Thursday, February 27, 2014

Will of John Blake, freeholder, Penton Mewsey, Hampshire - Family Search, Film 186889, catalogue J-153, number 14, probated 8 Apr 1611

This will of John Blake, freeholder, Penton Mewsey was also acquired from Family Search using their Photoduplication form and it is Film 186889, catalogue designation J-153, year of event  8 Apr 1611 (proven) and number on film 14.

John identifies his family members as Andrew Foster son in law, Silvester Pearce son in law, Robert Seward son in law, his daughter Jane Achwoe, William Trewlove his grandson, Thomas Miles son in law, son is John Blake, Marie Blake his granddaughter (daughter of John), Margarit his wife, Christopher Blake his grandson (son of John) and Jone Blake his grand daughter (daughter of John). Unfortunately the parish registers for Penton Mewsey are only available from the late 1640s on.

I did blog the Blake records at Penton Mewsey a couple of days ago:

Is this John the son of the Thomas Blake who left his will in 1597 and was blogged:

Thomas has named his daughters as Elizabeth Crowch, Agnes Blake and Alice Blake and his son as John. He does not mention any grand children. Thomas would have been somewhat elderly since his father likely died in 1542 which makes him over 55 years and likely closer to 60 or more since he is the third last child.

In 1611 John is likely in his 40s and he has just one son John (with a son Christopher at the time of writing his will) and many daughters of whom he only names one Jone/Jane Achwoe. This John Charlou Dolan has as a grandson to Robert Blake who left his will in 1542 at Enham.

There is still a Blake family at Penton Mewsey with their own company C Blake and Sons Ltd at 72 Vigo Road Nursery, Andover SP10 1HP and they are florists. I find this fascinating as my father owned his own business as do my brothers. I wonder if they are descendants of Robert Blake and how much knowledge they have of the Blake family at Penton Mewsey. Although I have traced my line down from Nicholas to Richard to William to William to John to Thomas to Thomas to Joseph who married Joanna King at Upper Clatford, I still leave my mind open to the possibility that the reason Thomas buried his wife and infant son at Penton Mewsey was because that was his home parish (also true of William his great grandfather who lived at Penton) although in general this line was living at Andover up to the marriage of Joseph Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 11 Feb 2014
Source: Family Search, 186889-J-153-14 or Hampshire Record Office, 1611A-013
Testator: John Blake, freeholder,
Place: Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 20 Feb 1610, probated 8 Apr 1611
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

1    In the name of god Amen The twentie day of Februarie in the
2    eight yeare of raigne of king James over England I John Blake freeholder of Penton
3    mewsey in the County of South[ampton] and within the diocese of Winchester sicke
4    in bodie but of readie and p[er]fect remembrance do herein make and ordeyne my ve
5    rie last will and testament as followeth first I com[n]end my soule and
6    body to gods mercie in Jesus Christ for my eternall salvation and my bodie to
7    Christian burial Touching my worldly goodes I do thus give and bequeath them
8    It[e]m I give and bequeath unto Andrewe Foster my sonne in Lawe tenne
9    sheepe neither of the best nor worst Also to him one sacke of barlie
10    to be paid unto him within one quarter of a yeare after my decease Al
11    so I give to two of his children one sheepe a peece It[e]m I give and
12    bequeath to Silvester Pearce my sonne in lawe my hyffer nowe
13    in his keeping and one sacke of barlie to be paid unto him within one quar
14    ter of a yeare after my decease and one sheepe to his child now borne
15    or else iiijs iiijd in monie at my Executors choice It[e]m I give to Ro
16    bert Seward my sonne in laws first child now borne yf he
17    live five yeares after my decease tenne shillings in monie and then
18    to be paid to ye said child It[e]m I give to my daughter Jane Achwoe
19    for terme of hir natural life and one moneth after to hir execu
20    tor or assigne all that part of my house in Penton abovesaid where
21    in she doth now dwell keeping the same in due reparations and
22    paying the yearelie rent specified upon the last lease and granted
23    from mee of the same It[e]m I give and bequeath unto William
24    Trewlove my daughter Jones sonne x s in monie and j sheepe to be
25    paid unto him within one yeare after my decease It[]e]m I give and
26    bequeath unto eche one of the children of Thomas Miles my
27    sonne in law now borne a sheepe or else x s shillings in mo
28    nie amongst them at my executors choice It[e]m I give to Ma
29    rie Blake the daughter of my sonne John Blake my best coffer
30    my best cubbard ij pottengers and a platter one brasse pot my
31    greatest kittle and my cowe or else in steed of the cow xxxiii s
32    iiij d in monie to be paid unto hir after the decease of Margarit
33    Blake my now wedded wife and not before and I do ordeyne that ye
34    use of all these thinges bequeathed unto ye said Marie shall re
35    maine unto ye said margarite my wife so long as she liveth
36    It[e]m I give to Xopfer John Blakes sonne iij s iiij d and to his daugh
37    ter Jone iij s iiij d to be paid unto them within one quarter of an
38    yeare after my decease All the rest of my goodes cattle and chattels
39    whatsoever yet unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto mar
40    garit Blake my wife whome I make sole Executor of this my
41    last will and testament except ij bushels of barlie w[hi]ch I give
43    to my daughter Jone Achwoe above named
44    Witnesses herunto viz[a vi]t that
45    he verafied was of perfecte
46    memorie and confermed this his
47    laste Will in his life John _____
48    John Heffeild
49    Hugh Hiller
50    John Blacke
51    Probat[um] fuit test[amentum] pred in cor[am]
52    forma per meum Raphaum Wal
53    lon Archi winton etc octavo
54    Ap[ri]lis 1611 Commissiq[ue] fuit
55    Admi[nistrat]o Bonor[um] etc margarete
56    Relicte die def[unct]i executrici
57    soli nominat etc
    [Page 2]
58    witnesses to this will are
59    John Dobson minister
60    Richard Carie John
61    Blake and John Bides
    [Page 3]
62    A true Inventorie of all the goodes and cattle or John
63    Blake freeholder of Peniton Mewsey in the county
64    of South[ampton] deceased the first day of March anno
65    1610 taken a prised by John Blake and Hugh
66    Hiller inhabitants of Peniton above named
66    Imprimis his apparell    xx s       
67    It[e]m his bedding vidz ij paire of sheetes coverlet j blanket j bowlster and j boowden bedsteddle all being verie old and neare worne    xx s       
68    It[e]m ij coffers    iiij s iiij d       
69    It[e]m his brazen vessel j pot and iij little small kittels    x s       
70    It[e]m his pewter vessel vj old platters and pottengers w[i]th a brazen candlestick and j salt seller    iij s iiij d       
71    It[e]m his triene and wodden vessel iiij old tubs and j kines    v s       
72    It[e]m in wheat and barlie in the barne    xl s       
73    It[e]m wheat sowed iij halves    xx s       
74    It[e]m j old cowe    xxxiij s iiij d       
75    It[e]m xxiij sheepe    v l       
76    It[e]m in wod    xij d       
77    It[e]m in hoggues dead and alive    xx s       
78    It[e]m j hatchet    vj d       
79    It[e]m j forme j borde
The table is a standard    xij d       
80    It[e]m j cubbard    ij s   
81    It[e]m of debt due to him    viij l   
82    It[e]m one heyffer    xvj s   
83    Summe total       
84    is xxij li xvj s x d       

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