Friday, June 27, 2014

Will of Elizabeth Blake of Up Hatherley, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills from Ancestry, probated 15 Mar 1724.

Another interesting administration and this time for Elizabeth Blake mother of Giles Blake of the City of Gloucester. Elizabeth lived at Up Hatherley which is just four miles from the City of Gloucester. There is a Gyles Blake son of Thomas Blake baptized at Prestbury which is just 5 miles from Up Hatherley 30 Nov 1687. Also baptized to Thomas at Prestbury 6 Jun 1686 a Thomas and 18 Dec 1689 John (deceased 19 Dec 1689). As well Thomas 8 Feb 1684, Martha 29 Apr 1683 and Frances 29 Jun 1684. Googling Thomas Blake at Prestbury did not reveal anything more about this family. There is a will for a Thomas Blake 1712 to come and a quick check shows it to be a probate only which mentioned a Johem Blake as executor. No particular place mentioned. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 June 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Elizabeth Blake
Place: Up Hatherley, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document:15 Mar 1724, probated 15 Mar 1724
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

1    Noverint universi per p[re]sentes nos Aegidius Blake de Civit Gloucs
2    Fabram Ferrarius Anthonie Walker de eadem Fabram
3    Ferrarius et Johem deo
4    teneri et firmiter obligari rendo in depo pre et duo dno Josepho
5    permisene dea Glouc Epom Qungentij
6    libris bouce et legalis monetae Angliae solvendis eisdem Epo aut
7    sno certo Attornato Executori vel Administratori suis ad quam quidem solutionem bene
8    et fideliter faciendam Obligamus nos et quemlibet no[str]um per se pro toto et in solidum
9    Here[de]s Executores et Administratores nostros firmiter per presents
10    sigillis no[str]is sigillatas Dat quinto die mensis Martij
11    Annoque Regni duo Georgij
12    dei gracia Magma Britania Francia et Hibernie Regis
13    The Condic[i]on of this Obligacon is such that if the abovebound Giles Blake lawfull
14    and N[atu]rall Son and Administrator of all and singuler the goods ch[at]ells
15    and credits of Elizabeth Blake late of Up Hatherley widow deceased
16    doe make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods
17    chattels and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands pos[sess]ion
18    or knowledge of him the said Giles Blake or
19    into the hands and possession of any person or persons for him and the same so
20    made doe exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the aboves[ai]d Lord
21    Bishop at Glouc at or before the last day of April next
22    ensuing And the same goods chattels and credits and all other the goods chattels and credits
23    of the said deceased at the time of her death which at any time after shall come to the
24    hands or possession of the said Giles Blake or into the hands and
25    possession of any other person or persons for him doe well and truly administer
26    according to law And further doe make or cause to be made a true and inst accompt
27    of his s[ai]d Ad[ministra]con at or before the last day of February udet
28    and all the rest and residue of the said goods chattels and credits which shall be found
29    remaining upon the said Administrators accompt the same being first examined and
30    allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of the said Court shall deliver
31    and pay unto such person or persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges by his
32    or their decree or sentence p[ur]suant to the true intent and meaning of a late Act of
33    Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth yeares of the raigne
34    of o[u]r Late Soveraigne L[or]d King Charles the second (Intituled An Act for the better
35    settling of Intestates (Istates) shall limit and appoint And if it shall hereafter
36    appeare that any last will and Testament was made by the said deceased and the
37    Executor or Executors therein named doe exhibit the same into the said Court making
38    request to have it allowed and approved accordingly if the said Giles Blake
39    above bounden being thereunto required doe render and deliver the said Lines of Ad[ministrat]con
40    (approbacion of such Testament being first had and made) in the said County Then this
41    Obligacon to be void and of none effect or otherwise remaine in full force and virtue
42    Sealed and Delivered
43    in the presence of
44    Ro Moore N P
45    Giles Blacke
46    Anthony Walker

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