Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Will of William Blake, yeoman, Perwell, Andover, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1607B-11, probated 22 Sep 1607

The testator William Blake is rather interesting. Charlou Dolan names him as a son of Robert Blake and brother to Robert, John the elder, Thomas, Richard and John the younger. If correct he was the longest living of his siblings. He does name one of his brothers in his will as John but both of the Johns were already deceased at the time of his writing of his will.

See genealogy of the Robert Blake family by Charlou Dolan:

Interestingly John Blake the younger had eight children: Edward, Robert (deceased by 1601), Thomas, Nicholas (deceased by 1583 and his widow married Thomas Noyes), Elizabeth, Elline married to Robert Cannon and John. Dorothy Blake daughter of Robert Blake the younger (married to Elizabeth above) married (unknown) Thurman. I suspect it is more likely that this William is the son of John Blake the younger. To have been the son of Robert Blake who died in 1542 he would now be at least 65 if he was born the year his father died but that William was the fourth son with two to follow so would be into his 70s likely which isn’t impossible but I think unlikely although will know more when I read the will of Thomas the third son who died in 1597.

Matthew Canon was the son of Robert Canon and Elline Blake.  The only Christopher Blake I find is the son of John Blake the elder. Since they would be contemporaries by my way of thinking I suspect the godson may be a different Christopher Blake.

Names mentioned in the will:

William Blake, yeoman, Perwell, Charleton, Andover, testator
Joane Thurman
Eedith Thurman
John Blake, brother
Robert, son of  Matthew Cannon
Matthew Cannon
William Figges, god son
Richard Cannon
Christopher Blake, god son
Edward Blake
Agnes Thurman
John Hewett son of Edward Hewett
Edward Hewett
John Tomes the younger
William Sweeteaple the younger
Willia. Byrche
Agnes Blake, wife, executrix
Thomas Noyce, overseer
John Franncis, overseer

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Feb 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1607B-11
Testator: William Blake, yeoman
Place: Perwell, Andover, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 8 Sep 1607, probated 22 Sep 1607
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1607B-11

1    In the name of God amen I William Blake of Perwell in the Tything of Charleton in the
2    p[ar]ishe of Andever in the countie of South[amp]t[on] yeoma[n] in p[er]fect sense and memorye thoug sick in body
3    doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament the viij t daye of Septemb[e]r in the yeare of our
4    Lord God 1607 in manner and forme following First I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of
5    Almightye God my powerfull creator hoping that for his sonne Christ his sake whoe hath suffered for my
6    sinnes hee will p[ar]don myne offences and receive mee into his glorious kingdome and my bodye to bee buried
7    in the church yard of Andever Secondly I give unto Joane Thurma[n] five shillings to Eedith
8    Thurman twentye pence unto John Blake my Brother six shillings and eight pence Item
9    I give to Robert the sonne of Mathew Cannon one bullock Also I give to William Figges my
10    God-son three shillings fowre pence to Richard Canno[n] three shillings fowre pence Ite[m] I give
11    to xopher Blake my god-son three shilling fowre pence to John Blake to Edward Blake
12    to Agnes Thurman to each of them three shillings fowre pence Also I give to John the sonne
13    of Edward Hewett three shillings fowre pence Item I give to the Church of Andever three
14    shillings fowre pence to the Chathedrall Church of Winchester six pence to each of my ov[er]seers
15    whome I appynte to bee my welbeeloved frends Thomas Noyce and John Franncis twelve pence
16    to each of the Witnesses of my Will six pence Item I give also to John Tomes the Younger one
17    bushel of wheate to Willia[m] Sweetaple the Younger one bushel of wheate to the sonne of Willia[m]
18    byrche twelve pence All the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto my Wife Agnes
19    Blake whome I make sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament In witness wherof
20    to those p[re]sente I have fullye and willing agreed and consented the daye and yeare above Written in
21    the p[re]sence of William Sweeteaple Edward Hewett
22    Probatum fuit testam[entum] suprascriptum in
23    forma coi p coram Thomas Ridley
24    Docter vecari ____ etc xxij die septembre
25    Anno d[omi]ni 1607 Comi ____ fuit admin ____
26    etc Agnes Blake vidua et executric etc
27    Salvo etc

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