Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Will of James Blake, Gentleman, Preshute, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1733/290, probated 8 Dec 1827

The will of James Blake or Preshute, Wiltshire answers a lot of questions raised by an earlier will probated in the name of Elizabeth Blake spinster of Preshute which was blogged:

Baptismal Records for Lambourne, Berkshire are available online from a rootsweb site (from 1560 to 1837

Elizabeth Blake daughter of William baptized 3 Oct 1613 of Lambourne
Henry Blake son of Henry and Elizabeth baptized Apr 14 1738
John Blake son of Henry and Elizabeth baptized 21 Oct 1739
William Blake son of Henry and Elizabeth baptized 30 Aug 1742
Mary Blake daughter of Henry and Elizabeth baptized 30 Aug 1742
William Blake son of Henry and Elizabeth baptized 19 Jan 1745/46
Elizabeth Blake daughter of Henry and Elizabeth baptized 11 Jan 1746/47 of Woodlands
Sarah Blake daughter of Henry and Elizabeth baptized 23 Jun 1751
Henry Blake son of James and Elizabeth baptized 6 Aug 1774

Lots of Elizabeth Blake entries and from the earlier will she was born in 1781 and there isn’t a baptism that fits for her at Lambourne, Berkshire.

From Find My Past James was buried 3 Aug 1827 at Preshute St George and he was 74 years of age (date of birth circa 1753). He doesn’t mention being married but could he be the father of Henry baptized 6 Aug 1774 at Lambourne? Could he be an unlisted son of Henry and Elizabeth baptizing children between 1738 and 1751 at Lambourne and baptized elsewhere?

Also from Find my past the marriage of James Blake of Hungerford yeoman and widower 2 Sep 1773 to Elizabeth Green of Wokingham a spinster with bondsman John Grasingham a vintner at Wokingham.

Find my past again lists a James Blake son of John and Elizabeth baptized at Burbage 20 Mar 1753, James Blake son of Isaac and Mary baptized 5 Apr 1752 at Warminster St Denys, James Blake son of Thomas and Elizabeth baptized at South Newton 5 Apr 1754 and James Blake son of Mr John and Mary baptized at Laverstock 18 Apr 1755. These are several other possibilities so not possible to pin this baptism down at this time. But the Lambourne records are interesting.

Names mentioned in the will:

James Blake, testator, Gentleman, Preshute
Mr Edward Francis, relation and friend, Gracechurch Street, London
Miss Elizabeth Blake, cousin, Preshute
Miss Maria Brewer, friend, Preshute
Captain David Price, tenant, Marlborough
John Spackman, retired servant, Marlborough
John Brown, executor, trustee, gentleman, Marlborough
Thelwall Maurice, executor, trustee, gentleman, Marlborough, husband of Ann Maurice
William Brown (Ruddle in the probate), executor, trustee, gentleman, BroadHinton
Mrs Ann Maurice, wife of Thelwall Maurice, Marlborough
Miss Ann Francis, relation
Mr William Francis, relation
Miss Phillippina Brewer, friend
Mr Henry Smith, Stock Farm
Mr Charles William Valentine Smith, brother of Mr Henry Smith
Martha Blissett Maurice, daughter of Thelwall and Ann Maurice
James Maurice, son of Thelwall and Ann Maurice
Elizabeth Davidson
George Madgwick Davidson, Esquire, husband of Elizabeth
Mrs Francis, Lambourne
Mr William Spicer
Mrs Mary Spicer
Mr William Edward
Mrs. Martha Edward
Mr Davison
Mrs Davison
Mr Richards
Mrs Richards
Mr Edward Francis
Mrs Edward Francis
Mr William Francis
Mrs William Francis
Mr Martin
Mrs Martin
Mrs Edward, Reading
Mr T Edward, Reading
Miss Mary Cousins
Mrs Mary Halcomb
Mrs Sarah Nalder
Mrs Mary Sanfear
Mr John Woodman
Mr John Eyre
Mr Thomas Merriman, Marlborough, solicitor
Miss Elizabeth Smith, relation
John Maurice, witness
James R White, clerk to Mr Merriman, witness
J Bullock, witness

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1733/290
Testator: James Blake, Gentleman
Place: Preshute, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 11 Jan 1826, probated 8 Dec 1827
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: James
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: Esquire
[Margin]: 57

1    This is the Last Will and Testament of me James Blake of
2    of the Parish of Preshute in the County of Wilts Gentleman first I give and devise
3    all my Freehold Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments situate at
4    Lamborne in the County of Berks unto my Relation and Friend Mr Edward
5    Francis of Gracechurch Stre[e]t London to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever
6    I give and devise unto my Cousin Miss Elizabeth Blake and to my Friend Miss
7    Maria Brewer and to the Survivor of them all my right of holding term Estate
8    and Interest of and in the Messuage or dwellinghouse in which I now reside
9    called Plough Cottage with the Garden Meadow and appurtenances thereto belonging
10    to hold the same to them the said Elizabeth Blake and Maria Brewer for and
11    during all such Estate term and Interest as I shall be possessed of therein at the time
12    of my decease subject nevertheless to the Rents Covenants Conditions and agreements and or which I now hold or at the time of my decease I shall hold the same also I give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth
13    Blake and Maria Brewer and to the Survivor of them one annuity or clear yearly
14    Rent charge of thirty pounds to be issuing and payable out of and which I have purchased
15    upon all that Messuage or dwellinghouse with the Yards Gardens and appurtenances
16    situate in Kingsbury Street in Marlborough now in the occupation of Captain David
17    Price with all usual powers of distress and entry and perception of the Rents and profits
18    in case of nonpayment of the said annuity or any part thereof and I direct that the
19    same shall be payable to them during their joint lives to and for their joint use
20    and mutual benefit and from and after the decease of either of them I direct that the
21    same shall be paid and payable to the Survivor of them during her life to and
22    for her sole use and benefit and I direct that the said annuity shall be paid
23    and payable to the said Elizabeth Blake and Maria Brewer or to the Survivor
24    of them by the person or persons for the time being entitled to the said dwelling
25    house and premises by equal half yearly payments without any deduction or abatement
26    whatsoever with a proportional part of such half yearly payment to be paid to the
27    Executor of administrators of the Survivor of them the said Elizabeth Blake and
28    Maria Brewer up to and inclusive at the day of the decease of such Survivor provided
29    and I declare that in case the said Maria Brewer shall marry during the lifetime
30    of the said Elizabeth Blake that then all the share estate and Interest of the said Maria
31    Brewer of in and to the said dwelling house called Plough Cottage with the Meadow
32    and appurtenances and also of in and to the said annuity of thirty pounds shall
33    immediately thereupon cease and determine and the same share estate and Interest
34    of the said Maria Brewer shall thenceforth belong to and become the sole in
35    property of the said Elizabeth Blake and in case the said Maria Brewer shall
36    marry after the decease of the said Elizabeth Blake then the same shall sink
37    into and form part of my Residuary Personal Estate hereinafter disposed of I give
38    devise and bequeath unto my late Servant John Spackman the cottage or tenement
39    situate in Kingsbury Street aforesaid now in his occupation together with the use
40    of the household Goods and Furniture in the same Cottage during the term of
41    his natural life and I give and devise unto John Brown of Marlborough aforesaid
42    Gentleman Thelwall Maurice of the same place Gentleman and William
43    Brown of Broadhinton in the said County of Wilts Gentleman all and every my
44    Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments subject only to the annuity hereinbefore
45    given to the said Elizabeth Blake and Maria Brewer and the life estate of the
46    said John Spackman and all the rest residue and remainder of my real Estate
47    and Leasehold Estate whatsoever and wheresoever to hold the same unto and to
48    the use of the said John Brown Thelwall Maurice and William Brown
49    their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the nature and
50    quality of the said several Estates upon the trusts and to and for the ends intents
51    and purposes and under and subject to the powers provisoes and declarations in
52    hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say
    [Page 2]
53    upon trust to permit and suffer Mrs Ann Maurice the Wife of the aforesaid Thelwall
54    Maurice to have receive and take the Rents Issues and profits thereof during the
55    term of her natural life she keeping the same in a good and sufficient state of
56    tenantable repair and from and immediately after her decease upon trust to
57    permit and suffer the said Thelwall Maurice and his assigns to have receive
58    and take the Rents issues and profits thereof to and for his own use during
59    the term of his natural life provided he shall remain single and unmarried
60    he keeping the same in a state of good and sufficient repair and from and
61    immediately after his decease or second marriage upon trust for all and every
62    or any one or more of the Children of the said Ann Maurice at such age or
63    ages time or times and in such parts shares and proportions manner and form
64    and with under and subject to such conditions charges restrictions and limitations
65    ever for the benefit of such Children some or one of them or their issue as the
66    said Mrs Maurice by her last Will and Testament in writing or such writing
67    in the nature thereof to be by her signed and published in the presence of
68    and attested by three or more credible Witnesses shall direct limit or appoint and
69    in default of such direction limitation or appointment and as far as any such
70    if incomplete shall not extend the same shall be upon trust as soon as it
71    conveniently may be after the decease of the Survivor of them the said Thelwall
72    Maurice and Ann Maurice or the second marriage of the said Thelwall Maurice as aforesaid to make Sale and absolutely dispose of all and singular my said
73    Residuary Real Estate and my said Leasehold Estate or such part or parts thereof
74    whereof no such appointment as aforesaid shall have been made either by a
75    Public Auction or private Contract for the most money and best price that
76    can be reasonably had and gotten for the same and I direct and declare that
77    my said trustees and the Survivors and Survivor of them and the executors
78    and administrators of such Survivor do and shall in the first place deduct pay
79    and satisfy out of the monies which shall arise from such Sale or Sales the costs
80    charges or expences attending such Sale or Sales or in any manner incident
81    to the execution of the trusts hereby in them and him reposed and do and
82    shall stand possessed of and interested in the clear residue of the same monies
83    and also of and in the clear yearly proceeds rents and profits of the same my
84    hereditaments and premises until such Sale or Sales thereof shall be completed
85    upon trust for all and every or any one or more of the Children of the said
86    Ann Maurice at such age or ages time or times and in such shares and
87    proportions manner and form and with under and subject to such conditions
88    charges restrictions or limitations over for the benefit of such Children some
89    or one of them or their issue as the said Ann Maurice shall in her last
90    Will and Testament in writing or any writing purporting to be her last
91    Will and Testament in writing or any writing purporting to be her last Will
92    and Testament in writing or any writing purporting to be her last Will and
93    Testament direct or appoint and in default of such last mentioned direction
94    or appointment and as  far as any such shall not extend upon trust for all
95    and every the Children of the said Ann Maurice who either have attained or
96    shall attain the age of twenty one years and to be divided between or among
97    them in such shares as tenants in common but no Child taking under any
98    appointment to be made in pursuance of any of the powers hereinbefore given
99    to the said Ann Maurice shall be entitled to any share of the unappointed part
100    of the said trust Estate monies or premises without bringing his or her appointed
101    share into hotchpot and accounting for the same accordingly and whereas I have
102    in my possession and stand indebted to the Estate of my late relation Miss Ann
103    Francis deceased in the sum of two hundred and thirty pounds the interest
104    of which was left to me for life by her Will and on my decease the principal
105    was bequeathed between her Sisters but as no Security or memorandum may
106    be found to identify the same I think it proper to mention the circumstance
107    here and I desire my Executors to pay the said sum also I give and bequeath
108    unto the aforesaid Edward Francis the sum of five hundred pounds and beg
109    he will accept my best thanks for the many attentions he has shown me I give
    [Page 3]
110    and bequeath unto my Relation Mr William Francis Brother of the said
111    Edward Francis the sum of five hundred pounds I give and bequeath unto my
112    Friend Miss Phillippina Brewer the sum of two hundred pounds also I give
113    and bequeath unto the aforesaid Thelwall Maurice the sum of five hundred
114    pounds and to his said Wife Ann Maurice the sum of two hundred pounds also
115    I give and bequeath unto Mr Henry Smith of Stock Farm the sum of five
116    hundred pounds and to his Brother Mr Charles William Valentine Smith the
117    sum of two hundred pounds which said several legacies I direct shall be paid
118    but without Interest within twelve Calendar months next after my decease
119    also I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid Elizabeth Blake the sum of one
120    thousand pounds and to the aforesaid Maria Brewer the sum of two hundred
121    pounds which said last mentioned legacies I direct shall be paid within six
122    Calendar months next after my decease but without Interest and free from
123    legacy duty which shall be paid by my executors out of my Personal Estate
124    also I give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth Blake for her life the use of the
125    following articles of plate viz [a vit] my Silver Tea pot and Stand Tea Caddy Sugar
126    Basen Cream Ewer my best coffee pot Fish knife punch Ladle and punch
127    Stainer one pair of Gravy Spoons one dozen of Table Spoons one dozen of
128    desert Spoons two dozen or tea spoons my Soup Ladle and my four Sauce Ladles one
129    pair of Sugar Tongs and four round Salts with the spoons belonging to them
130    and after her decease I give the same unto the said Maria Brewer for her
131    life if she shall so long continue unmarried and from and immediately after
132    the decease or marriage which ever shall first happen I give the same
133    unto Martha Blissett Maurice daughter of the said Thelwall and Ann
134    Maurice absolutely all the rest and residue of my plate and Trinkets of every
135    kind I give unto the said Ann Maurice to and for her sole use and absolutely benefit
136    and I give unto the said Elizabeth Blake my poney and poney carriage
137    and harness and when such poney shall become useless from age or
138    otherwise I request that he may be killed and buried and not sold and thereupon
139    I direct my executors to purchase another fit poney for the said Elizabeth
140    Blake out of my personal Estate also I give unto James Maurice Son of the
141    said Thelwall and Ann Maurice my gold Watch with its Chain and Seals
142    Also I give unto the aforesaid Ann Maurice the Table Clock and Mahogany
143    Table and Mahogany Wardrobe in my Bed Room and the Mahogany folding
144    dressing Table now in the Bed Room of the said Elizabeth Blake I give
145    unto Elizabeth the Wife of George Madgwick Davidson Esquire my Encyclopedia
146    Britannia and I give to the said Elizabeth Blake all my Beer Wine Spirits
147    and Liquors of every description and I give to the said Elizabeth Blake for her
148    life all the remainder of my household Goods and Furniture books Linen
149    China Glass articles of Furniture implements of household and Utensils of
150    every description in and about Plough Cottage aforesaid not herein specifically
151    disposed of and from and after her decease I give the same and every part thereof
152    unto the aforesaid Maria Brewer during the term of her natural life if she
153    shall so long continue unmarried and from and immediately after her decease
154    or marriage which ever shall first happen I give the same and every part
155    thereof unto the aforesaid Ann Maurice for her sole use and benefit also I give
156    unto my Servant the aforesaid John Spackman all my Woollen Wearing apparel
157    for his own use I give unto all my domestic Servants living with me at the
158    time of my decease decent mourning and I direct my said executors to present
159    mourning Rings to the following persons viz [a vit] Mrs Francis of Lamborne
160    the said Ann Maurice Phillippina Brewer Maria Brewer Elizabeth Blake
161    Mr William and Mrs Mary Spicer Mr William and Mrs. Martha Edward
162    Mr and Mrs Davison Mr and Mrs Richards Mr and Mrs Edward Francis
163    Mr and Mrs William Francis Mr and Mrs Martin Mrs Edward of Reading
164    Mr T Edward of Reading Miss Mary Cousins Mrs Mary Halcomb Mrs
165    Sarah Nalder Mrs Mary Sanfear Mr John Woodman Mr John Eyre and
166    Mr Thomas Merriman and I request each of my said Executors to accept
    [Page 4]
167    of a Ring also I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid John Brown Thelwall
168    Maurice and William Brown all my monies and Securities for money and all
169    the rest residue and remainder of my Goods Chattels rights credits personal Estate
170    and Testamentary estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore
171    specifically disposed of upon trust that they my said trustees and the Survivors and
172    Survivor of them his executors and administrators do and at their and his discretion
173    sell and dispose of and convert into money either by public auction or private contract
174    such part or parts of my said personal Estate as shall not consist of money and
175    I will and direct that my said trustees and trustee for the time being shall stand
176    possessed of my said monies and personal Estate in trust in the first place to pay
177    and discharge thereof all my Funeral expenses and the charges of proving this my
178    Will and in the next place to pay and satisfy all such debts as shall be owing by me
179    at the time of my decease or which shall afterwards accrue due and all such costs
180    costs charges and expences as shall be occasioned by or be incidental to the trusts
181    created by this my Will and after full payment of the several matters and things
182    aforesaid and also of the legacies hereinbefore bequeathed upon further trust that
183    they my said trustees and the Survivors and Survivor of them his executors or
184    administrators do and shall set apart and appropriate thereout and lay out and
185    invest in their or his names or name in the parliamentary Stocks or public Funds
186    of Great Britain or on Real Security of Securities in England at Interest such a
187    principal sum of money as at the time of investing the same will produce by
188    the dividends Interest or annual produce thereof the clear annual sum of one
189    hundred pounds and do and shall stand possessed of the same sum so to be invested
190    as last aforesaid and of the Securities for the same In trust to pay the dividends
191    Interest and annual produce thereof as and when the same shall become due
192    and payable unto the aforesaid Elizabeth Blake and her assigns for her life and from
193    and immediately after her decease In trust to appropriate or layout and invest such a
194    competent and sufficient part of the said principal sum as will at the time of such
195    appropriation or investment produce by the dividends Interest and annual produce
196    thereof the clear annual sum of forty pounds and do and shall stand possessed thereof
197    and of the Securities for the same In trust to pay the dividends Interest and annual
198    produce thereof as and when the same shall become due and payable unto
199    the aforesaid Maria Brewer and her assigns for her life provided she shall
200    remain single and unmarried in addition to the annuity of sixty pounds
201    hereinafter given to her In trust and as to the remainder of the said principal
202    sum and the Stocks Funds and Securities for the same I direct that the same
203    shall immediately on the decease of the said Elizabeth Blake sink into and
204    form part of my Residuary personal Estate and from and immediately after the
205    decease of the Survivor of them the said Elizabeth Blake and Maria Brewer
206    or the marriage of the said Maria Brewer after the death of the said Elizabeth
207    Blake I direct that the whole of the said principal sum and the Stocks Funds
208    and Securities for the same shall sink into and form part of my residuary
209    personal Estate hereinafter disposed of and upon further trust that they my said trustees
210    and trustee do and shall set apart and appropriate and lay out and invest in
211    manner aforesaid such further sum or sums of money as at the time or respective
212    times of investing the same will produce by the dividends Interest or annual
213    produce thereof the several annuities of yearly sums next hereinafter mentioned
214    and directed to be paid thereout and do and shall stand possessed of the same
215    and of the dividends Interest and produce thereof upon the trusts following that
216    is to say In trust to pay to the aforesaid Maria Brewer  or her assigns an annuity
217    or clear yearly sum of sixty pounds during her natural life and to pay to my
218    Relative Miss Elizabeth Smith an annuity or clear yearly sum of twenty
219    pounds during her natural life which said last mentioned annuity I direct shall
220    be paid into the proper hands of the said Elizabeth Smith and that her receipt
221    alone shall be a sufficient discharge for the same and that the same shall
222    not be subject or liable to the control or intermeddling of any husband with
223    whom she may hereafter intermarry and I direct and declare that the
    [Page 5]
224    said annuities shall be respectively paid by four equal quarterly payments on
225    the twenty five day of March the twenty fourth day of June the twenty ninth
226    day of September and the twenty fifth day of December in every year the first of
227    payment thereof respectively to be made on such of the said last mentioned days
228    as shall happen next after my decease provided always and I will and direct that
229    when and as each of the aforesaid annuities or annual sums shall determine
230    by the death of the person or persons to whom such annuities respectively are
231    made payable and all the arrears of the said annuities so determining shall have
232    been discharged up to the day of the decease of the annuitant or respective
233    annuitants then a proportionable part of the monies Stocks Funds and Securities
234    to be set apart and appropriated for the Security of the same annuities shall sink
235    into and become part of my Residuary personal Estate notwithstanding the other
236    or others of the same annuitants may be still living I do not by this my Will
237    leave any annuity to the aforesaid John Spackman as I have sufficiently
238    explained my wishes with regard to him to the aforesaid Mrs Maurice and
239    Elizabeth Price Blake and I am fully assured that such my wishes will be punctually
240    complied with by them and as to for and concerning all the rest residue and
241    remainder of my personal and Testamentary estate and effects whatsoever and
242    wheresoever not hereinbefore specifically bequeathed or disposed of upon trust that
243    they my said trustees and trustee for the time being do and shall lay out and
244    invest the same in the parliamentary Stocks or public Funds of Great Britain
245    or upon some Real Security or Securities in England and stand and be
246    possessed thereof upon and for such and the same trusts and intents and purposes
247    as are hereinafter expressed and declared or referred to touching or concerning any
248    monies which may arise from Sale of any part of my said Freehold or Leasehold
249    Estates during the lifetime of the said Ann Maurice provided always and
250    my Will is and I declare that in case my personal Estate shall prove insufficient
251    to pay and satisfy my debts and also all the pecuniary legacies and to supply a
252    sufficient Fund for paying the annuities hereinbefore by me given all my
253    legacies and annuities shall abate proportionably except the legacies and
254    annuities hereinbefore given to or provided for the said Elizabeth Blake and
255    Maria Brewer which I direct shall be paid without any deduction it being
256    my intention that my Real Estate shall in no wise be chargeable there with
257    provided also and I further declare that my said trustees and the Survivors and
258    Survivor of them and the heirs executors and administrators of such Survivor
259    during the lifetime of the said Ann Maurice with the consent and
260    approbation to be testified in writing under her hand and Seal shall and
261    may absolutely sell and dispose of and grant and convey all or any part of
262    the said Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments so devised to
263    them in trust as aforesaid to any person or persons whomsoever and either
264    by public auction or private contract for such price or prices as to her shall
265    seem reasonable free and absolutely discharged from the uses ad trusts
266    hereinbefore created concerning the same except as to the aforesaid charged
267    thirty pounds for the benefit of the said Elizabeth Blake and Maria
268    Brewer and I do hereby declare that on any Sale of the said Messuages Lands
269    Tenements and hereditaments or any part or parts thereof under any of the
270    power or authorities for that purpose contained in this my Will that the
271    receipt and receipts of them the said John Brown Thelwall Maurice and
272    William Brown or the Survivors or Survivors of them or the last executor
273    or administrators of such Survivor alone without the concurrence of any
274    other person whomsoever shall be a sufficient discharge or discharges at all
275    times to any purchaser or purchasers and that such purchaser or purchasers
276    shall not afterwards be required or liable to see to the application of or be
277    answerable for the loss misapplication or nonapplication thereof or of any part
278    thereof provided always nevertheless and I do hereby further direct that the
279    surplus of the monies which shall arrive from such Sale or Sales after payment
280    of the expences attending the same shall from time to time with all
    [Page 6]
281    convenient speed be laid out and invested by my said Trustees or trustee at Interest in
282    the public Funds or on Real Security or Securities in England upon such and the
283    same trusts ends intents and purposes as are hereinbefore declared or expressed concerning
284    the said hereditaments which shall be so sold or as near thereto as circumstances
285    will admit of provided also and I hereby declare that the several legacies bequests
286    rights or Interests hereby given to or in trust for the said Ann Maurice are so
287    given by me and intended for her sole use and that the same shall not be
288    subject or liable to the debts control or engagements of her present or any
289    future husband but that the same shall at all times be paid into and
290    consent by her own hands or to the hands of the person or persons she may by
291    writing from time to time but not by way of anticipation appoint and I appoint
292    the aforesaid John Brown Thelwall Maurice and William Brown
293    Executors of this my Will for the purposes hereinbefore expressed and I give devise
294    and bequeath unto the said John Brown Thelwall Maurice and William
295    Brown their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively according to
296    the nature of my estate and Interest therein all and singular the Freehold
297    and Leasehold Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments of in or to which
298    either in my own right or otherwise howsoever I am seized possessed interested
299    or in anywise entitled either as mortgagee for my own benefit or for any trust
300    stake or Interest for the benefit of any person or persons whomsoever to the
301    end and intent that they or the Survivors or Survivor of them and the heirs
302    executors administrators and assigns of such Survivor may have a complete
303    power of obtaining conveying and transferring the said Messuages Lands
304    Tenements and hereditaments respectively and may be also entitled to perform
305    the trusts upon which the same respectively are held and receive any sum
306    or sums of money which is or are or shall or may hereafter become due
307    upon the Security of the same or any part thereof provided also and I further
308    declare that in case the said John Brown Thelwall Maurice and William
309    Brown or either of them or any trustees or trustee to be appointed under this
310    present provision shall die or become unwilling or unable to act in the
311    aforesaid trusts before the same shall be fully executed and performed then
312    and as often as the same shall happen I direct the said John Brown
313    Thelwall Maurice and William Brown or such of them as shall be
314    then living or willing to act and capable of acting and after the decease
315    of the Survivor the acting trustees or trustee for the time being or the heirs
316    Executors or Administrators for the time being of the last acting trustee
317    under this my Will to nominate any fit person or persons to supply the place
318    or places of the trustee or trustees respectively so dying or becoming unwilling
319    or unable to act as aforesaid and immediately after every such appointment
320    the trust Estate monies and premises shall be assigned converted and
321    transferred to and in such manner that the same may vest in such
322    trustee or trustees jointly with the surviving or continuing trustee or
323    trustees or in such new trustee or trustees solely as the case may require
324    and I direct that such new trustee or trustees shall exercise all the powers and
325    authorities whatsoever hereinbefore contained in the same manner to all
326    intents and purposes as if he or they had been appointed a trustee or trustees by
327    this my Will and I further direct that my said trustees hereby appointed and to
328    be appointed as aforesaid and each and every of them their heirs Executors
329    administrators and assigns shall severally and respectively be charged and
330    chargeable only with such monies as they severally and respectively shall
331    actually receive by virtue of the trusts hereby in them reposed notwithstanding
332    he or they respectively shall give or sign or join in giving or signing any
333    receipt or receipts for the sake of conformity and also that any one or more
334    of the said trustees shall not be answerable or accountable for the others or
335    either of them but each and every of them only and respectively for himself
336    and themselves and his and their own acts neglects receipts and defaults and
337    that they or any of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any
338    loss misfortune or damage which may happen to my trust Estate in the
    [Page 7]
339    execution of the aforesaid trusts or in relation thereto except the same shall
340    happen by or through his or their own wilful default respectively and than and
341    in such case such person singly be answerable for his own neglects and
342    defaults only and further that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said
343    trustees and trustee for the time being by and out of the monies which shall
344    shall come to their respective hands under the trusts of this my Will to claim
345    and reimburse unto and for themselves respectively and to allow to such other all
346    the costs charges damages and expences to which they respectively shall or may
347    suffer sustain and be put into in or about the execution of the aforesaid trusts
348    or in relation thereto In Witness whereof I the said James Blake the testator
349    have to this my last Will and Testament contained in nine sheets of
350    paper set my hand and Seal that is to say my hand to the first eight sheets
351    thereof and my hand and Seal to this ninth and last sheet hereof this eleventh
352    day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
353    twenty six Ja[me]s Blake Signed Sealed published and declared by the said
354    James Blake the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the
355    presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the sight and presence
356    of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto John
357    Maurice Mr J Marlborough Mr Merriman Marboro Gent James R White
358    Clerk to Mr Merriman
359    Whereas since the making and publishing of the foregoing Will
360    my late Servant John Spackman hath departed this life now I do hereby
361    give and bequeath unto the before mentioned Elizabeth Blake all my
362    wearing apparel both Linen and Woollen and all other kinds for her own
363    use and benefit and in all other respects I confirm my said Will In Witness
364    whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this thirteenth day of October
365    1826 Ja[me]s Blake Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said
366    James Blake as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the
367    presence of us J. Bullock Tho B Merriman both of Marlboro’ Gent[lemen]
368    Proved at London with a Codicil 8th Dec 1827 before the Judge by the
369    oaths of Thelwall Maurice and William Ruddle (in the Will written William
370    Brown) the Ex[ecut]ors to whom adm[inistrati]on was granted being first sworn by Com[missi]on
371    duly to adm[iniste]r power reserved to John Brown the other Ex[ecut]or

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