Friday, September 12, 2014

Penquite Landrake Cornwall Blake family and others

I am still continuing to work on the Blake family at Landrake (with St Erney) Cornwall family. Life has been rather busy and a recurrent back problem has sidelined me for a while. Hope to be back at blogging by early October.

The Blake family at Landrake has been quite an interesting place to start looking at the Blake family in Cornwall. There does appear to be a continuous line of Blake there from the 1600s on. I am left to wonder if this line goes back to the earliest records in the Calendar of Patent Rolls. I shall have to pursue that link later but will keep it in the back of my mind.

Gardening is also going to take up my time although perhaps not quite as much as usual. But early October should see me back at transcription of the PCC wills and the county wills. I need to complete Gloucester wills from the Consistory Court at Bristol. There are twelve remaining.

Time has passed and moving on from Gloucester I need to decide where next. I have about 30 wills from Family Search for the Winchester Court which would be interesting to do but I would also like to complete the PCC wills in a reasonable time frame so suspect that I will return to that set of records. That would be the five wills from Hertfordshire. Then two in Huntingdonshire would follow.  On to Kent after that where there are twenty six wills to transcribe. Perhaps I will be able to complete this grouping by Christmas. That brings me closer to London and Middlesex where there are so many both PCC and Diocesan Courts.

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