Friday, January 3, 2014

Will of John Blake, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1559A-019, probated 24 Mar 1559 (old style)

John Blake, the testator, lives at Hurstborne Tarrant. He is married to Annes and has a daughter Christian and his wife is expecting another baby. His son in law is John Bayly (perhaps he married a widow with a son John). I wonder if this Blake family is related to the Blake family at and near Andover. He doesn't mention them.

His inventory is lengthy and he was likely a tenant. No property is mentioned neither freehold, leasehold or copyhold. He has a lengthy inventory list amounting to seven pounds two shillings and seven pence. In todays terms this might be using the website:

£2,290.00 using the retail price index

£34,200.00 using average earnings

There was a Mundy family at Hurstborne Tarrant into the 1700s and a charity founded by this family in 1706. I could not find mention of the Blake family at Hurstborne Tarrant in British History online where I found the information about the Mundy family. No mention of Stratgood, Lake or Golding families there.

There are several mentions for Blake in the present village of Hurstborne Tarrant.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Jan 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1559A-019
Testator: John Blake
Place: Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 23 Dec 1558, probated 24 Mar 1559
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1559A/019/1

1    In the Name of god Amen In the yere of o[u]r lord god
2    M D and lviij th and the xxiij th day of December Y
3    John Blake beying sicke yn bodye but (thancks
4    be gevyn unto god) of a good mynde and reme[b]ra[nce]
5    do make my testament and last wyll after the
6    forme and man[ner] folowyng first y _____ and be
7    bequeath my sowle unto almyghtty god o[u]r blessyd
8    lady seynte mary and all the holy co[m]pany yn hevyn
9    and my body to be buryed y nth[e] churchyard of seyn
10    androwys yn husb[or]n tarawnt It[em] Y geve to th[e]
11    church of husb[or]n tarawnte a shepe It[e]m Y geve
12    to chrystyan yeng my dowter vj shpe and my
13    best coverlet It[e]m y geve to the child that my
14    wyfe doth wyth all vj shepe and a bullock and
15    yf yt lyve and be chryscenye It[e]m y bequeath
16    to John bayly my son yn law a cow the The
17    rest of my goods not bequethyd y geve and
18    bequeath to annes my wyfe whome y mak
19    my hole executrix these being wytnessys to
20    this my last wyll Thomas Stratgood vicar
21    Robert munday John lake and George goldyng
22    Probate geven upon the l[as]te day 1559 ________
23    etc etc
24    In primis ij horssys                 xiij s j d
25    It[e]m xx shepe                       xxxiij s iiij d
26    It[e]m a weynlying calf           iiij s
27    It[e]m iiij pygs                         x s
28    It[e]m iiij hens and a cock        x s
29    It[e]m ij gese and a gander       xiij s
30    It[e]m iiij acars and an halfe of whete y[n] ye fld    6 s vij d
31    It[e]m xij busshells of barley      x s
32    Ite[m] a plow and a lytt and a lyttyle cart w[i]th all    vij s
33    thym blongyng unto the same
34    It[em] ij brasse potts and ij posnetts       v s
35    It[em] a cawdry and skyttylls          x s
36    It[em] vi platters iiij potygers and iij sawcers    v s
37    It[em] iij lyttyle candylstycke         vi s
38    It[em] ij flocke bed and ij bolsters    v s
39    It[em] iiij coverleds and iij pere of shtes   vi s viij d
40    It[em] vi cofers       iij s
41    It[e]m a vate ij kevers and iiij barells        vi s viij d
43    and iiij kyvers and my tubes
44    It[e]m a cubbert                                     ij s
45    It[em] ax and a byll                   vij d
46    It[em] a pot of led a pott hanggells                xij d
47    and a broche
48    It[e]m a bedde and a forme              vi s
49    Su[m] to[ta]ls    vij li ij s vij d

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