Thursday, October 16, 2014

Returning slowly to transcription

I will be slowly returning to transcription and hope to be back at it full time again by early December. Instead of eight hours or so a day at my computer I find time for a couple of hours only. Thank you to everyone for your kind words. During this long interval of months I have been once again rethinking my approach on my studies of all my lines and my new methodology will not emerge until after the New Year. My this year has passed fast in actual fact.

I did test with Ancestry DNA and was quite pleased with the results. I have a 5th cousin once removed on my Buller line and we did not match when I tested her at Family Finder and downloading all the results and taking them into Gedmatch did not reveal anything. Tested at Ancestry DNA and we still do not have a match but we do have a mutual cousin that we both match and that can only be on the Buller side. I just happen to be a third cousin to this individual. The matches at Ancestry appear to be more distant in their estimation than FT DNA in that she is judged to be a 4th to 6th cousin whereas a known 4th cousin at FT DNA was said to be a 2nd to 4th cousin. All in how they do it and we benefit from their effort nevertheless.

My  ethnicity estimate was rather interesting at Ancestry and possibly the closest to what my estimate would be and that was 64% Great Britain, 14% Ireland (yielding 78% British Isles), 11% Europe West (probably accounts for my German matches everywhere), 6% Scandinavia and I have no ideas on that ancestry. Trace Regions Iberian Peninsula 1%, Europe East 1%, Italy/Greece 1%, Finland, Northwest Russia 1%, and Melanesia less than 1%.

Back to exercise as I do that about eight times a day for an hour at a time; plus amazingly I can still run so do 3K morning and evening. We also walk 4 K or so per day and the hours pass quickly. It is amazing how much a back problem can affect your entire life style!

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