Friday, July 18, 2014

Will of Anne Blake, widow, Bristol Gloucestershire late of Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 23 Nov 1763

This blog replaces the earlier blog for this will of Anne Blake. No new information other than dates was acquired. 

Anne Blake, widow, is the testatrix. She lived at Chipping Sodbury and now at Bristol. Her kinswoman Mary Day (mother of John Day) and wife of John Day soapmaker along with her son John are her legatees. Interestingly there is a reference to a Mary Day mother of John Day who was a sister to Joseph Blake of New Windsor, Berkshire. This Joseph may have married in 1777 but still somewhat late for the calendar date where this document is listed in Volume II Calendar of Gloucestershire Wills of 1763.

Blog for Joseph Blake:

An interesting Bristol Stray listed by a researchers on the Bristol and Somerset L Archives:

John Day St Thomas Bristol married Mary Prewett 30 Mar 1749.

Gloucestershire Parish Registers. Marriages. Edited by WPW Phillimore volume XVI, 1912. John Day of Letchlade and Mary Ludlow of Great Hendred Berkshire by license 20 May 1725 at Fairford (page 95). Same book John Day of Letchlade and Ann Hitchman of Cullum by license 28 Feb 1730.

The Day family is also mentioned in the will of Nicholas Blake, yeoman of Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire blogged earlier:

No ideas on the name of her husband but of note two sons of Richard Blake and Mary Blake at Chipping Sodbury were buried there – Joseph in 1715 and Samuel no date given in the blog looking at Gloucestershire memorials:

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 May 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Anne Blake, widow
Place: Bristol, Gloucestershire, England late of Chippen Sodbury, Gloucestershire
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 22 Oct 1757, probated 23 Nov 1763
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

1    In the name of God Amen
2    Anne Blake late of Chippen Sodbury in the County of Gloucester
3    but now of the parish of Saint Thomas within the City of
4    Bristol widow being in bodily health and of sound and disposing
5    mind memory and understanding (praise God for it) Do
6    make and ordain this my last will and Testament in man[n]er
7    following (that is to say) In the First place I resign my Soul
8    into the hands of almighty God who created it and my body
9    I com[m]itt to the Earth from whence it came to be decently
10    interred at the discression of my Executrix hereinafter
11    named and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it
12    hath pleased almighty God of his Infinite goodness and
13    mercy to bless me I give and dispose thereof as followeth
14    (to witt) I give devise and bequeath unto my Kinsman John Day
15    (son of my kinsman in Law John Day of the said parish of Saint
16    Thomas within the City of Bristol aforesaid soapmaker on
17    the body of my near kinswoman Mary his now wife begotten)
18    All that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement Closes
19    pieces and parcells of ground Lands hereditaments and
20    premises with their and every of their appurten[an]ces situate
21    lying and being within the parish of Little Sodbury in the said
22    county of Gloucester and also all other my Freehold Lands
23    Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever
24    which I now am or shall or may at the time of my death be
25    seized of interested in or intituled unto To hold to him
26    the said John Day the son his heirs and assigns for ever
27    Also I give and bequeath unto my said well beloved
28    kinswoman Mary Day All and singular my Leasehold Lands
29    Tenements and premises with their and every of their appurten[an]ces
30    Anne Blake
    [Page 2]
31    And also all my Goods Chattells monys plate personal estate
32    whatsoever and wheresoever which I shall or may be
33    possessed of interested in or intitled unto at the time of
34    my death To hold unto my said Loving Kinswoman Mary
35    Day her Executors administrators and assigns for ever and
36    I do hereby make ordain constitute and appoint my said
37    kinswoman Mary Day sole Executrix of this my last will
38    and Testament and I do hereby revoke and make void all
39    former wills by me made and do publish and declare this
40    to be my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I the
41    said Anne Blake the Testatrix have to this my last will and
42    Testament contained in these two sheets of paper affixed
43    together to the bottom of the First sheet sett my hand and to
44    this last sheet my hand and affixed my seal this Twenty second
45    day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand
46    seven hundred and Fifty seven and in the thirty First year
47    of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the
48    grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland
49    defender of the Faith and so forth
50    Anne Blake
51    Signed Sealed published and declared by
52    the hereinbefore named Anne Blake
53    the Testatrix as and for her last will and
54    Testament in the presence of us who
55    have subscribed our names as
56    Witnesses hereto in her presence and
57    at her request this 22nd day of October 1757
58    Rich: Hill
59    William Sharborne
60    W M Jones
    [Page 3]
61    This Will was proved the 23rd day of November in the Year of Our Lord 1763 before
62    the Worshipful James Benson Doctor of Laws Vicar General in Spiritual of
63    the Right Reverend Father in God William by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of the
64    Diocese of Gloucester and of his Episcopal Consistory Official Principal Lawfully
65    Constituted by Mary Day Sole Executrix of Will and to whom and having first sworn
66    well and faithfuly to administer to the said Will and also to exhibit an Inventory
67    and render an Account and forth
    [Page 4]
68    James Brown Doctor of Laws Vicar General in Spirituals of the Right Reverend
69    Father in God William by Divine permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester
70    and of his Episcopal Consistory Official principal lawfull constituted To the Reverend
71    John Price Thomas Broughton and Humphry Brent Coopey Clerks Greeting We
72    do by these presents Commit Our power and Authority to you jointly and severally
73    in whole Fidelity We confide to receive the corporal Oath of Mary Dayk, the Wife
74    of John Day of the City of Bristol Soapmaker The sole Executrix named in the last
75    Will and Testament of Anne Blake late of Chipping Sodbury in the County and
76    Diocese of Gloucester Widow deceased Well and faithfully to administer to All
77    and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said deceased And also
78    to exhibit in presenting and render an Account according to the Tenor of the
79    Underwritten Oath And what ye do in the premises ye are duely to certify to
80    the Bar Surrogate or other Competent Judge in this Behalf together with These
81    presents on or before the last Day of December and ensueing the Date hereof
82    Given Under the Seal of Our Office this Eighteenth Day of November in the
83    year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Three
84    Wm Mount Register
85    The Oath
86    Mary Day
87    you shall swear That you Believe the paper Writing hereunto annexed
88    contains the last Will and Testament of Anne Blake late of Chipping Sodbury
89    in the County and Diocese of Gloucester Widow deceased That you are the
90    Executrix therein named That you will well and faithfully administer to her
91    Will by paying her Debts and Legacys so far as the Goods will extend and the
92    law bind you That You will exhibit an Inventory into the Registry of the Bishop
93    of Gloucester and render an Account of your Administration when you are
94    hereunto lawfully required
95    So help you God Kiss the Book
96    The Twenty third Day of November 1763
97    The above named Mary Day was duely sworn
98    according to the Tenor of the above Commission before me
99    Hum: Brent Coopey a Commissioner

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