Sunday, December 7, 2014

Continuing Break

I am continuing to take a break from genealogy. I have relocated my working area to permit me to have more area in which to spread out my work in terms of books being open for long period, charting by hand and just sitting and reading quietly on genealogy. I intend to spend less time on my computer and get back to doing some other interesting items that have passed me by this past ten years like reading and knitting.

However, I will continue with the Blake and Pincombe one name studies at the Guild but also want to do some work on my other surnames which I have registered with The Surname Society. My only real commitments are three newsletters - the Blake Newsletter published quarterly Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct, my Canada East newsletter published June and December and The Surname Scribbler (The Surname Society Newsletter) published Feb, May, Aug and Nov.

Although I did take back Canada East representative at the Guild of one name studies it will be the same as the way I took it on originally and that was only until someone else wants to take it on. Canada East is much too large an area to even consider being able to manage all of it.

I hope to return to blogging in the New Year and in the meantime Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I have agreed to speak at the January meeting of the OGS Ottawa Branch on Surname Studies (and I will also mention Place Studies because of my own good luck with thoroughly learning about Bishops Nympton and Upper Clatford). Knowing one's village of ancestry in terms of the people who live there can give one a much better picture of one's own ancestors - where they lived, what they did and all their sibling lines coming down from the beginning of the Parish Registers and if land ownership was involved then back into the Manor Books to learn even more. 

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