Sunday, January 12, 2014

Will of Michael Blake, husbandman, Rockford, Ellingham, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office - 1593B-08, probated 23 Sep 1593

Michael Blake, the testator, is a husbandman at Rockford in Ellingham and he mentions only his daughter Margaret and his wife Margery. Is he the father of Michaell Blake who leaves his will in 1659 already blogged:

A very interesting will with the inventory attached. I obtained this copy from Family Search and the specifications for obtaining this copy are: Film number - 186725, Call number - E-859, Type of Record - Will, Date - 25 Sep 1593, Name - Michael Blake, Location - Rockford, Ellingham, Hampshire, England and Number on Film - 70. Thank you very much to Family Search for providing this service.

Checking British History on line for Rockford in Ellingham does not add any information to this Blake family other than that he must have been a tenant farmer. In the writing of the will the year is named as 1593 although most parts of Britain were still using the Julian Calendar but he is living close to the coast and the large port at Christ Church.

The probate still needs some work and I will return to it as my Latin improves.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 12 Jan 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office – 1593B-08
Testator: Michael Blake, husbandman
Place: Rockford, Ellingham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 8 Mar 1593, probated 23 Sep 1593
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1593B-08

1    In the name of God Amen the viij th daye of March in the 
2    yere of our Lord god One Thowsand five hundred Fower score
3    and Thirteene I Michaell Blake of Rockford in the p[ar]ishe of
4    Elingham in the countye of South[ampton] husbandman beying
5    sick in boddye but thankes be to god perfect in mynd and
6    memorye doe make this my last will and Testament in
7    manner and Forme Following First I bequeath my soule into
8    thandes of All mightie god my maker and redeemer and my
9    boddye to be buryed in the p[ar]ishe church yard of Elingham
10    It[e]m I gyve and bequeath unto my daughter Margarett one
11    heifer of Three yeres of Age da the residewe of my goods
12    and cattells astoeth moveable as unmovable I gyve unto
13    Margery my wyfe whome I make my whole Executor of this
14    my last will and Testament Witnesses hereunto Phillipp
15    Hyde Henry Dymock and Stephen Wyseman
16    Probatum fuit testa[ment]um suprascriptum
17    in tei pema ______ William
18    Say ar[ch]tarij _______ etc xxxij th dit
19    Septembrej Anno domini 1593 _____
20    juris domi bonop etc Margerie Blake relicta
21    et Executrix reli nominat etc de
22    bene etc ______ etc meap
23    __________ iure administrand
24    _____________
25    She____ vol fina
26    de Ellingham etc ipo
    [Page 2]
27    1593
28    Michael Blake
29    rei etc CCiiige
    [Page 3]
30    The Inventory of all the goods and cattells of
31    Michaell Blake late of Rockford in the county
32    of South deceased praysed and valued the
33    xiij th daye of Aprill in the xxxv th yere of
34    the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth
35    by the grace of god Queene of England
36    Fraunce and Ireland defender of the faithe
37    etc By Phillipp Hyde of Rockford
38    aforesaid yeoman Henry Dymock
39    of Rockford aforesaid yeoman and
40    Stephen Wiseman of the same place
41    husbandman
43    It[e]m Two kyen and Fower boollocke             v li x s
44    It[e]m Two horses                                    xx s
45    It[e]m iiij sheepe and iij Lambes                    xvi s
46    It[e]m iij pyggs                                     x s
47    It[e]m a cart a Bull and ij eylhes                   x s
48    It[e]m five Acres of whete                           xxxiij s iiij d
49    It[e]m Two coverlets A peir of shetes                vj s viij d
50    a Blankett and a Boulster
51    It[e]m ij Beddsteedes and ij cofers                  iij s iiij d
52    It[e]m one bord w[i]th all other Tree              iij s iiij d
53    vessel about the house
54    It[e]m a brasse pott a brasse kyttle                        xij d
55    iij platters iij sawcers A peir of
56    cottrells and a broch
57    It[e]m A sweerd dagger and a halberd                 v s
58    It[e]m iij hennes and A cock                                xij d
59    It[e]m all his weyring apparel                       vj s viij d
60    S[u]m total                                    xi li vj s viiij d iiij d

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