isaac since they would be his first cousins. There are 23 wills for Blake family members at Salisbury on the Wiltshire Record Office website.

Ref No    Title    Date    Name    Occupation    Community       

P1/1817/25  Will, wrapper  1817  Blake, George  Innholder  Salisbury

P1/4Reg/276  Will  1708  Blake, Isaac  Chandler  Salisbury
P1/B/1232  Administration bond  1750  Blake, John  Salisbury 

P31/1/3/275  Will  1860  Blake, James, junior  Farmer and maltster  Salisbury
P4/1679/15  Inventory, will  1679   Blake, Robert  Glover  Salisbury
P4/1683/7  Will  1683  Blake, Thomas  Wheelwright  Salisbury
P4/1685/5  Will  1685  Blake, Richard  Hellier  Salisbury
P4/1687/5  Administration bond, inventory  1697  Blake, Richard  [Draper]  Salisbury
P4/1692/17  Bond to secure goods  1693  Blake, Thomas  Salisbury
P4/1693/11  Administration bond, inventory, renunciation, will  1693
Blake, Thomas  Chandler  Salisbury

P4/1693/13  Administration bond, inventory, will  1694  Blake, Joan  Widow  Salisbury
P4/1709/11  Will  1709  Blake, Nicholas  Stay maker Salisbury 
P4/1719/15  Will  1719  Blake, Hester  Widow  Salisbury 
P4/1724/16  Will  1724  Blake, Elizabeth  Widow  Salisbury
P4/1735/7  Will  1736  Blake, Jane  Widow  Salisbury
P4/1738/13  Will  1738  Blake, Edward  Weaver  Salisbury
P4/1748/17  Administration bond, will  1749  Blake, Elizabeth   Spinster  Salisbury
P4/1765/12  Will  1765  Blake, Edward  Rector  Salisbury
P4/1767/8  Administration bond, renunciation  1767  Blake, Kitty  Spinster  Salisbury
P4/1803/7  Will  1803  Blake, James  [Innkeeper]  Salisbury
P4/1824/1  Account, will, wrapper  1824  Blake, Samuel  Poulterer 

P4/1693/11  Administration bond, inventory, renunciation, will  1693 Blake, Thomas  Chandler  Salisbury and the entry just above which perhaps deals with this same will and is perhaps the most interesting in that the name of the possible father of Isaac was Thomas and this Thomas was also a Chandler. Is Nicholas Blake the stay maker at Salisbury his Uncle?

These wills are downloadable online and will keep them in mind when a family member asks for a Christmas gift suggestion :) . Of the 267 wills listed for Wiltshire, 131 are available for download. I shall spend a little time marking the ones that I particularly want to acquire. Certainly I do not need any more wills as I already have more than I can accomplish in a couple of years already but I also do not need any other Christmas presents. We are downsizing!

I need to spend some time on my Blake one name study website and hope to do that over Christmas when I will take a break from transcription for a week or so.

I did find a will for Mary Blake of Pinhills, Calne, Wiltshire and widow of Roger Blake. I will be posting it tomorrow and it rather answered a question of mine posed earlier. Was William Blake married to Avice Ripley a son of Roger and Mary Blake as claimed in the large pedigree chart held for the Blake Family at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record office?

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/573/227
Testator: Isaac Blake, Chandler
Place: New Sarum (Salisbury), Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 11 Sep 1703, probated 29 Mar 1720
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Isaac Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Isaac Blake of the City of New Sarum in the County of Wilts
3    Chandler being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect sence
4    mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God for it do make
5    and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following
6    revoking all former Will or Wills by me made Imprimis I give and
7    bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the
8    merits of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to have and obtain eternal
9    life when this life shall have an end and for my Worldly estate
10    which God Almighty hath blessed me withal I give and dispose thereof
11    in such manner as is herein after mentioned Item I give devise and
12    bequeath unto my daughter Ann Blake the summe of one thousand
13    pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid to her at
14    her attainment to the age of one and twenty years and in the mean
15    time and until she attaine to the said age my will and desire is that
16    she be paid yearly the sum of five and twenty pounds for her
17    Education and maintenance and whereas my sister Ann King ow[e]s
18    me on bond fifty pounds and Interest now my Will and desire is and
19    I do give my said Sister King the said fifty pounds and Interest due to
20    me on the said Bond and do by this my will order my Executrix to
21    deliver up to her the said Bond cancelled Item I give devise and
22    bequeath unto my Cousins Ann King and Mary King the sum of
23    thirty pounds a piece and to their Sister my Cousen Elizabeth King
24    the Sum of fifty pounds to be paid to them in eighteen Months next
25    after my decease and my will and desire is that if my said daughter
26    shall happen to dye or depart this life before she shall attain to the age
27    of one and twenty years that then I give devise and bequeath two
28    hundred pounds of the said sum of one Thousand pounds to be divided
29    between my said kinswomen Ann Elizabeth and Mary King or to
30    such of them as shall be living at my daughters decease Item I give to
31    my Fathers daughter which he had born by his second Wife five
32    shillings Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Cousin James
33    Meatyard five pounds and to John Markes fifty shillings and I give
34    to all my other servants which shall be with me at my decease five
35    shillings a piece Item I give to the poor of the said City of New Sarum
36    the sum of three pounds to be disposed of by my Executrix twenty
37    shillings to each parish and I do desire my Cousin Daniel Yerbury to
38    be aiding and assisting unto my Executrix in the performance of this
39    my Will and for his trouble and pains which he may have therewith
40    give him the Summ of two pounds Item I give devise and bequeath unto
41    such person or persons mentioned in the Coidicil or Writing to this my
42    Will annexed all such Legacy or Legacys Summ or Summes of money by me
43    therein mentioned to be given All the rest of my goods Chattels money
44    and plate whatsoever I do give devise and bequeath unto my dear and
45    loving Wife Ann whom I make sole and whole Executrix of this my
46    last Will and Testament hoping she will do her best endeavor to perform
47    this my Will In witness whereof I the said Isaac Blake have hereunto set
48    my hand and seal the eleventh day of September in the second year of the
49    reign of our Soveraign Lady Ann by the grace of God of England Scotland
50    France and Ireland Queen defender of the Faith etc Annoqz Dom[ini] 1703
51    Isaac Blake Signed Sealed published and declared to be the last Will
    [Page 2]
52    and Testament of the said Isaac Blake in presence of us whose
53    names are hereunto subscribed as witnesses Rob[er]t Button, Gerard
54    Webb, Mary Barow
55    A Codicil or Writing to which the last will
56    and Testament of Isaac Blake of the City of New Sarum in
57    the County of Wilts Chandler and which is hereunto or
58    herewith annext doth refer
59    Item I give to my Cousens William Thomas Edward and
60    Benjamin Blake the Sons of my Uncle Nicholas Blake one shilling
61    a piece Item my will and desire is that if my daughter Ann should
62    happen to depart this life before she happen to attain to the age of one
63    and twenty years and my wife being before her dead that then I give
64    devise and bequeath eight hundred pounds besides the aforesaid two
65    hundred pounds to my said
66    kinswomen Ann Elizabeth and Mary King or to such of them as shall
67    be then living equally to be divided between them

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