Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Email catchup day

Although I do have a will almost ready to go, inventory still needs to be reviewed, I decided to respond to emails today. I took my email box from 120 emails to just 6 that still require a response. It is a job that I have fallen behind in the last year since we were in England. I was all caught up before we went and just never managed to get caught up again through the year.

More snow predicted for tomorrow but we have a webinar (Legacy) that we will be watching in between moving the snow!

Most of my emails are on the Blake family these days. People write me from all over the globe asking about their Blake lines. I am still too much of a newbie to really get into lines unless they are back in the 1600s where I am starting to have a handle on them.

Back to Wills tomorrow.

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