Saturday, March 1, 2014

Will of John Blake, Knights Enham, Hampshire - Family Search film 186879, catalogue H-892, number 6, probated 21 Apr 1587

The testator is John Blake of Knights Enham and Charlou Dolan has named him as John Blake the Younger son of Robert Blake (who was a brother to Nicholas Blake and both I hypothesize are sons of Richard and Jone Blake and Richard a son of Robert Blake who left his will in 1521 (another son of Robert was Thomas who left his will in 1541 naming sons John and Thomas)).

I obtained this will from Family Search and it was on Film # 186879, Catalogue Reference H-892 and number 6 on the film with the date of probate 16 Apr 1572.

For the moment I am going to place this John into Robert’s family as his fourth son. His father Robert notes that he has a son John the elder and a son John the Younger. Edward is at least 21 as he is his father’s executor and no mention in the probate of him being replaced. I will hold any opinion on these wills and the families to which the members belong until I have transcribed all of the wills for the Blake families at Knights Enham/Andover etc.

Names mentioned in the will:

John Blake, testator, Knights Enham
Robert Blake, son
William Blake, son
Philip Tabate, tenant
Johne Richardes, tenant
Thomas Blake, son
Nicholas Blake, son
John Blake (son of Nicholas Blake), godson
Elizabeth, wife of Robert Blake, daughter
Robert Blake, cousin, son in law
Thomas Canon, son of Thomas Canon
Elline, wife of Robert Canon, daughter
Robert Canon, son in law
Edward Blake, son, executor
Nycholas Venables, overseer
Robert Blake, yeoman, Andover, witness, overseer
Thomas Goldinge, witness, appraiser
Nycholes Bolld, appraiser
William Goldinge, witness, appraiser
Mr. Cooke, land owner
Lord Sandye, land owner
Thomas Fraunces, witness

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Feb 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186879, Catalogue H-892, number 6 or Hampshire Record Office 1587A/013
Testator: John Blake
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 14 Apr 1584, probated  21 Apr 1587
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: 1587 Johannes Blake de Enh[a]m militis  Archij

1    In the name of God Amen The xiiij th day Aprill in the xxvj th yeare of the Raigne of our most
2    Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god queen ofe England France and Ireland defendor
3    of the Faith etc I John Blake oft Knights Enham in the countie of South[amp]t[on] yeoman beinge sicke
4    in body And of good and p[er]fect memory doe ordaine And make this my last will And testament in
5    man[ne]r And forme followeinge First I bequeath my soule into the hands oft allmightie god my maker
6    And redeemer And my body to be buried in the Church Yard of Knights Enham It[e]m I give And
7    bequeath unto Robert blake my sonn fourtie sheepe And two kine It[e]m I give And bequeath to
8    William blake my sonn two littell ten[emen]ts belonginge to my Capitall messuage which was late in
9    occupa[t]ione of Phillip tabate And lately in the tenure of John Richards the land this which
10    my sonn doth occupie And In his occupa[t]ion all The yeares And terme whereof I have and houlde from
11    Mr Cooke And that my sonn William shall pay iiij d by the yeare And all duties it hath bine]
12    heretofore usually paid And allso one Cowe one bullock x sheepe x lambes And one bed
13    w[i]th the furniture to the same bed belonginge And also x q[uarter]s of wheate and x q[uarter]s of barley Item
14    I give and bequeath to Thomas blake my sonn fourtie sheepe ij kine ij horses one white and
15    the other a brown baye It[e]m I give and bequeath to Robert Blake my sonn x q[uarter]s of wheate x q[uarter]s
16    of barly It[e]m I give to Thomas blake my sonn twentie q[uarter]s of wheate and xx q[uarter]s of barley
17    It[e]m I give and bequeath to Nicholas blake my sonn x sheepe It[e]m I give to Johne blake the
18    sonn of Nicholas blake my godson v q[uarter]s of wheate v q[uarter]s of Barlye It[em] I give to Elizabeth my
19    daughter the wif of Robert Blake one Cowe one bullock and vj sheepe It[e]m I give to
20    Thomas Canon the sonne of Thomas Canon one sheepe It[e]m I give to Elline my daughter
21    the wif of Rob[er]t Canon one bullock one pear of canvas sheets It[e]m I give to my p[ar]ish church
22    of Enhame xij d It[e]m I give to the trinitee church of Winchester vj d It[e]m I appoint that my
23    executor shall paye unto Robert blake my sonn the one half of his legacy w[i]thin one whole
24    yeare Imediatly after my decease And the other half w[i]thin one whole year next after and
25    Imediatly Followeinge And my executor shall find him sufficient meate and drinke and
26    apparell until such time he hath made him full payment It[e]m I give to the poor xx s
27    to be given by my exec[ut]ors and overseers at their discretion the Rest of my goods not given
28    neyther bequeathed my detts and legacies p[er]formed and paid I give and bequeath to
29    Edward blake my sonn whom I ordaine and make my whole exec[uto]r of this my last will and
30    testament Overseers of this my last will and testament I appoint Nycholas Venables Nicholas blake my sonn
31    And Robert blake they to have for their paines eyther of them some v s
32    Witnesses to these p[rese]ntes Thomas
33    Golding Willm Golding Robert Blake
34    Thomas Fraunces                                          John Blake [signed and sealed]
35    Probat[um] fuit ______ testam[entum] in forma cor[am] per
36    ______ Willimo Say Offilem Vic[ar] Archini
37    winton xxj die Aprillis 1587 Com[m]issaq[ue]
    fuit Administraro bonor[um] etc Executor
38    sup nominate de bi et iurate p[]soler Salmo
39    iura ________________
40    Executor ______
41    Rob: blake de _______ Andev[er] yeoman
    [Page 2]
43    An Inventory take the xviij th daye of Aprill
44    in the xxix th year of the raigne of this queens
45    maiestey that now is of all the goods and chattels
46    and cattellls of John blake of Knights Enhame
47    in the county of South[ampton] praysed by nic[ho]las
48    venables Thomas Goldinge nych[ol]es bolld
49    willia[m] Goldinge Rob[er]t blake
50    Imprimis vij for horss in the stables w[i]th thar inchplowe chaines vj harowes wuller shame ij Iron wedge    xiij l vj s viij d   
51    It[em] halfe a costlett    vjs viij d   
52    In the shed       
53    It[em] a table ij tressells a forme a benche a sayned clothe    iij s iiij d   
54    It[em] xvij peeces of pewter iij brazen candellsticke iiij salt sellers    xx s   
55    In the chamber       
56    It[e]m I fetherbedd and ij flockbedds w[i]th the coverings    ij l   
57    It[em] vj pear sheets all    xx s   
58    It[em] ij table cloth, pillwes ij table iiij wa__    vj s viij d   
59    Ine the kichine       
60    It[em] ij brasse potts to pans iij kneves a gridierne ij broches ij Andierines ij pott hanger I hede pott hooke Iron spengs horne irons a dripinge pan att    ij s x d   
61    It[em] iiij ledden waights    ij s   
62    It[em] ij kivers    ij s   
63    It[em] a hachett and ij axes    xviij d   
64    It[em] viij hogge bakon ij _vves beef    iij s   
65    It[em] ij kwers att    ij s   
66    It[em] ij kwes a p[  ]tinge vate a mesing vate att    vij s   
67    It[em] e doze chrrees ij tubbes ij boules iij trene platters att    xl s   
68    abroad w[i]thout envs       
69    It[em] ij c sheepe    xxx l   
70    It[em] l lambes att    iij l   
71    It[em] kine    x l   
72    It[em] xl bullocks att    v l   
73    It[em] iiij q[uarter]s barly att    iij l vj s viij d   
74    It[em] viij q[uarter]s of wheate att    x l 00 d 00 d   
75    It[em] mault    xvj s   
76    It[em] q[uarter]s barly    xvj s   
    [Page 3]
77    It[em] xxiiij acres of wheate upon the ground att    xiij l vj s viij d   
78    It[em] xxx acres barly att    xv l   
79    It[em] iij acres uotes att    xx s   
80    It[em] ij acres vaches    x s   
81    It[em] ij acres peases    x s   
82    It[em] xiiij acres wheat att charelltn    vij l   
83    It[em] xij acres barly    vj l   
84    It[em] iiij acres wolts    xxvj s viij d   
85    It[em] vj acres oacs    xx s   
86    It[em] x hogges and pigs    xx s   
87    It[em] iij ive kulidd ewts    ij l   
88    It[em] a grind regr pew[  ]r    ij s   
89    It[em] wod buchell of lime    ij s   
90    It[em] the wood about the gate    xv s   
91    It[em] iij ladders att    xvij d   
92    It[em] ij leas[e]s th[e ]one of my L: sande th[e ]other of Mr Cooke    xx l   
93    by me nycholas venables       

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