Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Will of Richard Munday, Monxton, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186879, catalogue H-892, number 6, probated 29 Aug 1551

It seemed logical at this point to transcribe the will of Richard Munday who married the widow Margaret Blake after the death of her husband Nicholas Blake in 1547. Nicholas being the brother of Robert Blake and both thought to be the sons of Richard and Jone Blake (Richard leaving his will in 1522 and Jone leaving her will in 1527).

I have been concentrating on the Robert Blake line (brother of Nicholas) but in order to keep current timewise I need to bring in the few items on the Nicholas Blake line (my line by all appearances).

In his will Richard mentions Margaret’s deceased husband Nicholas Blake, Edmund youngest son of Nicholas and Margaret and Elizabeth unmarried daughter of Nicholas and Margaret. The only other children of Nicholas and Margaret were William and Ann (married to Godfrey) but not mentioned in Richard Munday's will. What is not known is whether or not Nicholas was married twice with William and Ann being older siblings of Edmund and Elizabeth although their older brother William does remember all of them in his will of 1582 without differentiating (blogged):


I also have part of the will of Margaret Munday but the second page of the will proper is missing. I shall order that one from the Hampshire Record Office with my next batch that I want to order but will publish what is available and add the remainder later if it is available.

For completeness in the analysis, Richard identifies his sons as William (executor), John, and Richard, and daughters Jone, Anys, and Elysabeth.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Feb 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186879, Catalogue H-892, number 6 and Hampshire Record Office 1551B/50
Testator: Rycharde Mundaye
Place: Monkstone, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 20 May 1551, probated 29 Aug 1551
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

1    In the name of God Amen In the yere of owre Lord god a thowsand five hundred fyftye and on the
2    twenthe day of Maye And yn the fifte yere of the Raynge of owre Sov[er]ayne lord Edward the syxt by
3    the grace of god of England Fraunce And Ireland kynge defendore of the faythe And Im[m]edyatey merett
4    under Christ Supreme hede of the churche off England and also of Ireland I Rychard Mun[n]day of the
5    parysh of monkstone beinge sycke of body but of good and parfett Remembran[ce]s make And
6    ordyne thys my last wyll and testament in maner and forme Followinge Fyrst I bequethe my
7    sowle to Almyghty god And to all the blessyd company off heven And my body to be buryed
8    wyth[i]n the church lyttyne in monkstone It[e]m I gyve to the power men’s boxe of my parrysshe
9    churche xij d It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to joh[an]n[es] Mun[d]daye  my sonne j hundred shepe and x li in Redy
10    moneye and of All man[ner] of howsold stuff part Ite[m] I gyve and bequethe to Rychard Mun[n]daye
11    my sonne j hundred shepe and x li in Redy moneye and off All man[ner] of howsold stuff partte
12    And my howse in lurgasall w[i]th the Aperten[an]cs therto belongynge whyche mother kyngton now
13    dwellyth in It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Jone my dowght[er] on hundred of shepe and xx li in Redy
14    money and of All man[ner] of howsold stuff part And a cowe and a bullock It[e]m I gyve And
15    bequethe to Anys my dowght[er] on hundred of shepe And xx li in Redy moneyAnd of All manner
16    of howsold stuff part And a cowe and a bullock It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Elysabeth my
17    dowght[er] on hundred of shepe x li in Redy money ij kyne on bulloke A bed with All man[ner] of Apparell
18    therto belongynge And of all maner of howsold stuff part It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to ev[ery] on
19    of my godchildren iiij d It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Rychard Kyngton a lambe It[e]m I gyve and bequeth
20    to Anys noyse a lambe It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to my godsonne Thom[a]s a lambe It[e]m I gyve
21    and bequethe to my godsonne Joh[an]n[es] Mundaye A ewe and a lambe It[e]m I wyll that yf  ev[er]y of my chyldren
22    do dep[ar]te owtt of thys world and then the goods for to be devydyd to the Ages chyldren by the dyspossyon
23    of my ov[er]seers It[e]m I wyll that margerett my wyff shall have all man[ner] of goods and cattell as
24    whyche her other husband nycolas blake dyd bequethe her in hys last wyll and testament And
25    xx li in Redy money of my own p[ro]per goods It[e]m I wyll that Edmund Blake my wyffs sonne
26    shall have All man[ner] of goods and cattell as hys fathers wyll before sayd dothe specyfe It[e]m I wyll
27    that Elizabethe blake my wuffs dowght[er] shall have all man[ner] of goods and cattell as her fathers
28    wyll before sayd dothe specyfye The Resedeu off my goods movable and unmovable I gyve
29    and bequethe to Will[ia]m Mun[n]daye my sonne whom I make and ordayne my full executor off
30    this my last wyll and testament Also I wyll that Joh[an]n[es] Mundaye Wylli[a]m Mundaye Will[ia]m Hopkins
31    and Wyll[ia]m Aldred for to be my ov[er]seers of thys my last wyll and testament and that yt may be fulfyld
32    and kept and they for to same for their payns x s a peece witness unto thys Hewghe tunks clarke
33    Joh[an]n[es] Mun[n]daye wyll[ia]m mundaye will[ia]m hopkyns and wm Aldred with others …
34    Probat[um] hu[jus]mo[d]i test[amentu]m cora[m] m[agistr]o Edward Glasto__ vicario
35    spi[ritu]ali[ta]t gen[er]ali etc ___ c[u]r[at]e Joh[an]n[es] Waite epi[copus] apud winton xxviij
36    die mensis August Anno d[omi]ni 1551 p[er] e[unde]m approbatum et insinuat
37    ac pro vero valor eiusdem p[ro]nuc[i]at com[m]issa fuit admi[ni]strato
38    omni[um] et singulorum executoris in hu[ius]mo[di] test[ament]o no[mi]nati in for[ma] meor[um]
39    iurat salve iure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]
    [Page 2]
40    Invytory of the goods and cattells of Rychard Mu[n]daye
41    in the p[ar]yshe of M[o]nktone in the cowntye of South[ampton]e
43    praysyed by Joh[an]n[es] M[u]nday Will[ia]m m[u]nday wm hopkyns
44    and will[ia]m Aldred the xxiij daye of Maye in
45    Anno d[omi]ni 1551
46    The hall       
47    Fyrst ij tables ij forms on payer of trestylls    vj s   
48    It[e]m a carpet    vj s viij d   
49    It[e]m a cobbard    iij s iiij d   
50    It[e]m ij bankers and iiij kusshyans    xj s   
51    It[e]m a chayde    xij d   
52    It[e]m the hangynge in the hall    x s   
53    The chamber ov[er] the hall       
54    Fyrst iij featherbeds j flokbed iij bolsters on cov[er]let wythe the hangyngs in the chamber    v l vij s viiij d   
55    The parler       
56    Fyrst iij gowns    iiij l   
57    It[e]m ij gaberdens    xx s   
58    It[e]m iij cots and jaketts    xl s   
59    It[e]m v dubletts    xl s   
60    It[e]m iiij peryes of husyms    xx s   
61    It[e]m ij hats and ij capps    x s   
62    It[e]m iiij shuetts    x s   
63    It[e]m x paryes of shets    xxx s   
64    It[e]m iiij pyllan bers    iiij s   
65    It[em] v table clothes    xx s   
66    It[e]m v table napkyns    xij d   
67    It[e]m v pyllows    vj s viij d   
68    It[em] ij whyghs teysters and hangyns    v s   
69    It[e]m vj cofers    vj s viij d   
70    It[e]m newclothe    xx s   
71    The Newchamber       
72    Fyrst a flokbed ij bedsted ij cov[er]letts w[i]t[h] hangyngs    xx s   
73    It[e]m a table bowrd    viij d   
74    The kechynne       
75    Fryst v braspotts and a posnett    xx s   
76    It[e]m v braspanns    xl s   
77    It[e]m iij kandrens    vj s iij d   
78    It[e]m ij furnesy    xl s   
79    It[e]m j iren barr w[i]th the hangynets    iiij d   
80    It[e]m ij brochys and iij Anndyrns    iij s iiij d   
81    It[e]m ij tryvetts on fryinge pan on dryppying pan ij gyrdyrns fleshowke and a skymer ij s iiij d   
82    It[e]m bakane at the rwoffe    xl s   
83    The Butrey       
84    Fyrst xxj platters    xxx s   
85    It[e]m xiiij potyngers    vj s   
86    It[e]m v sawcers    iij s   
87    It[e]m v saltselers    xx d   
88    It[e]m iij pewt[er] potts    ij s   
89    It[e]m ix candelstyks    vj s viij d   
90    It[e]m ij latynbasyns and iij lanert    iij s   
91    It[e]m a chafyng dyshe    xij d   
92    It[e]m xij ale tubs and other lytle tubs    viij s   
93    It[e]m v kyners ij ale kyns and hontynge stone    xx s   
94    It[e]m ij syltyng kyvers    iij s iiij d   
95    It[e]m other vessel w[i]th old iron and old implements    v s   
96    It[e]m ij booand on sheffe of arrows and on halberd    x s   
97    It[e]m a swerd and a bukler    v s   
98    It[e]m iren towll    xx s   
99    The barne and fylds       
100    Fyrst viij quarters of whet    viij l   
101    It[e]m iiij quarters of barley    liij s iiij d   
102    It[e]m xxx quarters of malt    xx l   
103    It[e]m viij cart horssys w[i]th the harnys    xv l   
104    It[e]m ij pen bound carts    xxv s iij d   
105    It[e]m on plow with all man[ner] of things therto belongynge    xx s   
106    It[e]m xij kyne on bullock and ij calves    xiiij l   
107    It[e]m xv hogs and pyggs    iiil j s iij d   
108    It[e]m vj hundred shepe    xx l   
109    It[e]m on hundred rams    v l   
110    It[e]m xxxiij acres of whet    xj l ij s viij d   
111    It[e]m lxv acres of barley    xvj l v s   
112    It[e]m v acres of pesynne    xxv s   
113    It[e]m vj acres of fatchys    xxv s   
114    It[e]m vj acres of ots    xx s   
115    It[e]m in pastry a bowtt the yousss    vij s viiij d   
116    It[e]m wood and tymber    iij l vj s viiij d   
117    It[e]m a sylv[er] mitt a maser of sylver and vj sylver spowns    iij l   
118    It[e]m in Redy moneye    xxx l   
119    Sum cclxxxxv l xvj s xiiij d       

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