Monday, September 15, 2014

BIFHSGO Conference - 19 - 21 Sep 2014

We were slated to be in France in September so did not organize having a Guild of One Name Studies at the BIFHSGO Conference,  first miss in a few years. As it turned out my sciatica and arthritis have been bothering me for over a month now so am finding it difficult to sit for periods of longer than a few minutes initially although I can now manage 20 minutes and hope to increase that!

This is going to be a really exciting Conference however and I am very sorry to miss hearing all the excellent speakers that are coming. Especially as it is English family history and Janet Few is streamed in talking about North Devon and Paul Milner's talks will be excellent. Debbie Kennett will be speaking on DNA and these talks will also be very interesting.

Luckily we went to France in May and June as I would find a bus trip very very difficult these past six weeks. It is amazing actually how fast time passes. I did have xrays and hope to have an MRI so that I can go and review the therapy exercises that I use for sciatica! Remembering my last dealings with a torn rotator cap and getting therapy for that it could be a little while before anything really happens! In the meantime I walk a lot.


  1. Elizabeth,

    I'm sorry to hear that you've not been well. Did you have to cancel your second holiday? When we corresponded back in August you said you would be away on holiday this year for the BIFHSGO conference.

    It was a very enjoyable conference. I did four talks on DNA testing but I also did a talk on "The Joy of Surnames" which I hope will have helped to promote the Guild of One-Name Studies. I had a table selling DNA kits for FTDNA so I couldn't do anything for the Guild as well, but it was nice to meet up with some other Guild members while I was there. I also sold lots of DNA kits!

  2. We did not go away in September as planned but attending the entire Conference was not feasible at the time although I was sorry to have missed it actually including your talks. Thank you for your kind words.
