Friday, December 13, 2013

Will of John Blake, Esquire of New Sarum (Salisbury), Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1386/193, probated 9 Feb 1803

John Blake is the testator and already know as the father of Ann Blake who left her will dated 11 Mar 1812 and blogged earlier:

John, the testator, names his wife as Margaret whereas online trees suggest that the wife of John Blake was Sarah Cartwright (second name of the eldest son John was Cartwright) but John could have married a second time (could not locate any information in that regard). John identifies his children as John Cartwright Blake, Robert Blake, Ann Blake, Margaret (married to Edward Addicott Kitson) and Henrietta (married to Charles William Shuckburg stated in Ann’s will). This does prove that the book A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain, Volume 2, by John Burke was correct in naming Henrietta’s father as John.

A couple of items mentioned in the will below:

Map online of Brichin Lane and the Coffee Houses located thereon.

The Carolina Coffee House can be found in “A Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of London, by Guildhall Library (Forgotten Books), page 4 (available online):,d.aWM

How does this family link in with others at New Sarum? Are they a Wiltshire Blake family?

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1386/193
Testator: John Blake, Esquire
Place: New Sarum (Salisbury), Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 5 Jun 1798, probated 9 Feb 1803
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: Esquire

1    This is the Last Will
2    and Testament of me John Blake of the City of
3    New Sarum in the County of wilts Gentleman
4    whilst I am of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding
5    which I make and ordain in manner following
6    (that is to say) I give to my Eldest Son John
7    Cartwright Blake the Sum of One hundred
8    pounds and my best Ring with a yellow Stone
9    set round with diamonds Also I give and devise
10    unto my Son Robert Blake and my Son in Law
11    The Reverend Edward Addicott Kitson all that
12    my Freehold Messuage or Tenement at
13    Twickenham in the County of Middlesex late in
14    my own occupation and also all my Freehold
15    and Leasehold Messuages or Tenements and
16    Gardens in the said City of New Sarum now
17    in my own occupation and also all that
18    Freehold Messuage or Ten[ement] called the Bell Inn
19    in
    [Page 2]
20    in New Sarum aforesaid and also all my
21    Freehold and Leasehold Estates at West Grimstead
22    in the said County of Wilts and also all that my
23    Freehold Messuage at Brentford in the County
24    of Middlesex lately purchased by me of Charles
25    Woodcock Esquire To hold unto and to the use of
26    the said Robert Blake and Edward Addicott
27    Kitson their heirs Executors Administrators and
28    Assigns according to my Estate and Interest
29    therein respectively upon the Trusts hereinafter
30    mentioned Also I give and bequeath unto the
31    said Robert Blake and Edward Addicott Kitson
32    their Executors Administrators and Assigns all that
33    my Farm and Land at Hampton in Arden in the
34    County of Warwick which I hold by Lease under the
35    Crown and all my right and Interest therein To hold
36    unto the said Robert Blake and Edward Addicott
37    Kitson their Executors Administrators and Assigns
38    upon the Trusts hereinafter mentioned (that is to
39    say) upon Trust to Convey Sell and dispose of the
40    same several Freehold and Leasehold Messuages or
41    Tenements and Premises hereinbefore mentioned
42    as soon as may be after my decease in such
43    manner and at such times as my said Trustees
44    shall see fit and as to the Money arising from
45    such several Sales upon Trust to apply the issue
46    in such manner and for such purposes as herein
47    after directed of and concerning the Residue of my
48    Personal Estate and I hereby direct that the Receipt
49    or Receipts of my said Trustees and the Survivor
50    of them his heirs Executors and Administrators
51    shall be good and sufficient discharges from time
52    to time to the respective purchasers of my said
53    Freehold and Leasehold Estates and all the respective
54    purchasers shall not be obliged to see to the
55    application thereof nor be answerable for the  nonapplication of misapplication thereof Also I give and bequeath to
56    my Wife Margaret Blake the Sum of three
57    hundred pounds to be paid her as soon as may be
58    after my decease Also I give and bequeath to my
59    said Son Robert Blake the sum of One hundred
60    pounds which stand insured on his life on
61    Policy Number sixty six in the Society of Annuitants
62    increasing by Survivorship kept at the Carolina
63    Coffee House in Birchin Lane Also I give to my
64    daughter Ann a life Sum of one hundred pounds
65    which stands insured on her life by a Policy
66    Number Sixty two in the said Society Also I give
67    to my daughter Margaret the like Sum of one
68    hundred pounds which I have put on her life in
69    the Richmond Bridge Tontine Also I give to my
70    daughter Henrietta the like Sum of one hundred
71    pounds which I have put upon her life in the
    [Page 3]
72    Kew Bridge Tontine Also I give unto my said
73    Wife the two hundred pounds which I have placed
74    on her life in the same Tontine and the several
75    Annuities payable in respect thereof Also I give
76    unto my said Wife for her own use all my
77    Household Goods Furniture Books Prints Liquors
78    other things ready Money Bank and Bankers Notes
79    in and about my said dwelling house Also I give
80    and bequeath to Mr Charles Millett the Sum of
81    Fifty pounds as a token of my regard for him and
82    hope he will be assistant to my Trustees Also I give
83    devise and bequeath unto my said Trustees their heirs
84    and Assigns all that the Rectory and Manor of Poorstock
85    in the County of Dorset held by me for the lives of my
86    three daughters under a Lease from the dean and
87    Chapter of Sarum and all my Estate and Interest
88    therein To hold unto and to the use of the said Robert
89    Blake and Edward Addicott Kitson their heirs and
90    assigns upon the Trusts hereinafter mentioned
91    concerning the same (that is to say) upon Trust to pay
92    the Rents and profits thereof or otherwise permit and
93    Suffer the same to be received by my said Wife
94    Margaret Blake for and during her life and from
95    and after her decease Upon Trust to convey the said
96    Estate unto my said three daughters Ann Margaret
97    and Henrietta their heirs and Assigns equally to be
98    divided between them share and share alike provided
99    always and my Mind and Will is that if either of the
100    said three lives shall die in the life time of my said
101    wife it shall and may be lawful to and for my said
102    Trustees by and out of the Money arising from the
103    Sale of my other Estates hereby directed to be sold to
104    pay the Fine and Fees for adding a new life or lives
105    in the said Rectory and Manor of Poorstock upon
106    the Trusts hereinbefore mentioned concerning the same
107    Also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter
108    Ann Blake the Sum of two thousand pounds with
109    Interest for the same at five per cent per annum
110    from the day of my death and as to all the Rest
111    and Residue of my Personal Estate and of the
112    Moneys arising from the Sale of my Freehold and
113    Leasehold Estates hereby made Saleable after
114    payment of my Debts Legacies and Funeral Expences
115    I give and bequeath the same to the said Robert
116    Blake and Edward Addicott Kitson In Trust to
117    divide and pay the same unto and equally between
118    my said Son Robert Blake and my said three
119    daughters Ann Margaret and Henrietta and I
120    nominate and appoint my said Wife Margaret
121    Blake and my said Son and Daughter Robert Blake
122    and Ann Blake Executors of this my Will hereby
    [Page 4]
123    revoking all other Wills by me before made and I
124    declare this to be my last Will and Testament In
125    witness whereof I the said John Blake have to this
126    my last Will and Testament contained in this and
127    the two preceding sheets of paper and also to a
128    duplicate thereof of the same tenor and date to
129    the two first sheets set my hand and to this third
130    and last Sheet thereof my hand and Seal the twenty
131    Fifth day of June in the Year of our Lord One
132    thousand seven hundred and ninety eight John
133    Blake Signed Sealed Published and declared
134    by the said Testator John Blake as and for his
135    last Will and Testament in the presence of us who
136    have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in
137    the presence of the said Testator and of each other
138    Lewis Sansom Wm B____ S W Chubb
139    This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament
140    of me John Blake at the City of New Sarum
141    Gentleman whereas my Son Robert Blake is in a
142    very prosperous way of Business I therefore revoke the
143    bequest to him in and by my will of one fourth part
144    or share of the Residue of my Personal Estate and
145    of the Moneys arising from the Sale of my Freehold
146    and Leasehold Estates thereby made Saleable and I
147    do hereby will that the Trustees therein named shall
148    pay unto my Wife Margaret Blake the Interest
149    and proceeds of such fourth part of share during
150    her life and after her decease I give and bequeath
151    the same part of share unto my said Son Robert
152    Blake his Executors Administrators and Assigns
153    Also I revoke the bequest in  my said Will to my
154    Eldest Son of my best Ring with a Yellow Stone set
155    round with diamonds and I give and bequeath
156    the same unto my said Son Robert Blake In
157    Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
158    Seal the tenth day of February in the Year of our
159    Lord One thousand eight hundred and one John
160    Blake Signed Sealed Published and declared
161    by the Testator John Blake as and for a Codicil to
162    his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
163    who have subscribed our names as witnesses as
164    thereto in the presence of the said
165    Testator and of each other Jno Wm Carrington
166    Lewis Sansom Thos Chub
167    This Will was proved at London with a
    [Page 5]
168    Codicil the ninth day of February in the year of
169    our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three before
170    the Right honourable Sir William Wynne Knight
171    doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
172    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
173    by the Oaths of Margaret Blake widow the Relict
174    of the deceased Ann Blake Spinster the Daughter
175    and Robert Blake the Son of the said deceased and
176    the Executors named in the said Will to whom
177    Administration of all and singular the Goods
178    Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased was
179    granted they having been first sworn (that is to say)
180    the said Margaret Blake and Ann Blake by
181    Commission and the said Robert Blake Esquire
182    before the Worshipful John Sewell Doctor of Laws
183    and Surrogate of the said Commissary duly to Adm[iniste]r

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