Monday, March 17, 2014

Will of Robert Blake, husbandman, Knights Enham, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186731, Catalogue F-46, Number 77, probated 28 Apr 1601

Robert Blake, testator, husbandman at Knights Enham identifies himself as the brother in law of Robert Blake. Charlou Dolan has placed him as the son of John Blake the Younger (son of Robert, brother to Nicholas Blake my ancestor). His sister Elizabeth married her first cousin Robert Blake the Younger son of John Blake the Elder (brother to John Blake the Younger). With this family, the tendency to give two sons (and sometimes daughters) the same forename with elder or younger attached was somewhat frequent making the genealogy tracing down of this family difficult.

He does mention his brother Edward, he mentions the children of his sister Elline married to Robert Canon (their sons were William, John, Robert, Richard and Mathew). He also mentions his brother William whose son was John. I shall continue sorting through this family as the wills are transcribed. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Mar 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186731, Catalogue F-46, number 77
Testator: Robert Blake, husbandman
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 25 Feb 1601(new style), probated 28 Apr 1601
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: 1601 Robert Blake de Enham Militis

1    In the name of God Amen The xxv th daie of February in the yeare
2    of o[u]r Lord God 1601 I Robert Blake of the p[ar]ishe of Knights
3    Enham w[i]thin the Countie of South[amp]t[on] husbandman being sick in bodie
4    but thancks be given to almightie God in good and p[er]fect remem
5    brance doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament
6    in manner and forme following Imprimis I commit my soule
7    into the handes of almightie God through Jesus Christ my sa
8    viour and Redemer And my bodie to be buryed in the Church
9    yarde of Knights Enham in hope of resurrection to eternall
10    life according to godds holie worde It[em] I give to the trynitie
11    Church of Win[ches]ter ij s It[em] I give to Enham church v s It[em] I give
12    to the poore people of Enham v s And to the poore of Andover v s
13    It[em] I give and bequeath to Nicholas Blake the sonn of Robert blake
14    twentie shillings It[em] to dorothie Blake his sister xx s It[em]
15    I give to Alice Blake xx s It[em] I give to Christian and An Blake
16    each of them xx s It[em] I give to Christofer blake xx s It[em] I give
17    and bequeath to each of William mundes children of woodhouse xx s
18    a peece It[em] I give to willm heath the sonn of Robert heath xx s
19    It[em] my brother willm owes me ten pound of lawfull Englishe
20    money and my will is that he shall have and use the same during
21    his natural life And after his decease my will is that six
22    poundes of the said x l shalbe paide to three of Robert Canons
23    Sonnes of long p[ar]ishe if they be then living It[em] I give the other foure pounds to
24    Willm Blake the sonn of my brother John if the said willm be
25    then living If the said willm deceae before his unckell then
26    my will is that the children of Robert Blake and willm Mundie
27    if that then shalbe lyving to have the same iiij l devyded bewtwene
28    them by equall por[t]ions It[em] I give to young willm Golding
29    xx s It[em] I give three pounds to my brother John w[i]th iiij l is to be
30    red of Edward my brother It[em] I give to Elizabeth golding
31    and Catherin dench each of them x s
32    It[em] my will is that if and of the children of Robert Blake decease
33    before mee the said Robert Blake then there por[t]ions remaine to them that shalbe then lyving And so likewise of
34    willm mundies children It[em] my will is that whereas Robert Blake my brother in
35    lawe owith me nine pounds three pounds to remaine to William mundie’s children
36    It[em] I give to John Mundie xxx  s which hee owes unto mee
37    It[em] my will is that such obliga[c]ions as are in my brother
38    willms custodie shalbe delivered to my executor The rest of
39    all my goods I give to Robert Blake my brother in law whom
40    I make executor of this my last will and Testament my overseer
41    I desire to bee willm Mundie and willm golding I give each
43    of them xij d witness John Blake clarck
44    Robert Blake [his mark]
45    xxviij die Ap[ri]lis Anno d[omi]ni 1601 per meum
46    Thomas Redler ____ dectore vicarij gen[er]ale

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