Friday, December 20, 2013

Will of Martyn Blake of England - The National Archives PROB 11/672/126, probated 14 Jul 1735

I placed Martyn Blake in Wiltshire because he mentions his Uncle John Budd of Windsley. There is a Winsley in the parish and hundred of Bradford, Wiltshire.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/672/126
Testator: Martyn Blake
Place: England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 4 Jul 1735, probated 14 Jul 1735
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Martyn
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 15

1    The Lords Will be done
2    and this is mine I give and bequeath unto my Uncle John Budd of
3    Windsley as a recompence and satisfaction for his trouble which
4    he has had about my affairs all my personalities of what kind
5    or qualities soever and of this my last Will and Testament I
6    make him my whole and Sole Executor In Witness whereof I
7    have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of July 1735
8    Martyn Blake Signed Sealed published and declared in
9    the presence of Jno Dennis, Ann Austwick, Mary Austwick
10    This Will was proved at London the fourteenth
11    day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
12    and thirty five before the Worshipfull Thomas Walker doctor of
13    Laws and Surrogate to the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth also
14    doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative
15    Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the OaTH OF John Budd
16    the Sole Executor named in the said Will to whom
17    administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattles and Credits of
18    the said deceased was granted being first sworn duly to administer.

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