Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Will of Edward Blake, Stratford, Essex, England - The National Archives PROB 11/2001/203, probated 30 Jul 1844

Edward Blake is the testator and he is named as a widower. A niece Ann Wuts, spinster, is named as his administrator. Elizabeth Atherton was named by Edward as his legatee; she was his housekeeper. His death is likely recorded on Free BMD as Edward Blake in West Ham registration district, volume 12 and page 189, June quarter 1844.

I did find Edward Blake and Elizabeth Atherton on the 1841 census in Tower Hamlets (All Saints Poplar) with Edward listed as 78 years of age and independent and born in Middlesex and Elizabeth Atherton as 68 and born in Middlesex. They are living with Ann Anson 52 years and Jane Anson 10 years of age both born in Middlesex. They live on Regent Street South. There are a number of Shipwrights close by as well as Watermen. Also living there is Mary Page 45 years of age and also born in Middlesex.

I did find a death for Elizabeth Atherton in 1845 at Saffron Walden but can not determine if this is the same person.

I could not find any information on an Ann Wuts/Wats.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 31 March 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2001/203
Testator: Edward Blake
Place: No 36 Angle Lane Stratford, Essex, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 24 Apr 1842, probated 30 Jul 1844
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Edward
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 5

1    This is to Certify that I Edward Blake of
2    No 36 Angle Lane Stratford in the County of Essex in sound mind and body
3    and good understanding and freely give unto my housekeeper Elizabeth
4    Atherton all my household furniture consisting of Chairs Tables Beds and
5    bedding linen china and glass and every thing that is on the said premises
6    without any molestation by any person whatever and I do also put in
7    the hands of my said housekeeper Elizabeth Atherton the sum of ten
8    pounds to pay my funeral expences in the event of me dying first and
9    after the funeral expences is paid the said Elizabeth Atherton is to have
10    the residue of what is left for her own use this performed the 24th of April in
11    the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two Edward
12    Blake X his Mark
13    In Witness there of William Wright
14    the 21st of April 1842 George Pennell
15    In the goods of Edward Blake deceased
16    Appeared Personally George Pennell of
17    Angel Lane Stratford in the County of Essex Bricklayer and made oath
18    that he is one of the subscribed Witnesses to the last Will and testament of
19    Edward Blake late of Stratford in the County of Essex deceased bearing date
20    the twenty fourth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty two
21    and now hereunto annexed and he further made Oath that on the twen-
22    ty fourth day of April aforesaid the said testator duly executed his said
23    Will by making his mark at the foot or end thereof in the presence of this
24    deponent and William Wright the other subscribed Witness thereto who
25    was present at the same time and this deponent and the said William
26    Wright thereupon attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence
27    of the said Testator George Pennell On the 24th day of July
28    1844 the said George Pennell was duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit
29    before me J J Pratt Sur: William Neve Noty. Publ.
30    On the 30th July 1844 Administration with the Will annexed of the
31    Goods Chattels and Credits of Edward Blake late of Angel Lane Stratford in
32    the County of Essex Widower deceased was granted to Ann Wuts Spinster
33    the lawful niece and only next of kin of the said deceased having been
34    first sworn duly to administer no Executor or Residuary Legatee

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