Thursday, January 9, 2014

Will of John Blake the Elder, Weaver, Chesham, Buckinghamshire - The National Archives PROB 11/501/397, probated 22 Jun 1708

This will too was misfiled and is for John Blake the Elder of Chesham, Buckinghamshire. This will adds greatly to the knowledge of the earlier will of Job Blake published earlier as a blog:

The present testator John (married to Rebecca perhaps as his second wife since Job calls her his mother in law) names two sons John and Job and a son in law John Payne so perhaps his daughter has died.

This brings us back closer to the time of the will of Alexander Blake 1600 and blogged earlier:

also of Chesham and he mentions his children Samuel, Joshua, Thomas, Mary, and Martha. All of these children were born between 1588 and 1598 and one of the two sons Joshua or Thomas could be the father of the present testator. Samuel was buried 8 Feb 1604. Alexander Blake married Elizabeth Hick 17 May 1587 at Chesham.

There was a marriage of John Blake, testator, to Rebecca Wheeler 28 Oct 1686 at Chesham (Family Search (M02080-2).

There was a baptism of John Blake son of William and Martha Blake baptized 22 Jan 1625 at Chesham, Buckinghamshire. Who is William?

Some new information taking Job back another generation but still the mystery of Alexander and whether he was the ancestor of this John.

I have included the latin probate although there are likely errors as I do not recognize a couple of the words. But it does explain that Job's wife Mary probated both wills with the permission of the court because her husband Job had died before probating his father's will over which he was executor.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 Jan 2014
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/501/397
Testator: John Blake the Elder, Weaver
Place: Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 18 Jul 1704, probated 22 Jun 1708
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Joh[ann]is Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John Blake the Elder of Chesham in the County of
3    Bucks Weaver being of a sound and perfect disposing
4    mind memory and understanding (thanks be therefor
5    given to Almighty God) do make and ordain this my
6    Last Will and Testament in manner and form following
7    (that is to say) First and principally I commend my
8    soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator
9    trusting to Enjoy Everlasting Life through the Meritts
10    of Jesus Christ my ever blessed Saviour and Redeemer
11    And my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried in
12    the Church Yard of Chesham aforesaid in such manner as
13    to my Executor herein after Named shall seem meet And
14    as to the worldly Estate wherewith God in his mercy hath
15    blessed me withal I do hereby give devise and dispose the
16    same in manner and form following viz[ a vi]t Imprimis I
17    give and devise unto my Son in Law John Payne of
18    Chesham aforesaid Brewer Yearly and every Year during
19    the Term of his natural Life the summe of Five and
20    Thirty shillings of lawfull English Money to be paid to
21    him by my Executor herein after Named by equall quarterly
22    payments at the Four usuall Feasts or dayes of payment
23    in the Yeare (that is to say) at the Feast of St Michael the
24    Archangell St Thomas the Apostle the Annunciation of
25    our blessed Lady St Mary the Virgin and St John the
26    Baptist the first payment to begin and be made at
27    such of the said Feasts or dayes of payment which
28    shall First and next happen after my decease Item I
29    give and bequeath unto my Son John Blake of Chesham
30    aforesaid Clothworker my Standing Bedsted with the
31    Matt and Cord one Flock Bed two bolsters two blankets
32    one Coverlett my drawing Table and Frame my joined
33    Form my boowded Chest two paire of sheets and my best
34    brass Kettle provided he suffer my Son Job Blake and
35    his Assignes quietly to take down and carry a way to and
36    for his own use the little Furnace hanging in the now
37    dwelling house of my said Son John (the which my said
    [Page 2]
38    Son Job bought and sett there at his own charge) together
39    with the frame of bricks wherein it hangs and also his
40    Racks or Conters now standing on my Coippyhold Land
41    Item I give and bequeath unto my said Son John Blake
43    after the decease of Rebecca my Wife my Jack with the
44    Lines and weights and one Firkin Item I give and
45    bequeath unto my said Son John Blake the summe of
46    Twenty pounds of lawfull English Money to be paid unto
47    him by my Executor herein after Named within six
48    Months next after my decease Item I give unto the
49    Four Children of my said Son John Blake (viz[ a vi]t) to
50    John Job George and Edward the summe of Four
51    pounds a peece of like lawfull English Money to be paid
52    unto them respectively by my Executor herein after
53    Named within one Year next after my decease Item
54    I give and devise unto my Son Job Blake and to his
55    Heires and Assignes for ever all that my Cottage or
56    Tenement with the Appurtenances in Chesham
57    aforesaid wherein I now dwell with all Outhouses Edificies
58    buildings Yards gardens and backsides thereto belonging
59    Item I give to my Grandchildren Job Mary Lydia
60    Caleb Joshua Ursula and Sarah Children of my said
61    Son Job Blake the summe of Four pounds a peece of
62    like Money Item I give and bequeath unto my said
63    Wife Rebecca all such household Goods Furniture
64    and implements of household which were her own
65    before our intermarriage Item I give to my said
66    Wife Rebecca the use of three pairs of my Sheets which
67    she shall choose two kettles two Skilletts one warming pan
68    one scummer one pottage pott three pewter platters
69    two fruit dishes one pewter Flaggon one quart pott
70    one Table three Joyned Stools one little Table with a
71    drawer Five Chairs one pott hanger one pair of
72    Bellows fire shovel and Tongs one paire of Andirons
73    one Jack with the Lines and weights one Spitt two small
74    drink before the three Rivers two Boles one Flannell blanket
75    Six Napkins one pillow and pillowbear one Chest and
76    one box during her natural Life if she shall continue a
77    Widow sole and unmarried and continue her hatita[t]ion
78    and abode in the house wherein wee now dwell but if it
79    shall so happen that she shall Marry again or remove
80    her habitation out of the said house that then in either
81    of the said Cases my Executor herein after Named shall
82    take into his Custody all the said Goods last mentioned
83    and forthwith dispose the same or such of them as are
84    herein before directed to be disposed of after my said
85    Wifes decease to my said respective Legatees wording as
86    they were to have had the same after her decease Item I
87    give to my said Wife the summe of Forty shillings of like
88    Money to be paid to her by my Executor herein after
89    Named forthwith after my decease All the Rest and
90    Residue of my goods chattles moneys and personal Estate
    [Page 3]
91    whatsoever undisposed of after my debts Legacies and
92    Funeral Expences shall be thereout first satisfied paid and
93    discharged I do hereby give and bequeath unto my said Son
94    Job Blake And I do Nominate constitute ordain and
95    appoint my said Son Job Blake to be sole Executor of this
96    my Will And I do hereby revoke anull and make void all
97    former and other Wills by me made In Witness whereof
98    to this my last Will and Testatment contained in three Sheets
99    of paper to each sheet have sett my hand and to the First
100    and last sheets have sett my Seal the Eighteenth day of July in
101    the third Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lady Anne by
102    the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland
103    Queen defender of the Faith etc Anno d[omi]ni One thousand Seven
104    hundred and Four the mark of John Blake the Elder Signed
105    and sealed and by the above Named John Blake the
106    Testator published and declared to be his last Will and
107    Testament in the presence of us whose Names are under
108    written and were subscribed as Wittnesses thereunto in the
109    presence of the said Testator Willim Hill Jno Smith
110    Anne Clifton
111    Vicesimo Secundo die Mensis Junij Anno
112    d[omi]ni Millesimo Septinantisimo Octavo Einanavit Commissio
113    Maria Blake Vidua Relictae et Executrici Nominata in
114    Testamento Job Blake defuncti (dum vixit) Filij et Extoris
115    inici Nominati in Testamento Johannis Blake weaver de
116    Chesham in Com Bucks defuncti habentis etc ad adstrandinn
117    bona juxa et credita dicti defuncti juxta tenorem et effectum
118    Testamenti ipenis defuncti (eo quod dictus Job Blake Executor
119    in dicto Testamento Nominatus antegnam omis Executioris
120    dicti Testamenti in se atteptasset mortem etiam abut) de bene
121    et fideliter administrando eadem ad Sancta dei Evangelia
122    Jurat

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