Monday, April 7, 2014

Will of Mary Blake, widow, Stratford, Essex - The National Archives PROB 11/982/188, probated 7 Nov 1772

The testator, Mary Blake, lives at Stratford, Essex. Her maiden name of Rolph has been helpful in locating that family in Tilty, Essex. William Rolph is identified as the father of Jesse as mentioned in the will below. Jessie was said to be baptized 19 Jan 1755 at Tilty

His page continues with the descent of this family through Jesse.

The will of John Blake of Stratford Langthorn was published yesterday

And I suspect that he is the husband of Mary the present testator as he mentions a niece Elizabeth Rolph and a niece Mary Litchfield. Neither of the wills mentions children. Boyd’s marriage index does provide a marriage for John Blake and Mary Rolf in 1762 in Ham West. No further information but will check the Society of Genealogists (SOG) since they produced Boyd’s marriage index.

The Apprenticeship records SOG volume 8, page 1437 lists a Charles Curtis as an apprentice to John Blake, Baker, at Stratford Langthorne in 1758 (mentioned in this will as a leasee). In 1782 there is an apprentice Robert Barnard to John Blake at Thaxted Essex, Baker. I wonder who the John Blake at Thaxted, Essex is related to.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Apr 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/982/188
Testator: Mary Blake, widow
Place: Stratford, Essex, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 14 May 1772, probated 7 Nov 1772
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Mary Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Mary Blake of Stratford in the County of Essex Widow
3    being of sound and disposing Mind Memory and Understanding
4    do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following
5    Whereas I am intitled to a Leasehold Estate (with Right of
6    Renewal for a further Term) situate at Stratford aforesaid now
7    in the Tenure or Occupation of Mr Charles Curtis Baker Now
8    I do hereby give the said Lease and benefit of Renewall unto
9    my Mother Mary Rolph of Thaxsted in the County of Essex
    [Page 2]
10    leases for and during the Term of her natural Life subject
11    to the Rent and Covenants in the said Indenture of Lease and from
12    and after her decease then I give the said Lease and premises
13    unto my Brother William Rolph of Tilty in Essex if he shall be
14    then living subject as aforesaid But in case my said Brother
15    William shall dye in the lifetime of my said Brother then I give
16    the said Lease and premises subject as aforesaid to my Sisters
17    Martha Miller Hannah Litchfield and Jane Schofield either to sell
18    the said Lease or to keep the same if they shall all Agree to
19    sell the same then the Monies arising by such Sale to be equally
20    divided between them or such of them as shall be living at the
21    time of my decease And in case they shall agree to keep the
22    said Lease then I give the Rents and profits of the said Lease
23    and premises to be equally divided between such of my said
24    Sisters as shall be living as aforesaid Item I give unto my
25    said Brother William Rolph Three hundred and Fifty pounds
26    South Sea New annuities to be Transferred to him immediately
27    after my decease Item I give unto his Son Jessey Rolph Fifty
28    pounds like South Sea Annuities to be transferred to him when
29    he shall attain his Age of Twenty two Years Item I give unto
30    my Sister Martha Miller Three hundred pounds like South Sea
31    Annuities to be Transferred to her Immediately after my decease
32    the same to be for her own sole and separate use and no wise
33    subject to the Debts of Controul of her present or any future
34    husband Item I give to my Sister Jane Schofield Two
35    hundred and Fifty pounds like South Sea Annuities to be
36    Transferred to her as aforesaid And the same to be no wise
37    subject to the Debts or Controul of her present or any future
38    husband Item I give unto her Son John Schofield One
39    hundred pounds like South Sea Annuities to be Transferred to
40    him when he shall attain his Age of Twenty two Years Item I
41    give one hundred pounds like South Sea Annuities to be equally
42    divided between such of the daughters of my said Sister Schofield
43    as shall be living at the time of my decease Item I give unto
44    my Sister Hannah Litchfield Two hundred pounds like South Sea
45    Annuities for her own sole and separate Use as aforesaid to be
46    Transferred to her immediately after my decease Item I order
47    that my said Sister Martha Miller shall take to herself so
48    much of the best of my Wearing apparel of all sorts as she
49    shall think fit and the Residue thereof I give equally between
50    my said Sister Schofields Children Item I order that my Executors
51    hereinafter named do with all convenient speed after my decease
52    sell and dispose of all my household Goods Linen and
53    Furniture except what I have before disposed of together with
54    all my plate Jewells and China And out of the Monies arising
55    thereby pay all my just Debts and Funeral Expences And then
56    the Rest and Residue of my Estate and Effects whatsoever and
57    wheresoever I give and bequeath the same unto and between
58    my said Brothers and Sister’s Children as shall be living at the
60    time of my decease equally Share and Share alike and I do
61    hereby revoke all former and other Wills and Testament by me at any time hereto made and do declare this and this only to be my last Will and do
62    constitute and appoint my said Brother William Rolph and my
    [Page 3]
63    said Sister Martha Miller joint Executors of this my Will In
64    Witness whereof I the said Mary Blake have to this my last
65    Will and Testament contained in two Sheets of paper set my
66    hand and to the last set my hand and Seal this fourteenth day
67    of September One Thousand seven hundred and seventy two
68    M Blake Signed sealed published and declared by the
69    Testatrix Mary Blake as and for her last Will and Testament
70    in the presence of us who have in her presence and at her
71    request subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto M Fletcher
72    Wm Deyongh
73    This Will was proved at London the Seventh day
74    of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven
75    hundred and seventy two before the worshipful Andrew Coltee
76    Ducarel Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful
77    George Hay Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
78    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths
79    of William Rolph the Brother of the deceased and Martha
80    Miller (wife of John Miller) the Sister of the said deceased and
81    Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was
82    granted of all and singular the Goods Chattles and Credits and
83    Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to
84    administer.

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