Thursday, April 3, 2014

Will of Joan Moggeridge, Widow, Nettlecombe, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/177/35, probated 4 May 1638

Johan Moggeridge is the testatrix and she lived at Nettlecombe, Somerset. This parish is 3 miles south west of Williton and 15 miles west of Taunton. To place it in the area where my Moggeridge family was known to live, Nettlecombe is 5 miles south east of Dunster, 8 miles ESE of Wootton Courtenay, 10 miles ESE of Selworthy and 12 miles ESE of Porlock.

She is perhaps quite elderly as her will is nuncupative. Cleanger Devon is likely Clayhanger. Holcombe Rogus is also in Devon. The brother of the testatrix is named as Thomas Stone and her nephew Alexander Stone and they live at Holcombe Rogus. The Mannyng family of Nettlecombe is also mentioned – Grace daughter of John. Chipstable Somerset is 7 miles from Nettlecombe where the Merch family lives also mentioned in the will. The Knowell family at Milverton is also mentioned. Her sister Grace lives at Holcombe (perhaps Rogus) and is the wife of John Helling. John Mannyng is her executor.

The National Archives (UK) has a document 1936 M/L/138 dated 1671 which has the following information 1. John Bluett, 2. Mary Clarke and William Franckpitt, Holcombe Rogus. Premises: Alexander Stone’s messuage Term: 1 life, Rent: 1 s 4 d, Fine £10

Searched through the PCC wills looking for the Stone, Helling, Knowell, Merch and Manning families mentioned above but did not see anything worth pursuing at this time. It does lend credence to the idea that the Moggeridge family was back and forth between North Devon and West Somerset.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Apr 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/177/35
Testator: Joan Moggeridge, Widow
Place: Nettlecombe, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 Nov 1637, probated 4 May 1638
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament] Joanne
[Margin]: Moggeridge

1    Memorandum that in the moneth
2    of November in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred thirtie
3    seaven and on or about the eight and twentieth day of the same moneth Johan Moggeridge
4    late whilest shee lived of Nettlecombe in the Countie of Som[er]set widow deceased
5    being sicke in bodie but of p[er]fect minde memory and understanding and being
6    desirous to make her last will and Testament and therby settle her estate did
7    utter and speake theis words or the like in effect following viz[ a vi]t First shee
8    gave and bequeathed unto Alexander Stone sonne of Thomas Stone of
9    Holcome Rogus her brother the som[m]e of ten pounds of lawfull money of England
10    Item she gave unto Grace Mannyng daughter of John Mannyng of Nettlecombe
    [Page 2]
11    aforesaid gent the som[m]e of eight pounds of lawfull money of England one coffer or chest
12    and her safeguard Alsoe she gave unto Radigon Merch daughter of Katherine Merch of
13    Chipstable in the Countie aforesaid widdowe one coffer two wastcotes and all such
14    implemente and houshouldstuff as she then had in the house and custodie of the said
15    Katherine and likewise all such ymplement and houshouldstuff as she then had in the house
16    and custodie of R[ue]ben Potter and Grace his wife of Cleanger in the Countie of
17    Devon Alsoe she gave unto Johan Knowell the wife of Thomas Knowell of
18    Milverton in the Countie of Som[er]set aforenamed one peece of greene woolen cloth
19    Alsoe she gave unto Elizabeth Helling her sister the wife of John Helling of Holcombe
20    aforesaid one smock Alsoe she gave unto Elizabeth Pugslie one peece of red
21    woolen cloath All the rest and residue of her goods and chattles not before herein
22    given and bequeathed she gave and bequeathed unto the foresaid John Manning
23    whome she made and no[mi]nated her whole and sole executor of this her last will and
24    Testament All such words or the like in effect were spoken by the said Johan
25    w[i]th an intent and purpose to make and declare her last will Att all and singular
26    which premises shee the said Joan was of good and p[er]fect memory in the p[re]sence
27    and heareing of the witnesses whole names are hereunder subscribed The m[ar]ke
28    of Margaret Webb witn[ess] the marke of Elizabeth Pougslie witness
29    Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptumn apud London coram venli
30    viro dno Henrico Marten inte legume dcore Curia Prerogative Cantuar
31    viro Custode sino Comtie litime constituto Quarto die Mensis Maij anno d[omi]ni
32    millimo sexcemo tricesimo octano Juramento Johannis Manning gen of executoris
33    vinci in humoi teste noiat Cui commissa fuit admistrato bonorum unium et creditorium
34    defci de bene et fidelr admstrando ead Ad sca dei Evangelia Coram Roberto
35    Gaie clico vigore Comissoinis Jurat

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