Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Will of William Blake, Tailor, Aveley, Essex - The National Archives PROB 11/1234/135, probated 5 Jul 1793

The testator is William Bale a Taylor in Avely, Essex. He names his wife Mary. No children are mentioned. Aveley is a few miles from Thurrock and 16 miles east of Charing Cross, London. I did not find any helpful material on this family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 Apr 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1234/135
Testator: William Blake, Tailor
Place: Aveley, Essex, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 13 Jun 1793, probated 5 Jul 1793
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    this is the last Will and Testament of me William
3    Blake (Taylor) of the parish of Avely in the County of
4    Essex Viz: First of all I commit my Immortal Soul unto
5    Almighty God the disposer of all things when it is his good
6    pleasure to take it to himself (hoping for mercy and pardon
7    for my Sins which I acknowledge are very many) after which
8    I wish for my Body to be decently Buried for which purpose
9    I leave ten pounds to defray the Expencs thereof but if the
10    said Expence should not amount unto the said ten pounds
11    then my Will and mind is for my dear beloved Wife Mary
12    Blake to have the remainder of the said Ten pounds for her
13    own proper use, and the said Ten pounds to be paid out of
14    three Bills, one of which is upon Henry Burtwell Glazier
15    one upon James Saunderson Glazier and one upon Ed
16    death Carpenter all in the parish and County aforesaid
17    I also give devise and Bequeath to my dear Beloved Wife
18    Mary Blake aforesaid all my household Furniture China
19    or whatsoever is belonging to my household for her own
20    proper use also my Certificate belonging to my Club authorizing
21    my Wife to Receive all dues arising therefrom for her
22    own proper use and Lastly I authorise and appoint Mr
23    Mr William Nuttall No 36 Hounds Ditch London and Mr
24    William Andrews No 42 Gracechurch Street London to take
25    Possession of all my Stock in trade Fixtures in my shop and
26    every thing belonging to me in the Tailoring Branch Likewise
27    all my Book debts whatsoever and to divide the Whole among
28    my Creditors according to their debts as a Witness hereof I have
29    here unto set my hand Seal this thirteenth day of June One
30    thousand Seven hundred and Ninety three W. Blake
31    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said testator
32    Wm Blake as and for his last Will and Testament in the
33    presence of us and we in the presence of each other and at
34    the Request have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses to the
35    same Wm Mayden Henry Burtwell Henry Latub
36    This Will was proved at London the fifth of July
37    One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety three before the Worshipful
38    Maurice Swaby doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right honourable
39    William Wynne Knight D[octo]r of Laws Master or Commissary of the
40    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of
41    Walter Nuttall (by mistake in the Will called William Ruttall)
42    and William Anderson (by mistake in the said Will called Andrews)
43    the Ex[ecu]tors according to the Tenor of the Will to whom Admon was
44    granted having been first sworn duly to adm[iniste]r

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