Friday, January 10, 2014

Will of John Blake, Gentleman, St Margaret, Rochester, Kent - The National Archives PROB 11/1513/439

John Blake, the testator has been a Clerk of Survey in the Army since he was in the Ordnance Department. He identifies his cousins living at West Tytherley in Hampshire as Roger Blake and John Blake and they are brothers. Are they descendants of Augustine Blake found there on the tax rolls in 1665 (Hearth Tax)? Augustine’s will was blogged:

Augustine died at Lockerley Hampshire. The forename Augustine was still at West Tytherley in the 1700s.

Names mentioned in the will:

John Blake, testator, Clerk, Rochester, Kent
Dinah Morley, retired servant, Portsmouth, Hampshire
James Morley, carpenter, husband of Dinah, Portsmouth, Hampshire
John Blake, cousin, deceased, West Tytherley
Sarah Blake, wife of cousin John Blake,
Roger Blake, cousin, deceased, brother to John Blake
William Barber, deceased
Mrs Barber, Nursling, widow of William
Richard King, executor, farmer, Nursling
William Russell, Kingston, Poole, Dorset
Boswell Russell, reputed grandfather of William Russell
Thomas Ady, executor, mariner, Chatham, Kent, friend
Sarah Ady, spinster, daughter of Thomas
Mary Ady, spinster, daughter of Thomas
Jane Walsall, daughter of Thomas
Samuel Walsall, mariner, husband of Jane, Queenborough, Kent
Thomas Phipps, Royal Navy
Sarah Gates Phipps, executrix, spinster, Saint Margarets, Rochester, Kent
Maria Elizabeth Phipps, spinster, Saint Margarets, Rochester, Kent
Harriet Phipps, spinster, Saint Margarets, Rochester, Kent
Sarah Toombe, servant
Sarah Malion, servant
Sarah Barrow, spinster, Waltham Abbey, Essex
Francis Pellatt, Chatham, Gentleman, friend
Thomas Morley, dredgerman, Queenborough, Kent
Thomas Sturgeon, dredgerman, Queenborough, Kent
William Hopson, esquire, Rochester, Kent
Henry Seymour Matthews, Esquier, Waltham Abbey, Essex
John Huntingdon, Ordnance Dover, Esquier
Thomas Neurham, Upnor Castle, Kent, Gentleman
D B Lewis, clerk, witness
Charles Knowles, clerk, witness
Messieurs Twopenny, solicitors, Rochester
Elizabeth Spolding, daughter of Mr John Spolding
Maria Spolding, daughter of Mr John Spolding
Mary Spolding, daughter of Mr John Spolding
Ann Spolding, daughter of Mr John Spolding
Julia Spolding, daughter of Mr John Spolding
Harriet Spolding, daughter of Mr John Spolding
Mr John Spolding, Peterborough, Northampton, deceased
Sarah Chainey, witness

Checked out the individuals in Family Search and did find the children of William and Sarah Barber (C13668-1):

William baptized 17 Nov 1784
James baptized 31 May 1787 at Nursling
Sarah Frances baptized 23 Apr 1789 at Nursling
George baptized 17 Feb 1796 at Nursling

There was a marriage for William Barber of Bramshaw, Hampshire, bachelor, gent, 23 years of age to Sarah Bevard of Baddesley, Hampshire, spinster, 23 years of age with bondsman John Andrews, gent, Bramshaw (place of marriage not given) from Find My Past.

There was a marriage 19 Apr 1761 between Roger Blake and Hannah Cameis/Camies at Medstead Hampshire but this is not in the area of West Tytherley (25 miles).

There was a marriage 16 May 1773 between John Blake and Sarah Shears of West Tytherley, Hampshire.

Children baptized at West Tytherley:

Elizabeth daughter of John Blake 10 Oct 1773
John son of John and Sarah Blake 1 May 1775
Martha daughter of John and Sarah Blake 9 Nov 1777
Henry son of John and Sarah Blake 20 Mar 1785
Roger son of John and Sarah Blake 9 Mar 1788
Moses son of John and Sarah Blake 2 Jun 1793

There were 53 baptisms at West Tytherley between 1770 and 1810 for the Blake family. There were a number of Blake males baptizing children in this time frame including Laurence, Augustine, Henry, James, John but none for Roger.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Jan 2014
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/1513/439
Testator: John Blake, formerly Clerk of the Cheque and afterwards Clerk of the Survey in His Majesty’s Ordnance Department, Gentleman
Place:St Margaret, Rochester, Kent, England formerly Portsmouth, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Aug 1807, probated 28 Jul 1810
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 24

1    This is the last Will
2    and Testament of me John Blake formerly Clerk of the Cheque
3    and afterwards Clerk of the Survey in His Majesty’s Ordnance Department
4    at Portsmouth in the County of Hants late of Chatham in the County
5    of Kent but now of Troy Town in the parish of St Margaret’s wi[t]hin
6    the City of Rochester in the said County of Kent Gentleman which I
7    make in manner following (that is to say) I do hereby give and bequeath
8    one annuity or clear yearly Sum of Ten pounds per annum unto my
9    old Servant Dinah Morley of Portsmouth afor[sai]d wife of James
10    Morley Carpenter for and during the term of her natural life by two
11    even and equal half yearly payments to commence from the Day of
    [Page 2]
12    my decease and to be paid into her own hands for her own sole
13    and separate use and benefit and independent of the said James Morley
14    her present or any future husband with whom she may Intermarry
15    and not subject or liable to his or their debts Contracts or Engagements
16    and I do hereby declare that her receipt and receipts for the said Annuity
17    shall notwithstanding her Coverture be a good and sufficient discharge to
18    my Executors and Executrix hereinafter named and appointed and I direct
19    a proportionate part of the same annuity shall be paid to the Exors
20    or Admors of the said Dinah Morley from the last half yearly day of
21    payment next preceeding her decease up to her decease and I do hereby
22    give and bequeath unto the said Dinah Morley my Gold Watch and
23    Seal with the Metal Chain and which I desire may be Delivered to her
24    immediately on my decease and I do hereby give and bequeath the
25    Sum of one hundred pounds of lawful Money of England to Sarah
26    Blake the widow of my late Cousin John Blake of West Tuderley
27    commonly called Tytherley in the said County of hants husbandman
28    deceased and in case the said Sarah Blake shall die in my life time
29    then I give and bequeath the said Sum of one hundred pounds unto
30    all and every the Child and Children of my said Cousin John Blake
31    who shall be living at my decease to be equally divided between them
32    share and share alike and I do also give and bequeath the Sum of
33    one hundred pounds of like Money unto all and every the Child and
34    Children of my late Cousin Roger Blake deceased Brother of the said
35    John Blake of West Tuderly who shall be living at the time of my
36    decease to be equally divided between them share and share alike if
37    more than one and I also give and bequeath the Sum of one hundred
38    pounds of like Money unto the widow of William Barber late of
39    Nursling near the Town of Southampton Farmer deceased and in
40    case the said widow of the said William Barber shall die in my
41    life time Then I give and bequeath the said last mentioned Sum of
43    one hundred pounds unto all and every the Child and Children of the
44    said William Barber who shall be living at my decease to be equally
45    divided between them share and share alike if more than one and I do
46    hereby give and bequeath unto Richard King of Nursling afor[sai]d Farmer
47    the sum of One hundred pounds of like Money and all my pictures and
48    prints and in case of his decease in my life time then I give and bequeath
49    the said pecuniary and specific Legacies to the person or persons who shall
50    be deemed to be the next of kin of the said Richard King according to
51    the law of the distribution of the surplus of the personal Estate of
52    persons dying Intestate and I also give and bequeath unto William
53    Russell of Kingston near Poole in the County of Dorset the reputed
54    Grandson of Boswell Russell formerly of Portsmouth afor[sai]d Gentleman
55    deceased the Sum of one hundred pounds of like Money and in case
56    of the decease of the said William Russell before me then I give and
57    bequeath the said last mentioned Sum of one hundred pounds to the
58    person or persons who shall be devised to be the next of kin of the said
59    William Russell according to the Law of the distribution of the surplus
60    of the personal Estates of persons dying Intestate and I also give and
61    bequeath unto my good Friend Thomas Ady of Chatham afor[sai]d Mariner
62    the Sum of one hundred and Fifty pounds of like Money and to his
63    daughters Sarah Ady and Mary Ady Spinsters and Jane the wife of Samuel
64    Walsall of Queenbro’ in Kent Mariner the Sum of one hundred pounds
65    each of like Money and in case of the decease of all any or either of
66    them the said Thomas Ady Sarah Ady Mary Ady and Jane Walsall in
67    my life time then I give and bequeath the said respective Legacies of
68    him her or them so dying unto the person or persons who shall be
69    deemed to be the next of kin of him her or them so dying as last
70    afor[sai]d according to the law of the distribution of the surplus of the
71    personal Estate of persons dying Intestate and I do hereby give and
72    bequeath unto Thomas Phipps of His Majesty’s Royal Navy Sarah
73    Gates Phipps of the parish of Saint Margarets afor[sai]d Spinster Maria
74    Elizabeth Phipps of the same place Spinster and Harriet Phipps of
75    the same place Spinster the Sum of one hundred and Eighty seven
76    pounds and ten Shillings each of like Money for their respective
    [Page 3]
77    own use and benefit and in case the said Thomas Phipps who is abroad
78    in the service of his Country should be now dead or he or the said
79    Sarah Gates Phipps Marie Elizabeth Phipps and Harriet Phipps or
80    any or either of them should depart this life at any time in my
81    life time then I give and bequeath the Legacies or Legacies of him
82    her or them so dead or who may depart this life as last aforesaid
83    unto the person or persons who shall be deemed to be the next of kin
84    or him her or them so dead or dying as last afor[sai]d according to the
85    Laws of the distribution of the surplus of the personal Estate of
86    persons dying Intestate and I give and bequeath unto my Servants
87    Sarah Toombe now residing with me the Sum of Two hundred
88    pounds of like Money and to Sarah Malion also residing with me the
89    Sum of one hundred pounds of like Money for their respective use
90    and benefit and also I give and bequeath unto Sarah Barrow now
91    residing at Waltham Abbey in the County of Essex Spinster the
92    Sum of Fifty pounds of like Money for her own use and benefit and
93    I also give and bequeath unto my good Friend Francis Pellatt of
94    Chatham afor[sai]d Gentleman afor[sai]d Gentleman the Sum of Twenty five
95    pounds of like Money as a Testimony of my regard for his trouble
96    and attention to my concerns and I also give and bequeath unto Tho[ma]s
97    Morley of Queenborough afor[sai]d dredgerman the Sum of Thirty pounds
98    of like Money and to Thomas Sturgeon of the same place dredgerman
99    Twenty pounds of like Money and as a token of respect and esteem
100    I do hereby give and bequeath unto my dear Friends William Hopson
101    of Rochester afor[sai]d Esquire Henry Seymour Matthews of Waltham
102    Abbey afor[sai]d Esq[uie]r John Huntingdon of his Majesty’s Ordnance Dover
103    in the said County of Kent Esq[uie]r and Thomas Neurham of Upnor
104    Castle in the said County of Kent Gentleman the Sum of Five pounds
105    value of like money for a Ring and subject to and after the payment of all my
106    just debts Funeral and Testamentary charges and Expences and the annuity and
107    Legacies hereinbefore given and bequeathed I do hereby give and
108    bequeath all and Singular my ready Money Money in the
109    public Stocks or Funds or due to me upon Bond Bill debt or
110    otherwise household Goods and Furniture plate Linen and China
111    and also all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate and
112    Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind
113    soever the same doth shall or may consist unto them the
114    said Richard King and Sarah Gates Phipps for their respective use and
115    benefit in and by equal parts shares and proportions as Tenants
116    in Common and not as joint Tenants and in case of the
117    decease of them or either of them in my life time then I give
118    and bequeath the part or share of such residue of him or her
119    so dying as last afor[sai]d to the person or persons who shall be
120    deemed to be the next of kin of him her or them so dying as
121    last afor[sai]d according to the Law of the distribution of the surplus
122    of the personal Estates of persons dying Intestate and I do hereby
123    Nominate Constitute and appoint them the said Richard King
124    Thomas Ady and Sarah Gates Phipps Executors and Executrix hereof
125    and hereby revoking all former and other will and Wills by me at
126    any time heretofore made do declare this only to be and contain
127    my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John
128    Blake the Testator have to this my last will and Testament
129    contained in four Sheets of paper set my hand to the first three
130    sheets thereof and my hand and Seal to this fourth and last
131    Sheet the Third day of August in the year of our Lord one
132    thousand Eight hundred and Seven The mark of John Blake
133    The writing contained on these four Sheets of paper each written
134    on one side thereof only now carefully and correctly read to the
135    said John Blake the Testator his being afflicted with blindness and
136    now afterwards severally signed by him (by his making his mark)
137    and the fourth and last Sheet Sealed with his Seal and now all
138    published and declared by him to be his last Will and Testament
139    in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the
140    presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses
141    thereto D B Lewis Chas. Knowles Clerks to Messrs Twopenny
142    Sols Rochester
    [Page 4]
143    This is a Codicil to the before or above written last Will
144    and Testament of me the before or above named John Blake and
145    which I desire may be deemed and taken as part thereof (that is to
146    say) I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Spolding Maria Spolding
147    Mary Spolding Ann Spolding Julia Spolding and Harriet Spolding
148    the daughters of Mr John Spolding late of Peterborough in the
149    County of Northampton deceased the Legacy or Sum of Twenty pounds
150    apiece to be paid to them respectively within six Months next after
151    my decease by the Executors named in my said Will and I do ratify
152    and confirm my said Will in all other points and respects In
153    Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Fifth
154    day of November in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight
155    hundred and Seven The Mark of the x above named John Blake
156    This writing was carefully and correctly read to the said John
157    Blake the Testator he being afflicted with blindness and was
158    afterwards signed by him (by his making his mark) and Sealed
159    with his Seal and was published and declared by him to be a
160    Codicil to and part of his last Will and Testament in the
161    presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence
162    of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses as Witnesses
163    thereto D B Lewis Sarah Chainey
164    Proved at London with a Codicil 28th July 1810 before the
165    Judge by the oaths of Richard King Thomas Ady and Sarah Gates
166    Phipps Spinsters the Executors to whom Admon was granted they
167    having been first sworn to wit the said Richard King before the
168    Worshipful Samuel Pearce parson doctor of Laws and Surrogate and
169    the said Thomas Ady and Sarah Gates Phipps by Commission duly
170    to administer

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