Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Will of Priscilla Blake, Marks Hall, Essex - The National Archives PROB 11/2207/432, probated 29 Mar 1855

Priscilla Blake is the testatrix. She died March quarter 1855 in Lexden RD. She is on the 1851 census at Copford, Lexden, Essex. She is listed as a Lady and was born at Halsted, Essex. Everyone living at the same address is a servant. She was born in 1797. Her  married surname was Honywood and she was of Marks Hall, Essex. Another descendant of the Galway Blake family, Arthur Netterville Blake was the son of Netterville Blake of Kilcloghans Co. He was a Captain in the British Military. He married (first wife) 7 Feb 1842 Mrs. Priscilla Honywood (relict of Philip Honywood) and they did not have any children. She died 9 Feb 1855. Her maiden name was Hanbury and she was the daughter of Charles Hanbury and Priscilla Blane. Arthur Netterville Blake then married Harriet Graham who was the daughter of Richard Blake and Eliza O’Donel (Richard was the son of George Blake and Juliane Lynch of Garracloone (another Galway Blake line).

Arthur’s will was proved at Tuam (Ireland) 7 Mar 1876. Arthur was the son of (Captain) Netterville Blake of Newborough, County Galway and he was the second son of Dominick Blake of Castlegrove and his first wife Francis Netterville. From the second marriage of Dominick Blake are descended one line of the Blake family in Canada (not my line!).

From the Landed Estates database: http://landedestates.ie/LandedEstates/jsp/search.jsp?q=parishes

(Estate) Blake (Castlegrove) - By his will (1612) Robert Blake of Ardfry left the lands of Castlegrove or Fartigare as they were originally known, in the barony of Dunmore, county Galway, to his seventh son, Andrew Blake. In the mid 18th century Dominick Blake of Castlegrove married Frances, daughter of Nicholas, 5th Viscount Netterville, as his first wife. Their second son founded the Blake family of Newborough. The Blakes of Canada are descended from Dominick Blake's second marriage. Castlegrove, an estate of over 2,300 acres belonging to Edward Blake, was advertised for sale in November 1852 and bought by John W. Cannon. Edward Blake still held land in the parishes of Killererin, Dunmore and Tuam at the time of Griffith's Valuation. An Edward Blake of Belgium owned 924 acres in county Galway and 1698 acres in county Roscommon in the 1870s. Netterville Blake of Newborough, parish of Kilbennan, barony of Dunmore, county Galway, second son of Dominick Blake of Castlegrove, had a large family of 14 children. His third son Arthur Netterville Blake lived at Kilcloghan House, north of Tuam and held the 93 acres of the townland of Mount Potter in fee, presumably having bought it from Jeremiah Tully in the Encumbered Estates' Court in 1850. Martin Blake writes that Arthur's younger brother James Netterville Blake, a doctor, lived at Newborough. The Blakes held Newborough from Patrick Crean Lynch. Lands at Lisnanny and Ballyroe, barony of Dunmore, amounting to 656 acres and 218 at Burris, barony of Clanmorris in county Mayo were advertised for sale by the trustees of Margaret Blake widow of James Netterville Blake in 1851.

The will of Arthur Netterville Blake will eventually appear in the Irish Wills if I am able to locate it.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Apr 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2207/432
Testator: Priscilla Blake, wife
Place: Marks Hall, Essex, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 May 1842, probated 29 Mar 1855
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Priscilla
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 11

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Priscilla Blake the wife of Arthur Netterville Blake Esquire
3    now residing at Marks Hall in the County of Essex Whereas by the
4    Settlement made on my marriage with the said Arthur Netterville
5    Blake dated the sixth day of December one thousand eight hundred and
6    forty one the sum of one thousand two hundred and fifty pounds three
7    per cent consolidated annuities one thousand pounds bank stock two
8    hundred and eighty eight pounds Royal Exchange Stock and two hundred
9    and ninety eight pounds eighteen shillings and two pence River dee Stock
10    was assigned to the Reverend Charles Gooch of Topsfield Essex Clerk and
11    Philip Hanbury of Lombard Street London Banker In trust (subject to
12    the life interest thereby given to the said Arthur Netterville Blake therein
13    and to a power for raising a certain sum thereof which has been exer
14    rised for such person or persons for such interests and purposes and with
15    under and subject to such powers provisioes and declarations as I the
16    said Priscilla Blake by my last Will and Testament or any Codicil or
17    Codicils thereto should notwithstanding my coverture direct or appoint
18    and in default of such direction or appointment and so far as any such
19    direction or appointment should not extend In trust for the person or per
20    sons who under the Statute for the distribution of the personal estate of
21    Intestates would at the time of my decease have been entitled to my
22    personal estate if I had died intestate and the marriage between me
23    and the said Arthur Netterville Blake had not been solemnized and to
24    be divided between such persons if more than one in the shares as
25    which the same would be distributed by virtue of the said Statue
26    And whereas I have made a Will in pursuance of the said powers
27    which I am now desirous to revoke and it is my intention that the
28    said trust funds should as in the course and belong to the previous
29    provisos in my said in part recited Settlement Now thus revoked I do
30    hereby utterly revoke and cancel the said Will as is aforesaid made
31    by me in pursuance of the said power and every direction and appoint
32    ment thereby made and also all other Wills and Testaments and
33    Codicil or Codicils at any time heretofore made and consented by me
34    And I do hereby so far as I have any power so to do confirm the
35    hereinbefore in part recited settlement and the trusts and provisions
36    therein contained In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand
37    this twenty eighth day of May one thousand eighteen hundred and forty
38    two Priscilla Blake Signed and declared by the said Priscilla
39    Blake the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the pre-
40    sence of us present at the same time who in her presence at her request
41    and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names
42    as witnesses Osgood Hanbury Cogeshall Essex Esquire
43    Guigis Sanforde Bailiff to Osgood Hanbury Esquire
44    This is a Codicil to the last Will and testament of me
45    Priscilla Blake of Marks Hall in the County of Essex the wife of
46    Arthur Netterville Blake Esquire but now living a separate life apart
47    from him under and by virtue of a deed of Separation bearing date the
48    twentieth day of September instant and now acting as if I was ____
49    sole and unmarried which said Will bears date the twenty eighth day of
50    May now last past Whereas I the said Priscilla Blake being entitled
51    to as my own private and exclusive property independently of the
52    said Arthur Netterville Blake and subject to my entire control and disposi
53    tion consisting of household and other furniture plate linen china
54    books wines carriage horses deer live and dead farming stock crops
55    and other effects and property div by a certain Indenture of Assign-
56    ment bearing even date with the said deed of Separation between me
57    and the said Arthur Netterville Blake assign over the same to my
58    brother Edward Hanbury of Hackeston in the County of Suffolk Esquire
60    upon certain trusts therein mentioned as an indemnity to the said
61    Edward Hanbury his executors administrators and assigns against any
62    responsibility incurred by him under the covenants entered into by him
63    on my behalf in the said deed of Separation Now I do hereby after
64    payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences give
65    and bequeath unto my children Robert Honywood Priscilla Honywood
66    and Walter Honywood equally to be divided between them on their
67    severally attaining the age of twenty one years all so much and such
68    part of my said estate and effects as aforesaid as shall not have been
69    applied by the said Edward Hanbury his executors administrators and
70    assigns under the trusts in the said Indenture of Assignment expressed
71    And I nominate and appoint the said Edward Hanbury and my brother
72    in law Christopher Hewetson Barnes of Babergh in the County of
73    Suffolk Esquire my Executors In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
74    hand this twenty second day of September one thousand eight hundred
75    and forty two Priscilla Blake Signed and declared by the said
76    Priscilla Blake as and for a Codicil to her last Will and Testament in
77    the presence of us present at the same time who in her presence at her
78    request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our
79    names as witnesses Tho: Sadler Sol[icito]r Coggeshall Essex Sarah
80    Sallines Servant to Mrs Blake
81    On the 29th March 1855 Admon with the Will and Codicil annexed
82    of the goods chattels and credits of Priscilla Blake Wife of Arthur
83    Netterville Blake Esquire, late of Copford Place in the Parish of
84    Copford in the County of Essex deceased Limited so far only as concerns
85    all the right title and interest of the deceased in and to all such per
86    sonal estate and effects as she the said deceased by virtue of two certain
87    Indentures bearing date respectively the 6th December 1841 and the 20th September
88    1842 has a right to appoint or dispose of and hath in and by her
89    said Will appointed and disposed of accordingly but no further or
90    otherwise were granted to Robert Honywood the son of the said deceased
91    and a Principal Legatee named in the said Codicil he  having been first
92    sworn by Com[missi]on duly to admini[ster] Christopher Hewitson Barnes the
93    surviving Executor named in the Codicil having first renounced the Probate
94    and execution of the said Will and Codicil as by Acts of Court appears
95    On the 20th April 1855 Admon of the rest of the Goods chattels and
96    credits of Priscilla Blake (wife of Arthur Netterville Blake Esquire
97    late of Copford Place in the Parish of Copford in the County of Essex
98    deceased concerning which the said intestate was granted to the said
99    Arthur Netterville Blake the lawful husband of the said deceased hav-
100    ing been first sworn duly to administer

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