Thursday, June 26, 2014

Will of Elinor Blake of Bitton, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 18 Apr 1646

Elinor Blake is the testatrix and this would appear to be her second marriage as she has a number of children with the surname Jones. One married daughter Palmer perhaps. No mention of Blake other than her surname.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 26 June 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Elinor Blake
Place: Bitton, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document:17 Apr 1645, probated 18 Apr 1646
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Top]: T[estamentu]m: Elanorie Blake
[Top]: 58
[Margin]: 29

1    In the name of god amen, I Elinor Blake of Bitton in the
2    county of Glouc[este]r widow beinge sicke of body but of p[er]fect minde
3    and memory (thankes be unto god) doe make my last will and
4    testament this 17th day of Aprill 1645 in forme and manner
5    following: First I bequeth my soule unto the hands of god my
6    mercifull father through Jesus christ my redeemer and my body
7    to the earth to be buried in the churchyard of Bitton: as for
8    my wordly goods I dispose in forme and manner following
9    Imprimis I give unto my sonne Robert Jones one bed the worth
10    I have with yt clothes and bed sheat the unto appertainenye and commonly
11    used with him: Ite[m] I give unto my Grandchild Robert Jones one
12    Ewe and lambe Ite[m] I give unto my sonne Edward Jones one shilling
13    Ite[m] I give unto my sonne Mathew Jones one shilling Ite[m] I give
14    unto Mary Palmer wife unto Robert Palmer my best gowne
15    Ite[m] I give unto my sonne Robert Jones all the butchers
16    tooles except only two Clevers Ite[m] I give unto my daughterlaw
17    Deborah Jones my best Gloves Ite[m] I give unto my Grandchild
18    Elizabeth Jones my best Pewter cup Ite[m] I give unto Joane
19    Phillippe one old safeguard and one old smocke Ite[m] I give unto
20    Anne Longe one old smocke Ite[m] I give unto Sarah
21    Nicols my dayly wereinge petticoat and wastcoate Ite[m] all
22    the rest of my Goods moveable and immoveable I give unto my
23    sonne Henry Jones whome I make my sole and only
24    executor And by this act I disannul all former wills
25    whatsoever In Witnesse whereof I have set hereunto
26    my hand the 17th day of Aprill anno d[omi]ni 1645
27    Published and Signed
28    in p[re]sence of us
29    Elinor X
30    Blake   her marke
31    Signed
32    John X Phillipps
33    Joh: Carpenter
34    Probat fuit humoi testamentum apud _____________
35    18 die Apriles Anno d[omi]ni 1646

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