Friday, February 28, 2014

Will of John Blake, Kings Enham, Hampshire - Family Search film 186872, catalogue A-294, number 62, probated 16 Apr 1572

John Blake of Kings Enham identifies himself as the brother of William Blake, Robert Blake and Richard Blake. The appraisers refer to him as John Blake of Knights Enham. He identifies his children as Robert the elder, Robert the younger, John, Christopher, Jone the elder and Jone the younger, Dorothy and Margaret. Dorothy is the only daughter that he mentions as being under 21 years of age. Christopher is under 18 years of age. His wife is named Alice.

This is again a will from Family Search, Film  186872, Catalogue A-294, number 62.

Charlou Dolan has defined this family of John Blake as follows:

Robert Blake the Elder born after 1551 and died before 1605
Robert Blake the Younger born after 1551 and died before 1619
John Blake born after 1551 and died before 1605
Christopher Blake born after 1556 and died before 1614
Jone Blake
Jone Blake born after 1552
Margaret Blake born after 1551
Dorothy Blake born by 1561 and died before 1633.

Robert Blake in his will of 1542

identifies his children as Robert, John the elder , William, John the younger, Richard and Thomas. Possibly this John does not mention his brothers John the younger and Thomas because they are living at Penton Mewsey on property of their own. He appears to be the first of the brothers to die. He is over 30 years of age because his father died in 1542 and he is the second eldest so at least ten years older than that. Charlou saw all of this John’s children as minors but I am not of that opinion actually. I do not think you can really say except for the two identified as being under 21 and under 18 years of age. I am curious if one of the Jone Blake entries is the wife of Richard Blake of Andover (my ancestors)

I wonder if William Blake the elder/senior is cousin to the testator (son of Nicholas Blake who left his will in 1547, William died in 1582).

Trying to put these individuals into some sort of timeline if one considers that Richard Blake is the husband of one of the Jone Blake. William (supposed grandson of Richard and son of Nicholas) died in 1582 and does not mention any grandchildren. All of his children appear to be 21 years of age in that he does not mention any guardianship. Likely he has grandchildren certainly his father Nicholas mentioned that William had children in his will of 1547 so William was at least 21 by the mid 1540s so born before his grandmother died in 1527 and his possible grandfather Richard in 1522.

Was Nicholas the oldest or was Robert? Jone mentions Nicholas first in her will and if he was the oldest (and now that I have read Paul Reeds take on the will of Richard I am no longer locked into the notion that Robert was the eldest) then Robert’s children may have been younger than their cousin William. So I am somewhat satisfied with my thoughts on this will and I am proceeding to the next will for these brothers. Thomas’s will, youngest of the children of Robert who left his will in 1542 is likely the Thomas Blake at Penton Mewsey leaving his will in 1597. That leaves Robert, William, John the younger, and Richard and the will of John the younger is perhaps the next will to be blogged. I am ambivalent as to whether the will of John at Penton Mewsey in 1593 is John the younger but Charlou Dolan has the will of John in 1587 at Knights Enham as John the younger.

I have again included the inventory as they are most interesting. I will likely be reviewing all of these wills a number of times and could find small changes to the text over time.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 21 Feb 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186872, Catalogue A-294, number 62 or Hampshire Record Office 1572A/07
Testator: John Blake
Place: Kings Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 Mar 1572, probated 16 Apr 1572
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: Johannis Blake de Kings Enham

1    In the name of God Amen The xxviij th daie of marche in the yeare of o[u]r Lord God 1572 I John Blake of Kings Enham
2    in the p[ar]ishe of Andov[er] w[i]thin the Countie of South[amp]t[on] being Sick in bodye but thancks be gevin unto Almightie
3    God in good and p[er]fect Remembrance doe make and ordaine this my Last will and Testament in man[ner] and fourme
4    ensuyinge First I Commit my Soule into the hands of Almightie god through Jesus Christ my Savioure
5    according to his holye woorde And my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yarde of Andov[er] to the will and pleasure of god
6    It[em] I give to the mother Churche of winchestere vj d It[em] I give to Andovere Churche iij s iiij d It[em] I give to the churche
7    of Knights Enham ij s It[em] I give to the poor people of Andover ij s It[em] I give to the vicar xij d It[em] I give to Robert Blake
8    the yo[u]nger my Sonn[e] one cowe, xx ti sheep to runn at leet, half a quart[e]r of Barley and half a quart[e]r of wheat to be
9    delyverid at michelm[a]s aft my decease It[em] I give to John my Sonn[e] one Cow, xx ti shepe, half a quart[e]r of Barley
10    and half a quart[e]r of wheat to be delyverid then also It[em] I give to Chrystover Blake my Sonn[e] one yong Cow, xx ti
11    sheep, half a quart[e]r of Barley and half a quart[e]r of wheat to be delyverid him when he is xviij ters years of age
12    It[em] to Jone Blake my daught[e]r one Cowe, xx ti sheep, one quart[e]r of wheat, one quart[e]r of Barley and four pounds
13    of currant Englishe money to be delyverid her at the daie of her maryage It[em] I give to dorythie my daughter
14    one Cow, xx ti sheip, one acre of wheat and one acre of Barley to be delyverid her when she is xxj ti yeares of
15    age, It[e]m I give to Jone my daught[e]r the yonger one bullock, xx ti sheep, one acre of wheat and one of Barley to be
16    delyverid her at the daie of her maryage It[em] I give to Margaret my daught[e]r one Cow, one bullock xx ti sheep
17    one acre of wheat and one of Barley, and my wyfe or ells my Sonn[e] Robart sen[ior] to have the use of the farme to fund
18    her, and use her honestlye, and yf they will not then I desire my overseers to appoint her to some other honest
19    man and to have the aforesaid Legacie w[i]th her to use her reasonably It[em] I give to Willm Blake my brother
20    v s It[em] my will is that yf any of my children decease before they be of Lawfull age, the same legacies
21    to be equally devidid amongst the Rest It[em] I give to each of my god Childrin iiij d It[em] I give and Bequeath
22    to Robart Blake my eldest Sonn[e] half my Carts, ij of my best horses, ij of my best kine, iiij or of my
23    best hogs xl ti sheep to runn at leate, and the p[ro]ffitt of the same yearly so th[a]t he wilbe a guyde to his
24    mother in her husbandrye and busyness and do her true service until suche tyme as he happen to marrye
25    and then to have hit and use hit as pleasithe him The rest of all my goods and Catailes moveable
26    and unmoveable not gevin nor bequethed I give and bequeath to Alice Blake my wyfe whom I make
27    and ordene my Sole Executrix to pay all my deabts and dischardge all Legacies by me so gevin
28    and bequethid And my overseers I desire to be Willm Blake thelder and Robart Blake my brother
29    I will to eache of them for their paines v s witnesses to this my last will and Testament
30    Edward Richards, Thom[a]s Haywood Willm Martin Thom[a]s Golding Willm Golding John Blake
31    p[ar]son of Knights Enham and he to have for his paynes v s It[em] mother Farnell and Thom[a]s Haiwood to have such of each iiij d
32    It[em] I doe owe unto Richard Blake my brother  x li x s vi d
33    Probatum p[er] iurium s[upra]scri[ptum] ______
34    cora[m] _____ Archici etc xvj
35    die Ap[ri]lis An[no] 1572
36    Comissaqu[e] fuit Admi[nistrato] executris
37    sup[ra]script[um]
    [Page 2]
38    An Inventorye made the viijth daie of Aprill
39    in the yeare of o[u]r Lorde god 1572 of all the goods
40    Catailes moveable or unmoveable of John Blake
41    of Knights Enham in the p[ar]ishe of Andover w[i]thin
43    the Countie of South[amp]t[on] Lately deceased in
44    the year of o[u]r Lord god aforesaid praysid by
45    Willm Blake sen[io]r Edward Thurman Roberte
46    Blake Edwarde Abbott and John Blake p[ar]son
47    Inp[ri]mis in the hall A table bowrde, A round table bourde, A fowrme, one Cubbard iiij or cusshins ij chaires, iij or platters, v potingers, iij saucers iij salt sellers, one chaphing dishe, v ca[n]delsticks one Andiron ij pothangings and the hangings about the hall one basin ij iron barres    xxix s v d   
48    It[em] in the kitchin iiij or Bras potts, iiij or bras kettills one frying pan, ij broches, one pothook    xvij s iij d   
49    It[em] in the Chamber, one fether bed ij fether bolsters, one flock bolster, iij Coverletts ij blancketts ij Testos, iiij or pair of sheets iij table clothes, iij pillowbers, ij pillows ij coats, ij pair of hosin, one dublett, iij shirts iij great chests, one cap one hatt ij coffers    lx s vj d   
50    It[em] one pair of shoes, and one pair of boots and speeres bridell and Saddill    v s   
51    It[em] iij Bedsteads one standing bedsted ij dosin of trenchers xij spoones, ij be of sever, xij dishes    xj s viij d   
52    It[em] ij sawes, iiij or rip hokes one Iron beam w[i]th other olde Iron stuff    vj s viij d   
53    It[em] in the barne by estyma[t]ion v quarters of wheat    iij li xiij s iiij d   
54    It[em] of Barley x quarters    iij li vj s viij d   
55    It[em] of Pie iij bz    iij s iiij d   
56    It[em] ij Iron bound carts    j li viij s iij d   
57    It[em] iiij or horses    l li   
58    It[em] the harness belonging to the same w[i[th wood roops and cart lynes    xxj s   
59    It[em] one Iron bar, one prong, ij bills and one ax, ij plowes, and plow gear, ij pair of plow irons others    xvij s   
60    It[em] of malt viij bz and ij bz meale    xij s   
61    It[em] iiij or barrels, iij _omells, iij pipes one a yruting vate, iiij kivers w[i]th other olde tubbes and ij bucketts    xij s vij d   
62    It[em] vij kine ij bullucks    vij li xiiij s   
63    It[em] of mothers, yewes, and teggs viij xx xvj    xx li x s viij d   
64    It[em] xij hogs great and small    xxxij s   
65    It[em] of wheat and futches xxxv acres    x li xv s   
66    It[em] of Barley, sarim  iiij or acres    xiij s iiij d   
67    It[em] iiij or calves    x s   
68    It[em] iij geese vj henns, ij cocks x ducks and malerds    viij s   
69    It[em] the woode and the ladders    xiij s iiij d   
70    It[em] in money    xx s   
71    It[em] in horse meat    xiij s iiij d   
72    It[em] one bread grate, one ladill, one busshell iij seeves, one seed leep    xx d   
73    It[em] xij acres of otes and peas in    xl s   
74    It[em] vij hogs hanging at Roust    xl s   
75    Sum total    lxxij li xj s x d   

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