Friday, May 16, 2014

Will of Richard Blake, gentleman, Bristol, Gloucestershire - The National Archives PROB 11/963/393, probated 18 Feb 1771

Richard Blake the Testator lives at Bristol. He asked to be buried at the parish Church of Saint Werburgh and so the earlier blog on the memorials for the Blake family in Gloucestershire locates him very nicely:

Hence he is the son of Richard Blake of Chipping Sodbury and Mary (unknown) who were buried at Chipping Sodbury. He had uncles Joseph and Samuel both died in 1715. He was married to Mary Greenway and five of their children died as infants. The surviving children – two daughters – mentioned in the will below Susannah and Hannah.

Names mentioned in the will below:

Richard Blake, gentleman, Bristol, testator
Mary Blake, wife
W. Graton, Bristol, tenant
Phillippa Palmer, Bristol, tenant
____ Thomas, Bristol, tenant
Mrs. Godwin, Bristol, tenant
Mr. John Larkin, surgeon, Bristol, tenant
Mr. John Wallis, Bristol, tenant
Mr. Samuel Pye, tenant, deceased
Mr. Thomas Symons, attorney at law, Bristol, tenant
Mr. John Waddix, Bristol, tenant
Mrs. Sarah Pye, Bristol, widow, tenant
Reverend Richard Woodward, Dean of Clogher, Ireland, son in law, executor
Mr. John Derverell, Bristol, gentleman, son in law, executor
Mr. William Blake, Bristol, merchant, gentleman, friend, executor
George Tyndell, Bristol, Esquire, Friend, Indentee
Mrs. Jane Rudge, cousin
John March, late servant
Rebecca Mead, servant
Mrs. Mary Adlam, Hembury
Mr. Joseph Haynes, Esquire, Weck
Mr. Thomas Haynes, Weck, father of Joseph
Elizabeth Haynes, sister to Joseph
Richard Haynes, son of Thomas
Thomas Haynes, son of Thomas
Christopher Haynes, son of Thomas
Mr. William Palmer, surgeon, Bradford, Wiltshire
Frances Palmer, daughter of William
Elizabeth Palmer, daughter of William
Mrs. Ann Baker, Bristol
____ Greenway, widow of John Greenway, cousin
John Greenway, father of Joseph, deceased
Joseph Greenway, son of widow Greenway
Christopher Blake, St Philip and Jacob, kinsman
Eleanor Anthony, Bristol or Bedminster, Somerset, kinswoman
Thomas Anthony, Bristol or Bedminster, Somerset, husband of Eleanor
Mr. Charles Harwood, schoolmaster, Bristol
Hester Lamb, deceased
John Lamb, husband of Hester, mason, Bath
Richard Blake, son of Mr. William Blake, godson
Susannah Woodward, Ireland, wife of Richard Woodward, daughter
Hannah Deverell, Bristol, wife of John Deverell, daughter
Robert Hale, Gentleman, Indentee
Francis Brown, Merchant, Indentee, deceased
Francis Ward, Bristol, gentleman, Indentee, witness
Mr. Thomas Paty, Master Builder, Bristol
Philip Bowyer, hooper, Bristol, tenant
John Millett, hatter, Bristol, tenant
William Tucker, victualler, Bristol, tenant
_____ Terrel, mealman, Bristol, tenant
Nicholas Simpson, apothecary, Bristol, tenant
______ Powell, hooper, Bristol, tenant
Samuel Gaines, carpenter, Bristol, tenant
John Gresley, junior, witness
George Rogers, witness

Mr. William Blake is somewhat of a mystery. The testator is godfather to his son Richard. There is also a Christopher Blake, kinsman, mentioned in the will. Eleanor Anthony also his kinswoman. His cousins the Greenway family are also mentioned. Mrs. Jane Rudge is also a cousin.

The assumption that this Richard is a grandson of Ambrose Blake of Pinhills does seem to be reasonable given some of the information related in the blog of Christopher Blake’s will:

Christopher in that will mentions his cousins John Blake, William Blake (deceased) and Joseph Blake all of Tetbury and Edward Blake and Henry Blake of London. Usually one does have relatives as godparents to one’s children (but not always) and this was perhaps more the case in days gone by. This line though has daughtered out; no Blake descendants of this Richard are named.

The will of William Blake of Bristol (1792) is to come and I wonder if the first memorial mentioned in the blog on the Memorials to the Blake family of Gloucestershire pertains to this family:

Richard Blake son of William and Rebecca Blake died in 1829 aged 69 (born circa 1760). This Richard would have been 11 years of age when this will was written and the son of a William Blake of St Stephen’s Church, Bristol. This Blake family uses the Calne Blake family crest as well. I wondered in this earlier blog if they were from Cornwall but finding this new information I need to investigate William and Rebecca Blake and see what I can learn about their ancestry. William’s will is to come and was probated in 1792.

Still to do the wills of Robert Blake 1849, Robert Blake 1854 and then William Blake 1792 and William Blake 1853 and Gloucester PCC wills will be completed. I do however have 37 wills that were from Bristol Diocese and a few of them are older wills. I think that I should move to these wills next.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Apr 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/963/393
Testator:  Richard Blake, gentleman
Place: Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Jul 1770, probated 18 Feb 1771
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Richard
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Richard Blake of the City of Bristol Gentleman Do
3    make this my last Will and Testament in manner following
4    (that is to say) First and principally I commend my Soul
5    into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits
    [Page 2]
6    Mediation and Intercession of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer
7    Jesus Christ to obtain Everlasting life And as to my Body
8    it is my Will that the same Shall be intered in the
9    Parish Church of Saint Werburgh in the said City of
10    Bristol on the third Day next after my Decease And
11    I Direct that a Decent monument shall be made and put
12    up and erected for me in the same Church as my Wife
13    Shall Direct within Six months next after my decease,
14    as to my Worldly Estate I dispose thereof as follows, to
15    wit, I Give the Sum of Fifty pounds of lawful money of
16    Great Britain To the Church Wardens of the Said
17    Parish of Saint Werbough for the time being to be
18    placed out at Interest and the Interest thereof to be
19    applied from time to time for ever by the Minister
20    Churchwardens and Vestry of the same Parish towards
21    Cloathing such poor people yearly of the said parish as
22    they shall see first the same poor people being members
23    of the Church of England Item I Give to the Minister and
24    Churchwardens for the time being of the parish of
25    Winterbourn in the County of Gloucester the Sum of
26    Fifty pounds of like lawful British Money to be by them
27    placed out at Interest and the Interest therefrom arising
28    to be laid out in Bread and Given by the Minister and
29    Churchwardens of the said Parish of Winterbourn for the
30    time being To the poor of that parish at Christmas
31    yearly for ever Item I Give To the Minister and Church
32    Wardens for the time being of the Parish of Chipping
33    Sodbury in the County of Gloucester aforesaid the Sum of
34    Fifty pounds of like lawful British Money to be by
35    them placed out at Interest and the interest therefrom arising to be laid
36    out in Bread and Given by the Minister and Churchwardens
37    of that parish for the time being To the poor of that
38    parish at Christmas yearly for ever Item I Give the
39    Sum of One hundred pounds of lawful British Money to
40    my Wife for her to bestow and Give the same to such poor
41    people as she shall think fit Item I give to my much
42    Esteemed and beloved Wife the Sum of Three hundred
43    pounds of lawful British money to be paid to her
44    within ten Days next after my Decease and I also Give
45    unto her all and Singular my Leasehold Goods Linen
46    plate Rings and Watches Item I Give unto her my said
47    Wife my two messuages or Tenements with their appurts
48    Situate in Queen Square in Bristol aforesaid the one of them
49    now in my own occupation and the other of them adjoining
50    thereto now in the Occupation of W Graton
51    And also my two Messuages
52    or Tenements situate and being the one in Cem Street the
53    other in Small Street in the parish of Saint Werburgh
54    aforesaid and in the Occupations of Phillippa Palmer
55    and late of _______Thomas And also my Two Messuages
56    or Tenements on Stonyhill in the parish of Saint Augustine
57    the less in the said City of Bristol and in the Several
    [Page 3]
58    Occupations of Mrs ______ Godwin and Mr John Larkin
60    Surgeon and also all these yearly Sums or Chief Rents
61    Issuing and payable to me out of certain plots of Ground
62    on Stony hill aforesaid by me Granted to Mr John Wallis
63    Mr Samuel Pye deceased and Mr Thomas Symons Attorney
64    at Law respectively and on which certain messuages with
65    their respective Appurts have been erected and Built and
66    are now in the Several Occupations of the said Mr John
67    Wallis Mr Thomas Symons Mr John  Waddix and Mrs Sarah
68    Pye Widow And also all my Lands at Well Freehold as
69    Leasehold Situate lying and being in Oldland Barnam
70    and Bitton or one of them in the County of Gloucester
71    and also my Lease at Rendaleshire in the Parish of
72    Winterborn in the said County of Gloucester with its
73    appurts adjoining to my Farm house there To have
74    and To hold all and Singular the said Messuages Lands
75    Chief or Reserved Rents Heredits and premises unto
76    her my Said Wife and her assigns in manner following
77    (that is to say) As for such of my said Several and
78    respective Messuages and Lands as are Freehold for
79    and during the Term or her normal life and as for such
80    of them as are Leasehold or which I hold for Terms
81    of Years for and during So many years as She my said
82    Wife shall or may happen to live Item I Give to
83    my two Sons in Law the Reverend Richard Woodward Dean of
84    Clogher in the Kingdom of Ireland and John Deverell
85    of the City of Bristol Esquire and William Blake of the
86    said City of Bristol Merchant and to the Survivors and
87    Survivor of them his Executors Admors and Assigns the
88    Sum of four thousand pounds of lawful British money
89    Upon Trust to place the Same out at Interest (with the
90    approbation of my said Wife upon the best Security of
91    Mortgage Double or Treble Bond or Bonds that can be
92    Got for the same or otherwise on Government Security
93    and the Interest or Dividends therefrom arising from time
94    to time to pay unto her my Said Wife for and during so
95    many years as She shall or may happen to live Item
96    I further Give and bequeath unto her my Said Wife the
97    Sum of Two thousand pounds of lawful British Money
98    Item I give to my Friend George Tyndell of the said
99    City of Bristol Esquire the Sum of Twenty pounds of
100    like Money To my Cousin Mrs Jane Rudge the Sum of
101    Ten pounds of like Money To my late Servant John
102    March the Sum of Ten pounds of like money To my
103    faithful Servant Rebecca Mead the Sum of Two
104    hundred pounds of like money and a Reward for her Care
105    of me in my Several Illnesses And I Give unto her
106    and to each Domestick Servant as Shall live with me
107    at the time of my Decease the Sum of Five pounds
108    a piece for mourning I Give to Mrs Mary Adlam of
109    Hembury in the County of Gloucester aforesaid the Sum of
110    Ten pounds of like lawful British Money Item I give to Mr
    [Page 4]
111    Joseph Haynes (Son of Thomas Haynes of Weck in the said
112    County of Gloucester Esquire and to Elizabeth Haynes Sister
113    of the Said Joseph Haynes the Sum of Ten pounds apiece
114    of like lawful British Money Item I Give to the said
115    Thomas Haynes and to his three Sons Richard Thomas and
116    Christopher Haynes a Mourning Ring each Item I Give
117    to my Worthy Friend Mr William Palmer Surgeon at
118    Bradford in the County of Wilts a Mourning Ring and to his
119    two Daughters Frances and Elizabeth Palmer the Sum
120    of Ten pounds apiece of like lawful British Money
121    Item I Give to Mrs Ann Baker living in Milk Street
122    Bristol and to my Cousen Greenway Widow of John
123    Greenway deceased and to her Son Joseph Greenway the
124    Sum of Ten pounds a piece of like lawful British money
125    Item I Give to my Kinsman Christopher Blake of the
126    parish of Saint Philip and Jacob in the County of Gloucester
127    the Sum of Fifty pounds of like money and
128    To each of the Children of the said Christopher Blake
129    I Give the Sum of Ten pounds of like Money to be paid to
130    them on their Attaining their respective ages of Twenty
131    one years Item I Give to my Kinswoman Eleanor
132    Anthony Wife of Thomas Anthony of the said City of Bristol
133    or of the Parish of Bedminster in the County of Somerset
134    the Sum of Fifty pounds of like Money to be paid and
135    applied To and for her own Sole and Separate use and as She
136    Shall Direct Item I Give to Mr Charles Harwood of the
137    City of Bristol Schoolmaster the Sum of Twenty pounds of like
138    Money Item I Give to each of the Children of Hester Lamb
139    late Wife of John Lamb of the City of Bath Mason the Sum
140    of Twenty pounds of like Money To be paid to them on there
141    respective attaining the Age of Twenty one Years Item
142    I Give to my Godson Richard Blake son of Mr William Blake
143    the Sum of Twenty pounds of like Money Item I Give unto
144    each of my Sons in Law the said Richard Woodward and
145    John Deverell the Sum of One thousand pounds apiece
146    of like lawful British Money as tokens of my Regard
147    for them All which said Several Legacies by me Given
148    (Except such as I have herein before appointed times for
149    Payment thereof respectively I Will Shall be paid
150    within the Space of Twelve Months next after my decease
151    Item All the Rest residue and Remainder of my Estate both
152    Real and Personal Moneys Securitys for Money Goods Chattels
153    and Effects whatsoever as also my said Messuages and Lands
154    and the Said Sum of Four thousand pounds (the Interest or
155    Income whereof I have Given to my Wife as aforesaid for
156    her life) after the Death of her my Said Wife And all other
157    my Estate of what nature kind or Sort whatsoever or
158    wheresoever Situate Standing and being at the time of my
159    Decease (other than and Except my Messuages Lands Tenements
160    and hereditts Situate Standing and Being in the parish of Saint
161    Augustine Saint Leonard Parish included and Saint James herein after
162    Taken notice of and by me Given and disposed of for the Trusts
    [Page 5]
163    Intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned) I Give Devise and
164    bequeath unto my said Sons in Law Richard Woodward John
165    Deverell and William Blake To hold to them and the Survivors
166    and Survivor of them his heirs Executors Admors and Assigns
167    To for and upon the Several Trusts Intents and Purposes herein
168    after Expressed Subject nevertheless to the proviso hereinafter
169    mentioned (that is to say) Upon Trust to Let and Set my said
170    Freehold and Leasehold Messuages Lands and hereditts for
171    Such Term or Terms of Years and they the said Richard
172    Woodward John Deverell and William Blake or the
173    Survivors or Survivor of them his heirs Executors or
174    Admors shall soon meet at the best yearly Rent and
175    Rents as can be got for the same and to receive such the
176    Rents and Profits thereof and to put and place my
177    personal Estate and Moneys arising therefrom out at
178    Interest and to receive the Income Interest and produce
179    thereof and to pay and Apply One moiety of the net
181    Rents Interest Income and produce of such Freehold and
182    Leasehold Messuages Lands and hereditts and personal Estate
183    To my Daughter Susannah the Wife of the said Richard
184    Woodward and her Assigns for and during the Term of
185    her natural life or for so many years as She shall happen
186    to live and to and for her Sole and Separate Use and from
187    and Immediately after her Decease Upon Trust to pay and
188    Apply such Said Money of the Rents Interest Income and
189    produce To or for the Maintenance Breeding up and Education
190    of all and every the Children if more than one and if but
191    one then of the only Child of her my said Daughter Susannah
192    as She shall leave behind her at her Decease Until they
193    he or She shall respectively attain the Age of Twenty
194    one years Or if Daughters or a Daughter that age or
195    Days or day of marriage which shall first happen and upon
196    such said Children (if more than one) attaining their respective
197    Ages of Twenty one years or if Daughters or a Daughter
198    there age or Days or Day of Marriage Then Upon Trust
199    To Convey assign and make over the Moiety of my Said Real
200    Estates and the moiety of my said Personal Estate To Such
201    of the Children of her my said Daughter Susannah (if more
202    than one) in such parts Shares and proportions and for such
203    Estate or Estates and Interest as She my said Daughter
204    Susannah by any Deed or Writing Deeds or Writings to be by
205    her Executed in the presence of and attested by two or more
206    Credible Witnesses Shall limit or Appoint the same and if
207    but one Child of her my Said Daughter Susannah Then to
208    such only Child his or her heirs Executors or Admors and
209    in Case no such Limitation or Appointment shall be made
210    and Executed by her my said Daughter Susannah Then
211    Upon Trust To Convey Assign and make over the said
211    Moiety of my Said Real Estates and the Said Moiety of my
213    Said Personal Estate To such of the Said Children of her
214    my Said Daughter Susannah (if more than one) in such parts
215    Shares and proportions and for such Estate or Estates and Interest
    [Page 6]
216    as he my Said Son in Law the Said Richard Woodward by any
217    Deed or Writing Deeds or Writings to be by him Executed in the
218    presence of and attested by two or more Credible Witnesses
219    shall limit or appoint the Same and if but one Child of
220    her by my Said Daughter Susannah Then to Such only Child his
221    or her heirs Executors or Admors And in Case no such
222    Limitation or Appointment Shall be made and Executed by
223    him the said Richard Woodward Then Upon Trust to apply
224    the Income of the Said Moiety of my said Real Estates and
225    the Said Moiety of the Income of my Said personal Estate
226    for or towards the Maintenance and Education of all and every
227    the Children of my Said Daughter Susannah if more than one
228    and if but one Then for the maintenance of Such only Child
229    until they he or She shall respectively attain the Age of
230    Twenty one or if Daughters or a Daughter Days or Day
231    of Marriage which Shall first happen And on such Childrens
232    attaining their respective Ages of Twenty one Years or if Daughters
233    or a Daughter Days or Day of Marriage which shall first
234    happen Then Upon Trust to Convey assign and make over to
235    such Child so attaining the Age of Twenty one Years or if
236    Daughters or a Daughter Days or Day of Marriage which
237    Shall first happen his or her heirs Executors or Admors
238    his or her Share and Interest in and to the Said Money of
239    my Said Real and personal Estate according to the nature
240    of the Estate So to be Conveyed and made over Provided
241    Nevertheless and I Do hereby Declare it to be my Will that
242    in Case any or either of the Said Children of my Daughter
243    Susannah Shall happen to die before his her or their attaining
244    the Age of Twenty one years of if Daughters or a Daughter
245    before her or their attaining that Age or Days or Day of
246    Marriage Then I will that the Share or Interest of such
247    Child So dying of and in the Said Moiety of my said Residuary
248    Real and Personal Estate Shall go to the Survivors or
249    Survivor of Such Children their his or her heirs Executors
250    or Admors according to the nature of my Estate hereby before
251    mentioned and Devised And in Case my Said Daughter Susanna
252    Shall Dye leaving no Child at her Decease Then I give
253    the Said Moiety of my Said Residuary Real and personal
254    Estate To the use of such person or persons and for such
255    Estate and Interest and in Such shares and proportions
256    as She by any Deed or Writing under her hand and Seal to
257    be attested by two or more Credible Witnesses Shall appoint
258    for want thereof to her heirs Executors and Admors
259    And Also Upon Trust in them my Said Sons in Law Richard
260    Woodward John Deverell and William Blake their
261    heirs Executors and Admors reposed to pay and apply the
262    other Moiety of the net Rents Interest Income and produce
263    of such my said Residuary Real and personal Estate To
264    my Daughter Hannah the Wife of the Said John Deverell
265    and her Assigns for and during the Term of her natural
266    life or for so many years as she shall happen to live and to
267    and for her Sole and Separate Use and from and Immediately
    [Page 7]
268    after her Decease Upon Trust to pay and apply such Said
269    Moiety of the said Rents Interest Income and Produce
270    To or for the Maintenance Breeding up and Education of all and
271    every the Children if more than one and if but one Then of
272    the only Child of her my said Daughter Hannah as she shall
273    leave behind her at her Decease until they he or she shall
274    respectively attain the Age of Twenty one Years or if Daughters
275    or a Daughter that age or Days or Day of Marriage which
276    Shall first happen and upon such Said Childrens (if more
277    than one) attaining their respective Ages of Twenty one
278    Years or if Daughters or a Daughter that Age or Days
279    or Day of Marriage Then Upon Trust to Convey Assign and
280    make over the Moiety of my Said Real Estates and the
281    Moiety of my said Personal Estate To Such of the Children
282    of her my Said Daughter Hannah (if more than one) in such
283    parts Shares and proportions and for such Estate or Estates and
284    Interest as She my Said Daughter Hannah by any Deed or
285    Writing Deeds or Writings to be by her Executed in the presence
286    of and attested by two or more Credible Witnesses shall
287    limit or appoint the Same and if but one Child of her my
288    said Daughter Hannah Then to such only Child his or her
289    heirs Executors or Admors And in Case no Such Limitation
290    or Appointment Shall be made and Executed by her my
291    Said Daughter Hannah Then Upon Trust to Convey
292    assign and make over the Said Moiety of my said Real
293    Estates and the said moiety of my Said Personal Estates
294    such of the said Children of her my Said Daughter Hannah
295    if more than one in Such parts Shares and proportions
296    and for such Estate or Estates and Interest as he my Said
297    Son in Law the Said John Deverell by any Deed or Writing
298    Deeds or Writings to be by him Executed in the presence of
299    and attested by two or more Credible Witnesses Shall limit
300    or appoint the same and if but one Child of her my Said
301    Daughter Hannah Then to such only Child his or her
302    heirs Executors or Admors And in Case no Such limitation
303    or appointment Shall be made and Executed by him the
304    Said John Deverell Then Upon Trust to Apply the
305    Income of the Said Moiety of the Income of my Said personal
306    Estate for or towards the Maintenance and Education of all
307    and every the Children of my Said Daughter Hannah if
308    more than one and if but one then for the Maintenance of
309    such only Child until they he or She shall respectively attain
310    the Age of Twenty one or if Daughters or a Daughter
311    Days or Day of Marriage which shall first happen and on
312    such Childrens attaining their respective Ages of Twenty one
313    Years or if Daughters or a Daughter Days or Day of
314    Marriage which shall first happen Then Upon Trust
315    to Convey Assign and make over to such Child so attaining
316    the Age of Twenty one Years or if Daughters or a Daughter
317    Days or Day of Marriage which shall first happen his or
318    her heirs Executors or Admors his or her Share and Interest
    [Page 8]
319    in and to the said Moiety of my said Real and personal Estate
320    according to the Nature of the Estate so to be Conveyed and
321    made over Provided Nevertheless and I do hereby declare
322    it to be my Will that in Case any of other of the said
323    Children of my Daughter Hannah shall happen to die
324    before his her or their attaining the age of twenty one years or if daughters or a daughter before her or their attaining their Age or Days or day
325    of Marriage Then I will that the share or Interest of
326    Such Child so dying of and in the said Moiety of my Said
327    Residuary Real and Personal Estate Shall go to the Survivors
328    or Survivor of such Children their his or her heirs Executors
329    or admors according to the nature of my Estate hereby before
330    mentioned and Devised and in Case my Said Daughter
331    Hannah Shall Dye leaving no Child at her Decease then
332    I Give the Said Moiety of my Said Residuary Real and
333    Personal Estate to the use of such person or persons and
334    for such Estate and Interest and in Such Shares and
335    proportions as She by any Deed or Writing under her hand
336    and Seal to be attested by two or more Credible Witnesses
337    Shall appoint for want thereof to her heirs Exors
338    and Admors Whereas It may be thought prudent and
339    Convenient to make and Divide in Moietys the Estates
340    which I hold in Fee Simple and also my Leasehold Estates
341    I do therefore hereby authorize and empower them the said
342    Richard Woodward and John Deverell to name and appoint
343    such person or persons as they shall approve of to Divide
344    in Moietys (as near as may be) my said Freehold and Leasehold
345    Estates and to make an Estimate of such Moiety as between
346    them my said Daughters Susannah the Wife of the said Richard
347    Woodward and my said Daughter Hannah the Wife of the said
348    John Deverell and their respective Familys and I will and
349    Direct that such Moiety as Shall be attested for my Said
350    Daughter Susannah and her Family Shall be Considered
351    as the Moiety of my said Freehold and Leasehold Estates
352    herein before by me Given for the Benefit of her and
353    her Family and that such Moiety as Shall be attested for my
354    Said Daughter Hannah and her Family Shall be Considered
355    as the Moiety of my Said Freehold and Leasehold Estates herein
356    before by me Given for the Benefit of her and her
357    Family Provided Nevertheless and I do hereby Declare it
358    to be my Will and I do hereby Direct that my Said Wife and
359    Daughters do and shall (as they shall respectively become
360    Entitled to the Income and produce of my Leasehold Messuages
361    and Lands by Virtue of this my Will) out of such Income and
362    produce bear the Costs of running and full Stating with the
363    Lord or Lords of the Fee such Leasehold messuages and
364    Lands at reasonable Fines for such Renewal or renewals
365    and pay the fines required for such Renewal or renewals as
366    also the Costs of the New Leases respectively which Lease
367    or Leases and the Several Terms and Estates thereby Granted
368    Shall be remain and continue to and upon the Several Trusts
369    Interests and Purposes (or as near) the Same and may be as the
370    present Subsisting Leasehold premises are made lyable to
    [Page 9]
371    by this my Will any thing before to the Contrary in any wise
372    notwithstanding And Whereas by virtue of a certain Indenture
373    bearing Date the Second day of May which was in the year
374    of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven
375    Inrolled in his Majestys High Court of Chancery and made
376    between the said George Tyndale Robert Hale Gentlemen
377    Francis Brown Merchant since deceased and me the said Richard
378    Blake all of the said City of Bristol of the one part and
379    Francis Ward of the Same City Gentleman of the other part
380    or by other Good and lawful ways and means in the Law
381    I am and stand Seized in Fee of and in one Quarter
382    Undivided part or Share of a messuage or Tenement
383    Commonly called the Boarshead Inn with the Stables Porch
384    Houses and other Outhouses yard Garden and other Ground
385    thereto belonging As also of and in one Quarter part
386    Undivided of a Certain Close or Closes or Ground lately
387    belonging to the said Messuage or Inn and which have not
388    been Granted out in Fee Farm or at perpetual yearly rents
389    And also of and in One undivided Quarter part of Share
390    of Certain other Messuages or Tenements Garden Ground
391    and hereditts some time ago purchased or Richard Lane
392    Esquire and other hereditts in the said Indenture particularly
393    taken notice of And Whereas I am possessed for the
394    Remainder of a Term of One thousand or some long
395    Term of years of and in a Certain Close or Certain Closes
396    of Ground commonly of late called Bullocks Park All which
397    said Freehold and Leasehold premises are Situate lying and
398    being in the parish of Saint Augustine the less in the City of
399    Bristol aforesaid and all or Great part of the said Freehold
400    and Leasehold premises (which has not hitherto been Granted out
401    for Erecting houses and other Buildings thereon is Intended
402    to be Granted out for Building and as it may become necessary
403    to pull down or to make alterations or additional to or in the said
404    house called the Boarshead Inn and the Outhouses thereto
405    belonging as also to pull Down and Erect other Buildings
406    in the Ground delineated and marked out by Mr Thomas Paty
407    of the Said City of Bristol Master Builder in a Plan
408    by him Drawn to go with the said Boarshead Inn I Do
409    therefore Give Devise and bequeath all and Singular the
410    Said Quarter part of Share belonging to me of and in
411    the Said last mentioned Freehold and Leasehold premises in
412    the said Parish of Saint Augustine the less unto them my said
413    Sons in Law the Said Richard Woodward and John Deverell
414    and the Survivor of them (that is to say) as to such part or
415    parts as are Freehold to them and the Survivor of them his
416    heirs and assigns for ever and as to such part or parts
417    as are Leasehold to them and the Survivor of them his
418    Executors Admors and assigns for all my Term Estate and
419    Interest therein Upon Trust for them the said Richard
420    Woodward and John Deverell or the Survivor of them his
421    heirs Executors and Admors to Grant and Let out or to Join
422    in Granting and Letting out in Fee Firm such part or
    [Page 10]
423    Years of the said Freehold Premises and to Demise and Grant
424    such part or parts of the Leasehold Premises for any Term
425    or Terms of Years not Exceeding Seven hundred years at such
426    yearly Rents as they or the Survivor of them his heirs
427    Executors or Admors can get for the Same and Commencing at
428    such Days and times as they or the Survivor of them his
429    heirs Executors or Admors Shall think or find to be fit and
430    reasonable and for them the said Richard Woodward and
431    John Deverell or the Survivor of them his heirs Executors
432    or Admors in Such Grant or Grants as they Shall make and
433    Execute to Enter into as Executive Covenants and Agreements as
434    I would or ought to enter into If living and also Upon Trust
435    for them the said Richard Woodward and John Deverell or
436    the Survivor of them his heirs Executors Admors or Assigns
437    to Join and Consent to the pulling Down any Buildings and
438    to the making any alterations Additions or new Erections to or
439    on the Saide Freehold and Leasehold premises as to them or the
440    Survivor of them his heirs Executors Admors or Assigns
441    shall deem meet and I do hereby order and Direct that the
442    one Quarter part of the Several Rents which may be reserved
443    and made payable by any Grant or Grants that they the
444    said Richard Woodward and John Deverell or the Survivor of
445    them his Heirs Executors or Admors respectively shall make
446    or Join in of the Freehold and Leasehold premises
447    respectively shall go to and they the said Richard Woodward
448    and John Deverell and the Survivor of them his heirs
449    Executors or Admors shall respectively Stand Seized and possessed
450    of Such Quarter part of the Said Rents respectively In Trust
451    for the person or persons their his or her heirs Executors or
452    Admors who Shall be Entitled to my other Freehold and Leasehold
453    Estates therein before by me Devised and that they the said
454    Richard Woodward and John Deverell respectively their and
455    each of their heirs Executors and Admors shall be repaid and
456    may retain out of my personal and Residuary Estate all Costs
457    Charges and Expences that they or any or either of them may be
458    at or put unto with respect to the hereinbefore last mentioned
459    Intrusted Freehold and Leasehold Estates in the said parish of
460    Saint Augustine the less And Whereas I am and Stand Seized
461    as Tenant in Common with the said George Tyndall and
462    Robert Hale of and in One Third Undivided part of Share of
463    Certain Messuages or Tenements with their Appurts Situate
464    Standing and being in Cornstreet in the parish of Saint
465    Leonard in the City of Bristol now in the Tenure of Philip
466    Bowyer Hooper the said George Tyndale and John Millett
467    Hatter and of Certain Warehouses Stables Cellars and
468    Brewhouse Situate Standing and being in Saint Nicholas
469    Street and Baldwin Street in the parish of Saint Nicholas
470    within the said City or in the parish of Saint Leonard or one
471    of them now in the Several Occupations of William Tucker
472    Victualler _____Terrel Mealman Nicholas Simpson
473    apothecary and _____________Powell Hooper as Tenants and
474    also of and in one third Undivided part or share of ______
    [Page 11]
475    a Certain yearly Chief rent of Fourteen pounds a year
476    Issuing and payable for ever out of a Certain Close of
477    Ground or Messuages or Tenements thereon Erected and
478    Built Situate lying and being in the parish of Saint James
479    within the said City of Bristol and by me and the said George
480    Tyndale and Robert Hale Granted to Samuel Gaines
481    Carpenter and his heirs as Such Said yearly Rent of fourteen
482    pounds I do therefore Give such my said Third part of Share
483    in and to the said last mentioned Messuages with their
484    Appurts Situate and being in Cornstreet and my Said Ware
485    houses Stables Cellars and Brewhouse Situate and being
486    in Saint Nicholas Street and Baldwin Street aforesaid and my said
487    Third part of the said Yearly Rent of Fourteen pounds Issuing
488    and payable as aforesaid unto them the said Richard Woodward
489    and John Deverell and the Survivor of them his heirs and
490    assigns for ever In Trust for them or the Survivor of them
491    his heirs or assigns to sell the same to such person or persons
492    his her or their heirs or assigns as shall be willing to
493    purchase the same and at the best price that can be
494    Gotten for the same and the moneys arising from such said Sale
495    or Sales to pay and apply to and for the like Ends Trusts
496    Intents and Purposes as I have herein before Directed my
497    Residuary Personal Estate to be applied anything before
498    to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding And Whereas
499    I am and stand possessed of and in one Fourth Undivided
500    part in Common with the said George Tyndale Robert
501    Hale and the Representatives of Francis Brown deceased
502    of and in a certain Messuage or Tenement with its Appurts
503    Situate Standing and being on the East Side of Park Street
504    at the first Entrance into the same late in the Occupation
505    of the said Robert Hale Situate in the Said parish of
506    Saint Augustine the less I do therefore Give such my said
507    Quarter part of and in the said Messuage to them the said
508    Richard Woodward and John Deverell and the Survivor of
509    them his Executors and Admors for all my Estate Term and
510    Interest therein In Trust for them the said Richard Woodward
511    and John Deverell or the Survivor of them his Executors
512    Admors to Sell and Dispose of such my Said Quarter part
513    and all my Estate and Interest therein unto such person or
514    persons his Executors or Admors as Shall be minded to
515    purchase the Same and the Moneys arising from Such Sale
516    to pay and apply to and for the like Intents Trusts and
517    purposes as the Moneys arising from the Sale of my Said
518    Third part of my Messuages In Corn Street and hereditts
519    in Saint Nicholas Street Baldwin Street and my Said Third
520    part of the Sh[a]r[e] of rent of Fourteen pounds a year is
521    Directed to be applied as aforesaid And I do hereby direct
522    that no person or persons who Shall or may be become a
523    purchaser of the premises to be Sold by Virtue of all or
524    any of the Powers hereby by me Given shall be answerable
525    for the misapplication or non application of the Consideration
526    Money to be Given for their respective purchases and that
    [Page 12]
527    the Receipts or Receipt of them the said Richard Woodward
528    and John Deverell or of the Survivor of them his Heirs
529    Executors or Admors according to the nature of what shall
530    be Sold Shall be a full and effectual Discharge to the person
531    or persons who shall purchase the premises so authorized
532    to be Sold or any part thereof And I do hereby Indempnefy
533    them the said Richard Woodward John Deverell and William
534    Blake and each of them their and each of their Executors
535    and Admors from all Costs Charges Damages and Expences
536    that they any or either of them Shall or may be at or put
537    unto by reason or means of their or any or either of their
538    acting under the Trusts of this my Will and do Direct that
539    the one of them Shall not be answerable for the other
540    acts Receipt or Receipts Default or Defaults of the
541    other of them But each for his own Act or Acts only nor
542    for the Insufficiency of any Security to be taken for my
543    Trust Estate or any part thereof Nor for any
544    Involuntary Loss whatsoever And I do hereby Nominate
545    and appoint them the said Richard Woodward John
546    Deverell and William Blake Executors In Trust of this
547    my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke all former
548    and other Will or Wills by me made and declare this to be
549    my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have
550    to this my last Will and Testament contained in Sixteen
551    Sides of Sixteen Sheets of paper To the first Fifteen Sides
552    Set my hand and to this Sixteenth and last side my hand and
553    Seal this third Day of July in the year of our Lord One
554    thousand Seven hundred and Seventy, Richd Blake
555    Signed Sealed published and Declared by the said Testator
556    to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who
557    in his presence and at his request and in the presence of
558    each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses
559    John Gresley Jun[io]r Fran[ci]s Ward Geo: Rogers
560    Memorandum I Give to my Friend
561    Mr. William Blake in my Will reserved the Sum of
562    Twenty pounds of Lawful Brittish Money to be paid at
563    the time of my other Legacys by my Will Given and Directed
564    to be paid As Witness my hand this Fifth day of July
565    1770 Richd Blake Witness Fran[ci]s Ward
566    Geo: Rogers
567    This Will was proved at London (with a
568    Codicil) the Eighteenth day of February in the year of our
569    Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy one before the
570    Right Worshipful George Hay Doctor of Laws Master
571    Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
572    Lawfully Constituted by the Oaths of Richard Woodward Doctor
573    of Laws and John Deverell Esquire two of the Executors
574    to whom Administration was Granted they having been first
    [Page 13]
575    Sworn by Commission duly to administer William Blake
576    the other Executor named in the said Will having first
577    renounced the Execution thereof

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