Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ivory Tower Research

As I get further and further into my Blake research (and Pincombe) and occasionally other parts of my extended family, I am finding that I no longer wish to commit time to other activities in the genealogy world. The kind of research that I do and publish on my blog is comfortable for me to do each day because it was and is my living memory. I really enjoy doing that and especially I discovered that during the time that my husband was ill and then recovering. It is nice to just have day after day to spend on my research. The blog lets me look back each time that I am moving forward to see the kinds of questions that I want to ask myself as I work each day.

Taking the Regional Representative for the Guild of One Name Studies in Canada East back on again when Linda Hauley said she needed to step down for health reasons, I did ask if anyone else was willing to take it on. I had taken it on initially because the former Regional Representative was departing from Canada to return home. I, again at that time, asked if anyone else was interested in doing this particular position but no one was interested. On the one hand there is a lot that I could do but I am finding that I make mistakes when I am getting involved with bookings and other details. I think it really is time for me to step down and just stick to my research so I have mentioned that on the forum and now here on my blog.

The position of Regional Representation in Canada East will be occupied by me until someone does step forward to take it on because I think that such a person is needed. I just do not think that that person is me. My husband and I do not travel as we once did and, although, it would be great to take the Guild to French Canadian Conferences I am finding that just getting it to OGS Conference seems like such an effort plus we are both on the OGS Awards Committee which takes up my time as well.

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