Sunday, February 23, 2014

Olympics 2014

Another Olympics games completed and they were spectacular. The fireworks at the closing ceremony were stupendous. The Olympic Venues looked absolutely amazing; The Russian Federation has done a wonderful job of creating an athletic dream world for our super athletes. They are to be thanked for doing so. I have a warm spot in my heart for Russia because my mtDNA has its roots there deep in the areas where the Olympics is being held. Millenia ago my ancient ancestress left Ukraina Refuge of the last Ice Age and probably traveled through the Scandinavian Peninsula to Scotland since my best matches follow that route and so when I see the land and the people I know that we share the same DNA heritage.

One of these days I should like to go to the Olympics. Just have to decide when and where. To be there in the stadium would be something marvelous. I have to decide between summer and winter games which is the first challenge since I love both of them. Every two years I set aside two plus weeks of my life and just enjoy sport. I actually never dreamed about being an athlete; I am not that proficient but do like being physically fit and strive to stay that way.

We received, a few years ago now, WII Fit for Christmas and it has had quite a workout these past few years. Then a couple of years ago I found "My Fitness Coach" which works with the WII and most days do see me doing at least 30 minutes of this marvelous program. For how long will I be able to keep up with the program; I have no idea but at 68 I am managing very well with it in spite of my arthritic knee. My knee is stronger because of My Fitness Coach. I had a flare up of my arthritic knee in the spring of 2010 and it was a good six months to good recovery. The flare up that I had this past November of my arthritic knee, although still somewhat a nuisance, has not crippled me up at all. I took a couple of weeks off and then back at my 30 minutes a day. It is the best thing in the world to be as physically fit as you can be.

Back to transcription and publishing my daily blog which should happen in the next day or so. I owe a lot of answers to emails and will try to get started at that later today.

Thank you to the Canadian Athletes for giving it their all and also to all the world's athletes. It is nice for Canada to win medals but it is also nice to see so many countries going home with gold, silver and bronze medals.

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