Sunday, February 2, 2014

Will of Robert Blake, Gent, Fifield, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1662B-08, probated 8 May 1662

The testator is Robert Blake of Fifield and he names his wife Mary and his children as William and Dorothy. William his son has died before the will is probated and Mary has been named Executrix. Dorothy is not mentioned in the probate so is under age or has also died.

Robert also names a cousin John Tomkins of Andover. No ideas on this particular Blake family which has daughtered out by 1662.
There is also an inventory and the latin in the probate is a challenge. I shall work away at these and post them later.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Feb 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1662B-08
Testator: Robert Blake, Gent
Place: Fifield, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 6 Sep 1661, probated 8 May 1662
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1662B-08

1    In the Name of God Amen I Robert Blake of Fifeild in the County of South[ampton]
2    Gent being in p[er]fect Sence and memory tho[ugh] Sick in body doe make and ordaine this my last
3    Will and Testament in forme and manner following First I bequeath my Soul into the
4    hands of my gracious and mercifull God and my body to be buried in Christian burial
5    in the Church or Churchyard of Fifeild afores[ai]d My worldly goods I bestow as followeth
6    I give and bequeath unto my Son William Blake and his heires for ever All my Lands
7    Dwelling houses barnes Stables and other buildings whatsoever with the appurtenances
8    thereunto belonging and being in Fifeild afores[ai]d conditionally that he pay yearly and
9    every yeare unto Mary my wife the sum[m]e of Twelve pounds good and lawfull money of
10    England for her maintenance during her natural life And on the like condition that
11    he pay unto my daughter Dorothy Blake the sum[mn]e of one hundred pounds good and
12    lawfull money of England when she shall attaine unto the Age of one and twenty yeares
13    Or on the day of her marriage which shall first happen And Likewise that he pay
14    unto her my said daughter Dorothy Blake yearly and every yeare after she is married
15    or is one and Twenty Yeares of Age during her natural life the Sum[m]e of Five pounds
16    good and lawfull money of England And until my said daughter Dorothy be one and
17    Twenty yeares of Age or be married my Will is that my Said Son William Blake shall
18    pay her Yearly and every Yeare the Sum[m]e of Eight pounds good and lawfull money
19    of England for her maintenance And if it shall soe happen that my said Son William
20    Blake Shall dye Childlesse Then I give and bequeath All my afores[ai]d lands and houses
21    with the appurtenances unto my daughter Dorothy Blake and her heires for ever And
22    if it shall soe happen that my said Son William Blake shall dye And my said daughter
23    Dorothy shall dye both of them Childlesse before Mary my Wife that then my s[ai]d Wife
24    shall have hold and enjoy All my aforesaid lands with the appurten[an]ces And my will
25    Is that whosoever shall have my afores[ai]d land shall pay yearly and every Yeare
26    unto my Said Wife the afores[ai]d Sum[m]e of Twelve pounds for her maintenance Item
27    my Will is that all my goods Chattles and household Stuffe within dores and without
28    Shall be equally divided between my Said Wife And my Said Son William Blake
29    And if my Said Wife dye before such division of my goods be made then my Will
30    Is that my said daughter Dorothy shall have the one half of all my goods and
31    Chattles and household Stuffe within dores and without Item I make and ordaine my
32    Son William Blake Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And I appoint
33    Henry Franklin of Thruxton and my Cousin John Tomkins of Andever Overseers
34    of this my last Will and Testament desiring them to see it performed And I give unto each
35    of them Tenn Shillings And that this is my Last Will and Testament I have hereunto
36    Sett my hand and Seale the Sixth day of September 1661 Robert Blake
37    Declared and published In the p[re]sence of John Feilder Rector of Thruxton
38    Henry Francklin
39    Octavo die mensis Maij Anno D[o]m[in]I 1662

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