Thursday, March 6, 2014

Will of William Sylver, Andover, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186683, catalogue A-323, page 162, no date of probate

William Sylver is the testator and I wonder if I have found a relative of Nicholas Blake or his wife Margaret as William Silver remembers some of the family of Nicholas living at the time including the sister of Nicholas Elizabeth Mylne perhaps. He does not, however, mention Robert which made me wonder if he is a relative of Margaret, wife of Nicholas. He owns a suit of armour it does appear as he gives away the salett to Thomas Blake (and is this the Thomas who died in 1541?), he gives a pair of splents to Nicholas and the sharpe (blade) to William Hussey along with its accoutrements in return he will pay his wife a yearly sum for her life. To Elizabeth Myle he gives a brass pot and then he remembers his daughter and his wife.

An interesting will which may prove more valuable as I work my way through the Andover/Knights Enham Manor records one of these years.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Mar 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186683, Catalogue A-323, Page 162
Testator: William Sylver
Place: Andover, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 Nov 1533, probated not listed
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: 1533 Willimus Silver de Andever
[Top of page]: copia testa

1    Jn the name of god amen the yere of owr lorde god M ccccc xxxiij
2    in the moneth off Nov[em]bre the xxviij th day J wyllya[m] sylver
3    off andev[er] being off hole mynde and p[er]fect reme[m]brance make and ordeyn
4    my laste wyll in thys man[ner] folowyng fryste J bequeth my
5    sowle to all mygty god owr lady Saynte mary and to all
6    the holy company off heven (my body to be buryyd in the church
7    yarde off andev[er] by the crosse) Jtim J bequeth to sayente Swithuns
8    viid Jt[em] to th hy altar off andev[er] church viij d Jt[em] to owr lady
9    Catherhedd iiij d Jt[em] to the repatyans off the church off andev[er]
10    xij d Jt[em] to Thomas blake a salatt to nycholas blake a payer
11    off splyntes to wyllyam tuoker a coot to Rycharde wychan___
12    my beste motley coate Jt[em] to wyllyam hussy my sharpe w[i]th the
13    l_mes and other thyngs belonging therto payng to my wyffe
14    ther for yerly xx s during hyr lyffe Jt[em] to elyzabeth myle a
15    brasse pott Jt[em] to Joone clemut my dowyter ij jakinys one
16    off murray the other off medley a fether bed w[i]th a bolster
17    the resydwe off all my godds moveable and unmoveable J geve
18    to Jzood my wyff the which Jzood J make sowle mynd execu
19    trys off thys my laste wyll wittnessyng to thys Joh[an]ne[s]
20    Rede vicar off andev[er] syr Joh[an]ne[s] Baty the morrow masse
21    there w[i]th other

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