Thursday, December 19, 2013

Will of Margaret Blake, widow, New Sarum, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1281/243, probated 29 Nov 1796

Margaret Blake, the Testatrix, is the wife of John Blake whose will was probated in 1775 and was blogged a couple of days ago:

No new information on this family, she mentions her son John Blake and her daughters Mary Rothwell, [Susanna] Sterne and Peggy Blake.

Thomas Blake, the deponent, who gave witness to the handwriting and subscription of Margaret Blake is of Wishford (presumably Great Wishford) and just trying to place him in context of this family. In the blog:

there is mention of a Thomas Blake baptized 10 Mar 1592 at Great Wishford with father John Blake and the hint in that post that he might be descendant of the Blake family at South Newton. By the time of this will though it would have to be a descendant of this Thomas Blake. Is this Thomas a relative?

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 18 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1281/243
Testator: Margaret Blake, widow
Place: New Sarum (Salisbury), Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 25 Mar 1795, probated 29 Nov 1796
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Margaret
[Margin]: Blake

1    25 March 1795 I Margret Blake of
2    the City of New Sarum widow do make this  my last
3    Will and Testament I do give my daughter Mary
4    Rothwell one hundred and Fifty pounds I give my Son
5    John Blake One hundred And Fifty pounds I give my
6    daughter Sterne One hundred and Fifty pounds and all
7    the Rest of my Goods and Chattels I give to my
8    daughter Peggy Blake whom I do nominate and
9    appoint my sole Executrix of this my last Will and
10    Testament Marg[are]t Blake
11    Appeared Personally Thomas Blake of
12    Wishford in the County Wilts Gentleman and Mary
13    Fleming of the City of New Sarum in the said County of
14    Wilts Spinster and made Oath that they knew and
15    were well acquainted with Margaret Blake late of
16    the City of New Sarum Widow deceased and also with
17    her manner and character of handwriting and subscription
18    having often seen her write and write and subscribe her
19    Name and having now carefully viewed and observed
20    the paper writing hereunto annexed purporting to be
21    and contain the last Will and Testament of the said
22    Margaret Blake Widow deceased and which said Will
23    begins thus “25 March 1795 I Margret Blake” and ends
24    thus “last Will and Testament Marg[are]t Blake” and is thus
25    subscribed Margt Blake they those appeared do say that
26    they verily and in their consciences believe the whole
27    Series and Contents of the said Paper writing last Will
28    and Testament The said deceased to be all of the
29    proper handwriting and subscription of the said
30    Margaret Blake Widow deceased Tho Blake Mary
31    Fleming On the twenty second day of November in the
32    year of our Lord 1796 the said Thomas Blake and Mary
33    Fleming were sworn to the truth of the above Affidavit
34    before me Arthur Dodwell Commissioner Pres[en]t me W Bowther
35    Not Publ
36    This Will was proved at London the twenty sixth
37    day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand
38    seven hundred and ninety six before the Right honorable
39    Sir William Wynne Knight doctor of Laws Master
40    Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of
41    Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Peggy
42    Blake Spinster the daughter of the deceased and sole
43    Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration
44    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
45    Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn
46    by Commission duly to administer.

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