Friday, May 9, 2014

Will of John Blake, James Place, Bristol - The National Archives PROB 11/1778/368, probated 14 Dec 1830

John Blake is the testator. This will matches up with the will of Ann Blake probated in 1848 and blogged earlier:

Ann in that will mentions her principal legatee as Eliza Bawdon daughter of Mary and John Bawdon. Mary Bowden is mentioned in this will as a niece of the testator. Possibly Eliza is the daughter of the niece of the present testator.

It would appear that John Blake has a brother since he has two nephews William Blake and Joseph Blake and a niece Elizabeth Blake. The relationship of Ann Blake (who lives with the testator) is not stated. His two sisters are Mary Satterley (perhaps mother of Ann Satherley, Eliza Wilcox (one of their children has the middle name of Satterley) and Elizabeth Furse.

Names mentioned in the will:

John Blake, testator
Mary Satterley, sister
Elizabeth Furse, sister
Elizabeth Blake, sister in law
William Blake, nephew
Joseph Blake, nephew
Mary Metherell, niece
Elizabeth Blake, niece
Mary Bowden, niece
Ann Satherley, niece
Eliza Wilcox, niece
Susanna West, niece
Anne Searle, cousin
John Iverson, cousin
Mary Prouse, cousin
Elizabeth Lodovick, cousin
Richard Honnywill, cousin
Mary Maies Hardcastle, daughter in law
Ann Blake
John Breaker Furse, husband of Elizabeth, brother in law
George Strickland, notary public, witness
W.R. Brock, clerk to George Strickland, witness
William Pugh junior, clerk to George Strickland, witness

The Bank of England Will Extract is available for this John Blake of Bristol who was a Mariner and died on or about 8 Nov 1830. The notation to this is that Mary Maies Hardcastle one of the Executors and also a Legatee in Trust is deceased buried 20 Nov 1832. This also does not identify the relationship of Ann Blake to the testator.

In the Will of Mary Maies Hardcastle she mentions that she is a spinster . She mentions her dear friend Ann Blake spinster who resides with her on St James St. She also mentions her aunt Mary Honnywill of Wilder Street, Saint Paul, Bristol. There is also mention of a William Blake of the City of London Master Mariner, nephew of Mr John Blake with whom I now reside. She also remembers Mrs Elizabeth Furze wife of Mr John Furze of London broker. Also remembers Catherine Stockham wife of William Stockham of the City of Bristol Baker. Her will was written 9 May 1827 and witnessed by Jacob Strickland attorney at law and W R Brock his clerk. Proved at London 15 Dec 1832 with Ann Blake, spinster as the sole Executrix.

John Breacker Furse is possibly the son of John Furse and Ann Breacker who married 3 Apr 1766 at Bishopsteignton. Could not find a marriage for Elizabeth Blake and John Breaker Furse.

The will of Mary Satterley probated 8 Oct 1830 verifies that she has three daughters Ann Satterley, Eliza Wilcocks and Mary Bawden.

More work to do on this Blake family which appears to be a family of mariners and I have not yet figured out their “home” base as they are in both London and Bristol. Finding the parents of the present testator would be most helpful.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Apr 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1778/368
Testator:  John Blake
Place: James Place, Bristol, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 9 Aug 1826, probated 14 Dec 1830
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 13

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John Blake of James’s Place in the parish of Saint James in the County of
3    Gloucester near the City of Bristol do make this my last Will and Testament as follows
4    namely I give and bequeath to each of my two Sisters Mary Sattlerly and Elizabeth
5    Furse the sum of three hundred pounds of Sterling British money I give and bequeath
6    to my Sister in Law Elizabeth Blake the sum of one hundred pounds of like money I
7    also give and bequeath to my Nephew William Blake the sum of one hundred pounds
8    of like money I also give and bequeath to my Nephew Joseph Blake the sum of
9    three hundred pounds of like money and in consideration of  his proper and kind
10    behavior to his parents a further sum of two hundred pounds of like money I also
11    give and bequeath to each of my six Nieces namely Mary Metherell Elizabeth blake
12    Mary Bowdon Ann Satterly Eliza Wilcox and Susanna West the sum of three
13    hundred pounds of like money and to the said Susanna West a further sum of one
14    hundred pounds of like money in consideration of her kind behavior to her Aunt
15    Elizabeth Furse and to the said Ann Satterley a further sum of two hundred pounds of
16    like money to enable her the better to execute the Trust of the Will of her late Aunt
17    Susanna Born I also give and bequeath to each of my four Cousins namely Ann
18    Searle John Iverson Mary Prouse and Elizabeth Lodovick the sum of fifty pounds of
19    like money I also give and bequeath to my Friend and Cousin Richard Honnywill
20    the sum of fifty pounds of like money to buy him a Ring or some other token of
21    remembrance I give and bequeath to the said Richard Honnywill my daughter in
22    law Mary Maies Hardcastle and Ann Blake who has for some years past and now
23    lives with me the sum of four thousand pounds three per cent reduced annuities of
24    the Bank of England now standing in my name upon Trust to receive the dividends
25    to arise therefrom and pay the same half yearly to my Sister Elizabeth Furse for and
26    during the term of her natural life to and for her own sole and separate use apart from
27    and not subject to the debts control or engagements power or interference of her present
28    husband John Breaker Furse or any future husband or husbands the same to be
29    paid into her own proper hands and so as her receipt and receipts only from time to
30    time and not the receipt or receipts of any person or persons under any authority to be
31    derived from her and not by way of anticipation shall be good and sufficient discharges for
32    the same and from and after her decease upon Trust to pay and divide the sum of three
33    thousand pounds part of the said sum of four thousand pounds unto and equally
34    between my said Nieces Mary Metherell Elizabeth Blake Mary Bowden Ann
35    Satterley Eliza Wilcox and Susanna West with benefit of Survivorship and accrue to
36    and between them of the share or shares of such one or more of them as shall
37    happen to depart this life before the decease of my said Sister Elizabeth Furse without
38    bearing any Children or Child her surviving and in case of the death of either of my
39    said Nieces who shall leave a Child or Children her surviving then upon Trust as to the
40    share or shares of such one or more of them as dying as aforesaid for the benefit of such
41    Child or Children and if more than one equally between and amongst them and as to the
42    remaining sum of one thousand pounds residue of the said sum of four thousand pounds
43    hereinbefore mentioned Upon Trust to
44    pay assign and transfer the same to my said Nephew Joseph Blake in testimony of my
45    approval of his uniform good conduct I give devise and bequeath all that my Freehold
46    Messuage or Dwellinghouse with the appurtenances thereto belonging situate in James’s
47    Place aforesaid wherein I now reside unto and equally between my daughter in Law
48    the said Mary Maies Hardcastle and the said Ann Blake to hold to them and their
49    assigns for and during the term of their joint natural lives in equal moieties and from
50    and after the decease of either of them I give devise and bequeath the same
51    messuage or dwellinghouse and premises with the appurtenances unto the survivor of them
52    her heirs and assigns for ever I give and bequeath unto my Servant Mary Coleman who
53    has already lived with me eleven years in case she resides with me at the time of my
54    decease the sum of fifty pounds of Sterling British money All the rest residue and
55    remainder of my real and personal Estate of what nature kind or sort soever or
56    wherever situate and being I give devise and bequeath the same and every part
57    thereof unto and equally between the said Mary Maies hardcastle and Ann Blake
58    and their respective heirs executors administrators and assigns according to my estate and
60    interest therein respectively as Tenants in common and not as joint Tenants and I do
61    hereby make nominate constitute and appoint my Friend and Cousin the said
62    Richard Honnywill the said Mary Maies Hardcastle and the said Ann Blake joint
63    Executor and Executrixes of this my Will and hereby revoking and making void all
    [Page 2]
64    other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made I declare this only to be my last
65    Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Blake the Testator have to this
66    my said last Will and Testament contained in three sheets of paper to the first two
67    sheets thereof set my hand and to this third and last my hand and seal this ninth day
68    of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty six John Blake Signed
69    sealed published and declared by the said Testator John Blake as and for his last Will
70    and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the
71    presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Geo: Strickland
72    Noty Pub Bristol W. R. Brock Will: Pugh Jun[io]r his Clerks
73    Proved at London 14th December 1830 before the Judge by the Oaths of Richard
74    Honnywill Esquire and Mary Maies Hardcastle and Ann Blake Spinsters the executors to whom
75    administration was granted having been first sworn (by Commission) duly to administer

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