Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Will of Margaret Munday, Monxton, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186697, Catalogue C-1268, number 52, probated 13 Feb 1558/59

The will of Margaret Mundaye, widow of Richard Munday whose will was blogged yesterday and also the widow of Nicholas Blake whose will was probated a while ago. Links to both wills follow:

Normally I would not have blogged a will that I know to be missing one page but this will is in itself very interesting. The spelling is very novel in this will and I will attempt to acquire the other page at some point. It could be that it is missing on the film at the Family History Library and I need to order from the Hampshire Record Office. I have a few that I want to acquire and was thinking that Mother’s Day is coming and I could perhaps do another batch as my children are always asking me what I would like.

Margaret remembers her son William’s children with 18 sheep and Edmund’s child Steven with just 2 sheep. I am left to wonder did William have 9 children and indeed in his will he mentions ten children which may give me an idea that his last child Richard (my likely ancestor) was born after February of 1558 which does rather match my thinking. He is married likely by 1583 to 84 which would make him about 23 to 25 years of age at the time. So that was an exciting find in this will if I have correctly interpreted Margaret (my likely 12 x great grandmother). Still no ideas on her maiden name and it would be interesting to find that actually.

What has always troubled me is that William never named one of his children Nicholas at least none is known to have been named Nicholas. But William’s son William named one of his son’s Nicholas. But of course it is impossible to know if there were children named Nicholas who died.

This will also clarifies why William ends up with all the properties of his father Nicholas mentioned in the will of Nicholas. Evidently Edmund did not clear his debts with William Mondy and his brother William so he forfeited all the properties and cattle left to him by his father. I guess 200 pounds was more interesting. I never see anything of Edmund again except the mention of him in his brother William’s will so he is still living in 1582. Nothing about Edmund’s son Steven mentioned in this will of his mother. This is 11 years after the will of Nicholas and Edmund is obviously an adult and has married. The page that is missing must talk about Elizabeth and perhaps I will learn which Mondy she married if she was married by the time of her mother’s death. Her brother William mentions Elizabeth Monday in his will of 1582.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Feb 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186697, Catalogue C-1268, number 52 or Hampshire Record Office 1559B/066
Testator: Margaret Mundaye
Place: Monkstone, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 18 Dec 1558, probated 13 Feb 1558/59
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

1    In the name of God Amen In the yere of o[u]r lord god m
2    fyfe hundred fifty viij the xviij daye of decymber yn
3    the first yere of o[u]r souffrane lady queen Elysabethe by the
4    grace of god of Jngland France and yerland quene defynder of
5    the faythe J margeret mondy of the p[a]ri[s]he of
6    monkston syke of body and of parfett remymbrance make and or
7    der thys my last wyll and testemynte jn manar and forme
8    foloyng first J bequefe my soule to almyty god and my body
9    jn to the Chyrche of monkston Jt[e]m J geve to the moth[e]r
10    chyrche of Wynchyster xij d Jt[e]m J geve to the parrishe chyrche
11    of Enh[a]m vj s viij d Jt[e]m J geve to Edemond blake
12    my Son ij hundard Sheppe ij horsys and ij kewe and a belloke
13    and the one halfe of my hogs whyche be jn the custody of wyll[ia]m
14    blake my Son and the house that Alyxandar modell dwyllyth
15    jn and xx l of lawfull money of Jngland so the sayd Edemund
16    do bryng ij suffeyent suertys to it In thre monythes
17    nexte after the deythe of hys mother and be bounde
18    In oblygacyan and Jn ij hundarde pounds to cleerly discharge
19    and aguete wyllm mondy hys executor and wyllm blake
20    brother to the sayd Edemund of Al[l ]manar of detts
21    both pa[r]ts quarylls  leygesys and demands the whyche
22    aperythe jn hys father wyll and yf the sayd
23    Edemunds refuse so to do that thyn all suche goods
24    and lands afor sayd to reyayne to wyllm mondy and to
25    hys assines for eve[r] It[e]m I geve to Wyllm blake Chylldarrne
26    xviij shepe and to Steven blake the Son of Edemond blake
27    ij shepe It[e]m I geve to the Chylldarrne of wyllm hopkyns
28    every one of thym a ewe Shepe It[e]m I geve to alys klene
29    my worted kyetyll at Inh[a]m and my best frocks and a petycote
30    [missing to end, probably a short page]
    [From Charlou Dolan]
31    overseer Richard Hopkyns
32    son John Mody, executor
33    deceased husband Rychard Mody
34    appraisers:  William Mody, John Smyth, Ryhchard Buxe, Rychard Spenser
35    witness:  Sir Martyn Vaysee
40    The Invetorye of the goods and cattells of
41    Margaret mu[n]dy yn the parryshe of M[o]nkston
43    yn the cowntye of sowth[ampton]e praysed by Rychard
44    eyer alexander muddel the viijth day of
45    February anno domini 1558
46    In primis j folding table    x s   
47    It[e]m j cobbard ij chayres    vj s viij d   
48    It[e]m j whytche ij coffers    vj s viij d   
49    It[e]m j featherbed j bolster j pillow iij coverlets    xxvj s viij d   
50    It[e]m vij peyre of sheets    xx s   
51    It[e]m ij dosen of platters j dosen of potyngers j dosen of sawcers    xxvj s viij d   
52    It[e]m j bassoon j bassoon ewer    ij s   
53    It[e]m j sylv[er] salt vj sylv[er] spons     iij l vj s viij d   
54    It[e]m iij candelstycks    ij s   
55    It[e]m ij pewter potts ij serving dyssys j tynnyn salt    ij s   
56    It[e]m iij potts    xv s   
57    It[e]m iij pans    x s   
58    It[e]m iiij cawdrons    x s   
59    It[e]m j chaffer j morter j skillet    viij s   
60    It[e]m ij arrondyrons and ij broches    vj s viij d   
61    It[e]m iiij table clothes ij cusshens    vij s   
62    It[e]m iiij score shepe    viij l   
63    It[e]m j fornas    iij s iiij d   
64    It[e]m xxxvij ewes    liij s iiij d   
65    It[e]m ij horsys    iij l vj s viij d   
66    It[e]m iij kyne a bulle j bullock    iiij l   
67    It[e]m yn barly xx quarters v l vj s viij d       
68    The su[m] xxxiiij l viij s ij d       

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