Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Will of John Blake of Over Eldon, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186695, Catalogue C-1147, number 23, probated 24 Nov 1558

The testator John Blake is of Over Eldon according to his will and this would appear to be Upper Eldon which is near Kings Somborne. This is Stockbridge Registration District and Upper Eldon is not mentioned in the nearby places for Kings Somborne on Genuki. Kings Somborne is nine miles south of Andover. The date of writing must be before 6 Jul 1553 when King Edward VI died.
From British History on Line the following:

South of King's Somborne is the ancient decayed parish of Upper Eldon, (fn. 21) which covers an area of only 295 acres. The old church of St. John the Baptist stands in the farmyard of the manor farm, which displays traces of 17th-century work.

The will of his brother Walter Blake of East Tytherley was probated in 1547 and that will I have only just acquired from Family Search and will do it next just to see if I can relate this Blake line.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Mar 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186695, Catalogue C-1147, number 23
Testator: John Blake
Place: Over Eldon, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 16 Ja[  ] , probated 24 Nov 1558
Condition: 16h century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: T. Johannis Blake dc over eldem 1558

1    In the name of God Amen The xvj th day of J[obliterated]
2    yere of the raygn of kynge Edward the syxt I [John Blake of]
3    over eldon sycke yn my body but of p[er]fect remem[brance thanckes]
4    be to god do make this my testament and last wyll yn [manner and]
5    forme folowyinge: Fyrst I bequethe my sole to the
6    mercey of allmyghty god and my body to be buried [in the]
7    churche yarde of Michelm[er]she It[em] I bequethe to John blake –missing]
8    brother water Blakes sonne viij yowe shepe to be del to hym
9    after shere tyme yf god do hys wyll w[i]th me be that tyme
10    It[em] to freeiswyde blake and ales blake my forsayd brothers
11    doghters to ether of them a yowe shepe a pece It[em] to Jane
12    karkas of somborne a yowe lambe It[em[ to Jane colsell a yowe
13    lambe It[em] to saynt trinite churche iiij d It[em] to the churche of
14    Michelm[er]she a It[em] to the people boxe ij d It[em] to John Hawkyns
15    and Jone Stryde to ether of them a lambe It[e]m to Rycharde charser
16    my s[er]vant a lambe It[em] my will ys that my shepe and kyne be
17    devyded so that my wyfe shall have half of them all and
18    the other half to be equally devyded betwixt John colsell and
19    Jamys hys brother It[em] I do make Jone my wyfe my wholl
20    executrix and do bequethe unto her all the residue of my goods
21    movable and unmovable after that my legacies be p[er]formed
22    my detts payed and my body honestly buryed It[em] I do make tho
23    mas mody of tyensbery and Rycharde mody of Stockbryge my
24    overseers and I do bequethe to ether of them for ther paynes
25    iij s iiij d a pece the beynge witnesses to this my last wyll
26    George greswold p[ar]son of Michelm[er]she John Monday of the
27    Hylls Rycharde mody of Stockbryge and John celsell w[i]th other
28    Probatum fuit suprascripto
30    xxiiij dei Novembres Anno
31    domini 1558
39    An inventorie of the goods and
40    cattell of John Blake late of
41    over eldon praysed by Lawrance
43    mule and John Monday yn the
44    hols the viij th of November
q    anno domini 1558
46    Imprimis ij table bords and forms and a cobarde praysed at    vj s viij d   
47    It[em] ij potts ij pannys and iij andrens praysed at    xv s   
48    It[em] ix platters iij pottyngers ij saucers and ij salt sellers    vj s viij d   
49    It[em] a posnet iij candelsticks and a chafying dishe praysed at    xij d   
50    It[em] a flocke bed a bolster of fethers a pyllowe iij cov[er]lets and iij blankets     iij s iiij d   
51    It[em] all the hangyors    xij d   
52    It[em] iij cofers and a whiche    ij s   
53    It[em] iiij payrs of shets and a od    iiij s   
54    It[em] all his apparel    xx d   
55    It[em] x chesys praysed at    iij s iiij d   
56    It[em] a kyve a fate vj tubs ij barells ij payls and other wooden trashe    ij s viij d   
57    It[em] iij broches ij trivets an awondyron a greyd yron and a dryppyons panns    iiij s   
58    It[em] an axe ij bylls iiij worors ij sewes ij wynbles a karre and worsts    iij s   
59    It[em] ij horse bests    xxviij s iiij d   
60    It[em] v sters and vj shepe    v li vj s   
61    It[em] v kyne and a heyfar ij bullocks and ij wenerlyng calves    v li   
62    It[em] v hoorrs and v shutts    vj s viij d   
63    It[em] all the corne praysed at    v li   
64    It[em] all the pulcey    xiij d   
65    It[em] a cart and a plowe w[i]th theyre apparel praysed at    v s   
66    It[em] a gryndynge stonne    xij d   
67    It[em] a payres of slerys and all trashe     xx d   
68    Sum    xx li xiiij s   

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