Monday, February 24, 2014

Wills from the Hampshire Record Office

At the moment my transcription of wills for the Blake family are those held by the Hampshire Record Office. I have managed to collect fourty four of these wills thus far and they are the earliest of the wills for the Blake family held by them. Some of them have come direct from the Hampshire Record Office and others from using the Photoduplication form at Family Search. Charlou Dolan extracted the information to collect all the useful Blake wills from the Indexes held at the Family Search Library and I have been sending in these requests in order to acquire copies of the wills. Most of them come with Inventories which I debated transcribing but for a sense of completeness I have decided to transcribe the entire will and inventory when available. I have completed 26 of these wills now over the past month and hope to complete all of the ones that I presently hold by mid March.

I had decided to move on to the wills of Gloucestershire to fit in with the Somerset/Devon Blake family and when time permits will now begin those wills as well. There are nineteen of them ranging from 1550 to 1854.

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