Monday, February 24, 2014

Will of Thomas Blake, Knights Enham, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1541U-06, probated 15 Jun 1541

The testator is Thomas Blake of Enham and he names his children John, Robert and Margaret. His wife is unnamed and not mentioned in this will so is likely deceased. Thomas names Alys Munday as one of his legatees and is she perhaps his daughter with husband Richard Munday?

Margaret does not survive to be one of his executors so Robert is named the sole executor of the will in the probate (I believe I am correctly translating the latin in this case).

This Thomas, present testator, is likely the son of Robert Blake whose will was probated in 1521. Robert names his son Thomas and gives him Rawkins for his own use for ever. Thomas has passed this to John his other son. Thomas then is a contemporary of Nicholas Blake and Robert Blake sons of Richard Blake whose will was probated in 1522 and blogged and he mentioned his brother Thomas:

The next time that I see Rawkins mentioned in a will it is for William Blake whose will was probated in 1606 son of William Blake whose will was probated in 1582. Now why did Rawkins pass from John Blake to his 1st cousin twice removed? William was not even the eldest, his brother John was the eldest. There is always the possibility that it was sold.

The next generation will be second cousins and Thomas mentions in this will his sons John and Robert (John inherits Rawkins). Nicholas has two sons William and Stephen. Robert has six sons and he was the eldest in that family (Robert and Nicholas). Robert’s sons were Robert, John the elder, John the younger, William, Thomas and Richard. The sons of Robert brother to John are not known. I still have a few wills to transcribe in the time period that these men lived so will wait until they are all done before commenting further but it is rather interesting to see this property end up with William son of William who was the son of Nicholas.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Feb 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1541U-06
Testator: Thomas Blake
Place: Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 15 Oct 1540, probated 15 Jun 1541
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1541U-06

1    Jn die no[m]i[n]e Ame[n] Jn the yere off owr Lorde MDXLI the 15th
2    day off October J Thomas Blake sykke off bodye and hole off mynde
3    and memorye make my testament and last Wyll yn maner and foorme
4    foloynge first j bequeth my sowle unto almygthty god to owr Lady
5    saynt marye and to the hole c[o]mpanye off heven And my bodye
6    to be buryede yn the chyrchyard off Andev[e]r j bequethe and gyve
7    unto the hye altare off the sayd churche off andev[er] xij d Item
8    to alys munday j bequethe a cowe and vj yoongs j wyll also that
9    at my morytlie myade be bestoede upon the powr pepull a
10    quarter off whete Item j wyll th[a]t Joh[ann]is my soone have and holde
11    the howse at Enam callyd Rawkyns w[i]th all the aporte[nancs] and th[a]t he
12    also have and ynioy all the grownde and landys ther w[i]thyn the sayd
13    Enam the w[hi]ch j do holde off my lorde Sandy he yn as good a state
14    and ryghte as j have the same ferdermore j gyve unto rychard
15    Munday and Jhon[nes] Blake my soone x ps for to ov[er]see thys my testament
16    And also j make my soone Robert and my dowrther Margaret myn
17    executors off all my goods not bequeathed moveabyll and unmoveabyll
18    provydyde th[a]t my dettys due unto the sayd rycharde munday the
19    w[hi]ch ys 6 nobles iij s iiij d and unto John[nes] Blake my sonne the w[hi]ch ys
20    x ps be payd off my goods by my execytors The rest off
21    all my goods and catell j gyve holely unto my execytors
22    to se yt bestoed and dysposyd for the helthe off my sowle att
23    ther al byteremente and plesuere In wytnesse off all thys ys m[r]
24    Thomas Brotwynge Vycare off Andev[er] and Sy[r] Johan[nes] Patye mo[r]row masse
25    pryst ther the w[hi]ch were att the makyinge hereof present
26    P[ro]bat[um] approbat[um] et insinuat[um] fuit p[rese]ns testam[entum] apud
27    winton cora[m] Mag[is]tro Edmundo Stuarde doctere
28    Rev[er]end in xxo pris etc xv t[h] die Junij Anno d[omi]ni
29    1542 Comissaq[ue] fuit adm[in]strat[io] om[nium] et sing[u]lor bonor[um]
30    sup[ra]script[um] defuncti Margaret Blake un[a] execut[oribus]
31    in h[uis]mo[d]i test[amentum] no[m]i[n]at[orum] insat[  ] etc Res[er]uata p[otes]tat cons[er]ter
32    administer[ando] conf[e]rend Roberto Blake alteri execut[oribus] etc

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