Saturday, January 11, 2014

Will of Michael Blake, Yeoman, Rockford, Ellingham, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/299/430, probated 19 Jul 1660

This Blake family at Ellingham is somewhat of a mystery. Ellingham is 18 miles west of Southampton. Michael Blake, testator, was buried 5 Apr 1659 at Ellingham. There is another will for Michael Blake of Ellingham which was probated in the Winchester Court in 1593. Since Michael, in the will below, mentions that he is ancient than he is perhaps the son of this Michael whose will was probated in 1593 although he does not mention him by name only his daughters. But given that property was often entailed and there wasn’t a need to mention a single son inheriting than that could be the reason.

The farm house at Rockford is a Grade II building dated 17th century and thus could be the home of Michael Blake in 1659 when he died. Look at the aerial view.

A search of the catalogue at the Hampshire Record Office did reveal an inventory for a William Blake of Ellingham in 1702 which I might look at some time but no will listed.

Ellingham is 1.7 miles from Ringwood, 9 miles from Downton, Wiltshire, 15 miles from Laverstock and Ford, Wiltshire, and 17 miles from South Newton, Wiltshire.

The present testator identifies his wife as Avis, his son as Thomas, his daughters as Sarah and Avis Sanders and his grandchildren as Michael Russel and Michael Blake.

The next will is for the likely father of Michael Blake the present testator.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 11 Jan 2014
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/299/430
Testator: Michael Blake, Yeoman
Place: Rockford, Ellingham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 1 Apr 1659, probated 19 Jul 1660
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Michael
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of God Amen The first day of April in the
2    yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred Fifty  nine I Michaell Blake
3    of Rockford in the parish of Ellingham and county of South[amp]ton Yeoman anc-
4    jent in body but thancks bee to God of perfect memorie doe make and ordaine this
5    my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following first and principally
6    I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ
7    my onely Creator and Redeemer and my body to bee buried in the yard of the parish
8    Church of Ellingham Item I doe give unto my wife my Lease at Gorley in the
9    parish of Ibsley Iteme, I doe give unto my daughter Sarah the house and orchard thereof
10    of the stand in the wood thereof dureing the terme of ye Lease And I doe give unto
11    my daughter Sarah forty pounds to bee paid unto her two yeares after my decease
12    Item I doe give unto my daughter Avis Sanders widow tenne poundes Item I doe
13    give unto my grandchild Michaell Rusell tenne poundes Item I doe give unto my
14    grandchild Michaell Blake five poundes Item I doe give unto my sonne Thomas
15    Blake two table boards ands cupboard and chest after my wife’s decease And the rest
16    of all my household goods I doe give unto my two daughters after my wife’s decease to
17    bee equally within dores divided betweene them fairlie And I doe make Avis my wife my sole
18    Executrix of all the rest of my goods and Chattells and monies of this my last Will
19    and Testament Michaell Blake his marke Signed Sealed in the presence of us
20    Katherine Coles Thomas Hide
21    This will was proved at London the nineteenth day of July in the yeare of
22    of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and sixty Before his Right H[on]orable
23    William Mericke doct of Lawes Master Keeper or Comissary of the Prerogative
24    Court of Cant lawfully Constituted by the oath of Avis Blake the Relict of the
25    said deceased, sole Executrix named in the said Will To whome Admon of all
26    and singular the goods chattels and debts of the said deced was graunted She being
27    First by commission sworne truly to Administer the same according to the tenore and
28    effect of the said Will

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